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 Turns out there were a couple of extra fixes needed. Thanks for everyone that reported issues. 

The other reason for this extra hotfix was so I could highlight this extra bit on my tumblr help page. A poster on the Collective has come up with some potentially very useful improvements to RAGS. They may also help with stability with longer assignments for those that are having issues with that. 



-Added the long assignment bonus couple of days of planning from Tyrannical Legacy to Pillow Talk. 

-Changed the description for the largest size of cocks, and fixed the minor grammar issue with the two largest size of cocks. 

-Fix for Lock and Key still giving the gold reward if you fail. 

-Fix for an inconsistency with getting the Ensnared Rose assignments. 

-Fix for the aspect from debt effects not applying properly. 

-Fix for the town only going up to half way through the potential results.

-Some text fixes. 


Keldan Neophyte

How far do the debt effects of the Ensnared Rose go? I got as far as biomancy trials but then I just seemed to get stuck on the same 'wear creations for ten days to lower debt' assignment over and over. Does it go further than that and how do I trigger it?


Stop going to the Rose after the second plug transformation (Which also seems to be bugged, you get the super enhanced anal pleasure and then another lights out transformation immediately after). And then you should get either an enhanced display around 4 or 5k debt. At around 9k I got a "Be a set of holes another ten times" one, but it didn't seem to have a corresponding Mistress scene.