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Mixing the order around this fortnight for reasons that will soon become obvious. Will still be talking about No Haven so if that's what you're interested in feel free to skip past this first bit. 
  • Whorelock's Revenge 

After years of false starts, near burnout so complete it took starting No Haven to get me out of it, extensive experiments with Unity and Ren'py among shorter tries of other programs, and having to learn a great deal near entirely from scratch, the Whorelock's Revenge Twine Preview build should be released to patreon this weekend. 

This will include the following content:

The first two Beastkin and Draenei regions being fully generated including the unclaimed part of the map between them.  
All of the Beastkin and Draenei region encounters. 
Three starting races in Elves, Draenei and Lamia.
All of the different resistance options and outcomes.
The Character Sheet and Inventory (though Inventory for now will be mainly non functionable)
All of the Dark Spells including the Warpzone and Bondage, with the exception of Polymorph. 
All of the Special Rooms with the exceptions of the Prison. 
Ability to view the current area, rest, wait, and free yourself from being tied up. 
Be able to get lost, both with returning to where you were before, and being moved to another area.
The effects of sex with the exception of being imprisoned. 

Most of what's missing like the other regions, chests, items, potions, the prison and so on has been converted from RAGS and to a great extent is on the disc as it were.

What I wanted to do though is to make sure there was no problems, concerns, or improvements needed hence me putting out this vertical slice of the game first. 

Theoretically having done so much of the extra work done first means that if the implementation is found to be good getting the game into the state it was in the RAGS version should be a hell of a lot quicker process. 

Saying that there are certain elements like enchanting and the gear in general where I basically had to set fire to the old implementation and will have to pretty much start over from scratch as there was just no way to get it to work the same way in Twine.  

There's also quite a bit of content from the art composition to the writing where the couple of years of getting better at this since they were first done does make some of the older ropier stuff stick out like a sore thumb to me and I'd like to improve that where possible. 

I have made the odd improvement here and there in this preview version like with the elf introductory lore to get it to fit with the evolved version of my setting in No Haven. Still, there's a great deal of polish that could do with being done.  

It's also strongly pointed out to me how much of a bad idea it was to have one of the starting two regions completely circumvent a lot of the gameplay decisions i.e. Beastkin and there ambushing meaning you don't usually get resistance options till you can find ways to circumvent their ability, which of course you don't get till later in the game if at all. 

I do have ideas for a region that could either be a third starting option or to be placed prior to the Beastkin. When I'm going to do that and/or will it need to be included in the commission polls is another question entirely. 

  • No Haven

While the writing and planning out was still going well in making progress for the next update I was having a nightmare getting myself to sit down and actually work with the different designer. 

Thankfully I managed to get myself over that annoying hump by deciding to do something short but reasonably complex to get my feet properly wet again. 

Rather than what I always used to do when I had similar issues which was make the Name or Clothing generators even more over the top again this time I changed up the mounts and beastmaster companions generator.  

So now instead of two separate bits, that was replicating a lot of the same options between them, there's now one with a lot more options to make the various fauna of No Haven even more diverse and freaky than they were before.

Went surprisingly well, and asauged a lot of my fears that the different RAGS designer would be impossible to work with in practice. 

Progress on this should now be picking up sharpish over the next week and so. Aiming to have a lot more solid to talk about here for the next one of these.  

  • Commissions 

Toll Bridge got done at last to my great relief and seems to have gone over well. 

Advanced Blowjob Training is progressing nicely and I saw some WIP colours yesterday. 

Next voting poll for the next round of commissions will be out in the next few days so that's the closest things have other come to having no commissions outstanding before putting the next one up. 

  •  HMVs

Right no one has mentioned this whatsoever, but as I feel it still needs to be addressed so here goes. Yes I do have that HMV tier for early draft versions, and no I didn't put up A Very British HMV on there that went up on the tumblr April 1st. 

I hope from the date that it was understandable to just be an amusing bit of throwaway nonsense with the odd bits of reasonably snazzy editing and so felt it wasn't right to stick it up on the patreon prior to that date, or indeed at all, as it's not exactly representative of my proper stuff. 

  • New Project

Meant to mention this last time round and end up forgetting entirely. Basic upshot is that as I feel I'm behind on No Haven and being able to make Whorelock's on Twine playable at last, this absolutely should be on the back burner for now.

I may not quite be on the guaranteed update per month tier here meaning I can't always give this my whole attention, and the broadband and RAGS issues sure as hell didn't help whatsoever, but it's still something I'd like to aim for if I can and this new project would currently only be taking vital time and effort away from that. 

It's not forgotten though and I've had the odd thought about how to improve the base UI for the game in Twine.

  • Picarto

Broadband has been solid which is such a massive relief. Without these streams I'm not sure I'd have ever got the Whorelock's twine version into the state it's in now.  

22:30 BST Thu 5th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Fri 6th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sat 7th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sun 8th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Wed 11th Apr (or 12th) - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Fri 13th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sat 14th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sun 15th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Wed 18th Apr (or 19th)  - Whorelock's Revenge 

As always I hope that was useful, and thanks for your support! 



Glad to hear the progress on whorelocks revenge :3 can't wait for the first build