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Nothing too major in terms of fixes, but does include a new unique and a way to take Lacey Lapin via a full custom start by taking her as a Super Negative.  The non-TF edition of this will be the one getting the public release later today assuming nothing really wrong is discovered. 



-New recruitable Asanei unique. 

-How the penalty for lacking supplies works is now consistent across all assignments and now scales more in severity.

-Two new Super Negative traits to allow you to take either the new Lacey Lapin or Itzpa'ux Frozenclutch as your second-in-command leading to odd lapses in your memory when they are present in the encampment with you... 

-Made some improvements to the gender change renamer. 

-Reworded the success/fail results for Quick as you Like to improve the feedback.

-Super Negative Insatiable no longer adds to your Trait count.  

-Fix for Genevieve’s text when she isn’t in the first position. 

-Fix for the Draenei Farm wounding text. 

-Fix for Squirm and Writhe being listed as Spawn of the Light. 

-Fix for rep checks at finish day overwriting slaver names. 

-Fix for larger/shorter race clothing/armour adjusting only working for and not your slavers and slaves. 


austin fagan

for somereason when i download the new updates i keep getting the message that the files are unreadable


If you're getting that it's possible that a Windows update might have messed it up. Try the fixes on the tumblr linked to in the readme.