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To get the main thing out the way before I talk about my feelings and work process. The final Rags update will be out second week of June, next Twine update will be out before the end of July.

Reason I'm so actually confident for once in that is the writing for one of the hardest writing task I ever had to do is finally entirely done. This thing was up there with Thornspire for those who remember my many struggles with getting that one done. It's gone to the patron, they've fully approved it, and oh my god you would not believe how much a massive load off my mind this is.

This gave me so much self doubt as for the longest time I just could not find my way into this one. Really shook me, and gave me a serious case of imposter syndrome. I was convinced that I coudn't write anything whatsoever, and seriously doubted that I had ever written anything that was actually good. Add on all the stuff that hit me from being in and out of hospital for the eyes, and the many knock-on issues that had with my deteriating living situation was just absolutely crippling to the point of long periods where I just completely shut down mentally in a super not fun way.

If you're wondering it turned out the answer was more world building. Yeah I'm amazed too that I didn't think of that earlier.

I also had made a mistake with my whole way of working. If you remember last year I discussed an idea I had to do all the writing in one go, and then do all the actual implementation. The theory there was to get away from sitting at my desk so much, and instead I could write from my comfy chair on a laptop. Initially this worked really well, got a bunch of writing done, and it seemed like it was going great.

Thing is, and what I took way too long to realise, is that means that then there's no escape. My advice is that if you ever work from home is to absolutely try to designate one spot for work if possible, and only use that one place for work. Otherwise you'll end up wracked with guilt that you're not working where you should be working. Add the issues with really struggling the writing and it was not unlike being in advice of where I knew what needed doing, but was also apparently incapable of actually doing it. Not great. I just don't think it works, at least it doesn't to me, to have your relax spot be the same place as your work spot as the lethargy just leaks in and saps all drive and creativity.

Last month I've been strict with myself to do everything productive including all the writing needed at my desk, only do community stuff like this and talking to artists on my laptop at the comfy chair, and doing that has significantly improved the flow so much to the point I was able to finally solve and finish the task that had tormented me for so long. It's amazing the difference of just moving like less than a metre in the same room can make to this.

What I've also decided to do is be a bit more loose with the 'next update' concept in terms of making commitments to prevent this from happening again. New plan is if it's been two months, and it's not done for whatever reason. I'll release everything that is actually done, and call it a quality of life update like I did towards the end of last year, and then do my best to make sure the commitments make it into the one after that. I'm also not going to do the 'all the writing, then all the implementation' thing again. It'll be pick a thing, write the thing, implement the thing, and move onto the next thing which should help with having actual things done for those updates.

In regard to the Twine development I've decided to do something that some people have been asking for since the very early days of the game. While I was working on corruption I realised I also needed to sort respect checking, and I figured while I was there I decided that I could give the option to actuallly follow through on a seduction attempt if you fail and the target tries to push the issue. That will give you an extra chance to convince them or not depending.

I resisted doing this for the longest time as I had this idea that I could use the sex text generator and then make it also first person for things like that. While I still think it's a very neat, incredibly complex set of mechanics, it does also have issues by its very nature. Mainly that just replacing a word from a list of synonyms, or adding a sentence, does not ultimately keep the generated text from not feeling that familiar each time. Maybe I'm just too used to it at this point, but now I do think it is better where possible to write bespoke text for things like this so that's what I'm going to do for those more physical seduction scenes. Obviously this does mean quite a bit of options and needed variations on that text still to refect being sub or dom, being a bimbo, or not having leg and so on. Oh lamia how I love you right up until I have to write scenes of you not being able to kneel like everyone else.

Did do a long stream for Eurovision which also really helped my mood. Thanks so much to those who turned up for that as you might that super fun. There will also be a stream tonight.

  • Commissions

March - Master and Cum-Catcher : This is confirmed and aimed to be started in June/July.

Mar + Apr - Basic Sissification Training :

Mar + Apr - Green Daze : Still need to arrange these two. Basically everything went out the window, see also the lack of streaming, while I was cracking down on finishing that writing task. Will start reaching out to people today after I've done this.

As for the current commission poll this is how things are currently going

Ooh a two way tie in second, but so far people like the drow on dildo idea. That's got five days left to go if you want to change that up;

Thanks for reading, for your patience, and your support!



Glad you're through the rough patch and have really found your work from home flow in the last little bit!