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Still, got until tomorrow to see the full potential fallout, but with the ongoing decline pain added to Patreon charging people in the EU tax I was sure I was going to have my funding collapse well below the break even point, so that so far it hasn't is absolutely bloody wonderful. Thank you.  
  • No Haven

Oof not quite September for that update. Blame that holiday, doing much more with the debt effects than I thought I would, and that in the last couple of days I thought 'fuck it, it'll be an age until I can swing some more fae commissions. Let's see what I can put together rather than just having them be ladies only for now'. Took some fairly extensive edits, but it did mean I didn't have to mess around with doing half the name generation and could do it all in one go. 

Going from the feedback so far that seems like that was appreciated, which is nice :)

Public update is now up in all the usual places. Got nothing on at all for October other than this, so this month is going to be a fantastic chance to catch up and expand after the last few very hectic months. 

To quote myself from the Direction polling post that went up on Tuesday:

Plan is to expand on much of the content from the last few months to include all the planned concepts that I just ran out of time to include. That means bimbo training using those two commissions along with the hypnotic on slaves content, way more corruptions that I planned, more lore unlocks, more sexy time text, just more, more, more and all with added polish in general.  

There's also the Discord assignment to do along with what gets voted on in the Direction polling. 

I've heard the feedback on the debt forced gender change and I'm going to try and add a toggle in the options to block that for those who want to. Does mean writing some more events for the final level of debt as they assume right now you have all three holes available. This will also block gender change from corruption, though currently I think I'm going to leave QAYL as it is as I think that's a core part of that assignment. Will have a look though and maybe it's more adjustable than I think right now.  Will see. 

  • Whorelock's Revenge 

Had some really excellent feedback that while a map isn't going to be included the lack of the RAGS directional arrows is really hurting the visual experience. 

What I've managed to put together is some arrows that will both reflect the directions available and give feedback on whether you've visited that direction before so I hope that will help make the game more playable. Ideally I'd like to make them clickable as an alternative to the text which could then also update those text links, but that's a lot more complex to put it lightly.

Showed them off on the discord and the feedback is that they look like they could really help matters. 

Had big setbacks with how the sex fatigue was calculated and realising that the arousal tracker was completely broken with the changes to twine and had to be completely rethought. Should be back into testing I hope now and you should be seeing a release of this sometime this month. 

  • Commissions 

People liked the Demi-Angel busts a lot more than I thought which was lovely. Had spent so long with them due to factors alluded to elsewhere that I'd lost my ability to judge them objectively so I'm really glad that they went over well. 

Seen line work for the True Angel commission and it's looking absolutely incredible. By far going to be the biggest commission out of them all so far, and based on the line work I really think it's going to be something special. 

Next round of commission voting should start this Saturday. 

  • HMVs, The Secret Project, No Haven to Twine conversion

Given I've got some extra time this month I'm really hoping to get a new HMV out. I'd also like to use this month to do some work on the secret project along with starting to do the preliminary work on the NH Twine conversion if at all possible. 

Of course none of these will take a higher priority to getting the October update of No Haven out. 

  • Picarto
22:30 BST Thu 4th Oct - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Fri 5th Oct - Whorelock's Revenge  
22:30 BST Sat 6th Oct -Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sun 7th Oct - Whorelock's Revenge  
22:30 BST Wed 10th Oct (or 11th)  - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Fri 12th Oct - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sat 13th Oct - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sun 14th Oct - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Wed 17th Oct (or 18th)  - Whorelock's Revenge 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!