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To my utter amazement and serious gratitude we hit the break even tier this month! Thank you so, so much!

And then three hours later it dropped back under again. Then it bounded back over for a couple of days and now it's back to just under again. Truly life is like a roller coaster :D

Did make me consider just how that tier is going to work as it wasn't even that clear even to me when I thought about it properly. 

So what I'm come up with is the following which will be what that shortened version on the tier will mean. 

'If on the 5th of a month the patreon is on or above the break even tier then I will guarantee the release of an update for one of my games by the end of that same month.'

Obviously I'd like to get an update out every month anyway as it's wise for me to do so in terms of keeping engagement up, but as things currently stand that is not always going to be possible without being reliably over that break point. 

Hope that sounds fair and understandable, and if you're wondering about the 5th specifically it's when Patreon finalises the total that I've actually got compared to what it might have been claiming.  

I've also added a couple of extra goals, which basically translate as even more commissions.

  • No Haven

Ended up doing an optional hotfix after the last one of these, and arguably I could well have done another one as there's definitely some issues with the biomancy on you new stuff along with some other lingering annoyances. 

Decided that I wanted to get on with the next update though which will be the corruption overhaul and Ensnared Rose debt repercussions. Thanks to patrons there will also be at least two assignment tier's worth of content on top of that, so this week I've mainly been working out ideas for those and doing some initial writing. 

  • Commissions 

Theoretically the new artist's work on Toll Bridge should be being started any day now based on what I was told. Hopefully this should see some progress at last before the next one of these. 

Ogre/Deep Mountains was completed yesterday and will be included in the next update. 

Draenei portrait maybe will be starting next week. Something's come up that I may need to change who I go with on this one, so yeah, not totally sure on this one still which I'm well aware is not totally ideal. 

By next one of these I aim to have arranged the commissions for Jan/Feb which will almost certainly be the Ori'Nek and advanced blowjob training.  

  • Whorelock's Revenge 

Woo! I finally finished all the XML converting in Sublime which I've been doing for the last couple of months on streams. Back to actually adding stuff to Twine again which is lovely to put it lightly. 

Currently moving over all the converted XML. This does involve content which will not be in the initial preview release, but I want to make sure I'm not missing complications that I've not accounted for. There's a lot of content like how items are equipped, enchanting, status effects, and chests that just have now common frame of refference between RAGS and Twine meaning they will need to be reworked out entirely. 

Also RAGS deservedly gets a lot of grief, but oh man the freedom with how you can construct variables out of other variables and various text formatting tricks is something I'm going to miss terribly. 

  • New Project

Realised I had to make a decision on the UI between ease of use and customization, but arguably not looking all that good, if not outright ugly, or looking a lot better with a clearer, prettier UI at far greater time investment and potential complication. 

I ended up deciding it had to be the second which I've now got working and I've translated most of the initial stuff into the new system. 

  • Picarto

Decision to include Fap Heroes went over well. Only issue there is there's not all that many of them that I'm happy streaming so these may not be an absolutely every stream thing to keep the ones that I do have fresh. 

Streamlabs has been incredible and even got some donations off it which is so very deeply appreciated.

I've been finding the Whorelock's Revenge streams recently to be impressively productive so will be focusing on those for the most part while I work on No Haven's next update offline. 

22:30 GMT Fri 23rd Feb (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge 
23:00-00:00 GMT Sat 24th Feb (Not sure on start time, might be later even) - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 GMT Sun 25th Feb (Definite) -  Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 GMT Wed 28th Feb (Definite) - No Haven
22:30 GMT Fri 2nd Mar (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 GMT Sat 3rd Mar (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge  
22:30 GMT Sun 4th Mar (Definite) - No Haven 

As always I hope that was useful, and thanks for your support!


xRed Games

Love the art. Keep up the good work! :) 👍


Loving No Haven so far. I Dont know if this is the right place to ask but in No haven is it possible to alter the starting points for character creation?