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  • No Haven

Woo, got 0.79 out! As you might have guessed had a painful time testing with what normally takes a couple of days to a week turning into three weeks which is obviously not ideal. Definitely highlights how important it is to be able to find the right groove where you can get into the flow of things.

There's going to be the usual round of hotfixes as a couple of things have been highlighted already, then it's looking ahead again. For those that missed it I put up a No Haven roadmap for 2018 on the tumblr which you might find of interest.  

For those that just want to know about 0.80:  Corruption overhaul in a similar fashion to what Biomancy got. More Ensnared Rose fleshing out including debt repercussions. Idle slavers getting up to stuff. Fatigue effects on slavers (Maybe). And the Direction Polling winner in All assignments properly reflecting your presence. 

  • Commissions 

As should come as no surprise I'm almost certainly going to have to look elsewhere for the Toll Bridge art. This isn't great as I really love the style of the artist and still think they'd have been a wonderful fit for the piece but it looks like it's just not going to happen. 

The Quick as You Like commission was finished and included in the game for the update. Knocked back by the reception that one got when I posted it on Tumblr and the Discord and it's clearly the most popular one so far. By the way if you do like them do leave a like here and/or on the tumblr as it's great feedback of which artists I should use again in future. It's not just for stroking my ego I swear :D

Seen more drafts on the Ogre/Deep Mountains scouting and I'm still pleased with how that ones going, though it's gone a bit quiet for the last week or so. Hopeful you'll see it by the next one of these. 

Complete radio silence on the draenei portrait artist which surprised me given how well the last time went. I would honnestly be appreciative of suggestions for fantasy male portrait artists who do regular commissions and don't have strict restrictions on use as it's not something I've had a lot of experience looking into.  

  • Whorelock's Revenge 

Still on that final sweep of exporting xml and twine conversion on the last timers I'd missed up to this point. 

In amazing wonderful man was I so impressed with myself news, I finally worked out how to do regexp in sublime text with the exported xml RAGS code. Superbly useful and one hell of a time saver. All thanks to a quieter stream than normal and me finally being able to work my way through it so that's just great, especially as I've tried repeatedly to get my head round getting it to work before and could never work it out with all the gumpf in the code.

I've been getting ahead of what I said I'd do for the initial release which means I should have a much shorter turnaround in being able to expand it with more content from the RAGS version like the special rooms. 

  • New Project

Been fleshing this out on occasion still and formalizing the language used to convey the gameplay in the best possible way. First start and first boss I think I've got entirely worked out and as I've just got the update out I'll spend some time seeing if I can get the basic mechanics to work in Twine along with the usual HMV.   

  • Picarto

As I've just got the update out I'm probably going to be going heavy on Whorelock's till next week, not counting emergency work on critical hotfix ones. 

22:30 GMT Thu 25th Jan (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge
22:30 GMT Fri 26th Jan (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 GMT Sat 27th Jan (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge  
22:00 GMT Sun 28th Jan (Definite) -  Whorelock's Revenge  
22:30 GMT Wed 31st Jan (Definite) - No Haven
22:30 GMT Fri 2nd Feb (Definite) - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 GMT Sat 3rd Feb (Definite) - No Haven 
22:30 GMT Sun 4th Feb (Definite) - No Haven 

Hope that was useful, thanks for your support and as promised earlier the draft change log as it currently stands. 


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