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so to inform you guys, i want to extend my skills and i need more freedom to draw any characters that I LIKE AND LOVE. like i said , i love Cute 2D anime characters , YES! ONLY 2D FICTIONAL ANIME CHARACTERS , i don't know but i don't interested on IRL persons..., they're too scary for me... maybe something wrong inside my head..., anyway for the 2D Anime characters if i find them cute , i want to draw em , i dont care about their body proportions or skin color as long they're cute in my eyes , but unfortunately I CAN'T DO IT on Patreon , they have strict rules for 2D artists like me , so i'm moving my priorities to Pixiv Fanbox , they can accept my works like as it is on Patreon , but MORE FLEXIBLE , i can draw any characters that i love there , so i can upload More contents (extra works) of mine there than here on Patreon , i can expand and develop my Passion there, so anyone if you guys want's more from me , i suggest you to please supports me there instead of Patreon and if you don't care about my works that prohibited here on Patreon , you can still supports me here as i will upload my works like usual here

Gabriel Evangel|pixivFANBOX if you guys want to move there, thank you

like i said above, if you don't care about my contents that kind of unallowed on patreon here , example cunny stuffs ( not l0li stuffs , since i don't like to draw female that are too smoll ) , you still can supports me from here , maybe 0 to 2 less work per month here

sorry for the trouble , and thank you for the understanding



Unfortunately I cannot support any Creator on fan box because it won't accept my payment methods.


patreon and fantia is fine , but cannot pay to fanbox huh? do you know the problem? like your card banned there or etc?

Sean Shanley

I swapped my support to Pixiv X3


i'll probably shuffle over there soon keep all my stuff to one service is nice


I also cannot support anyone on fanbox because my card doesn't like it but I can stay here


for the loyal patrons things , no worries you can DM melater on fanbox and tell me your nick name here , i can see the records :3

ultima threethreethree

It's likely a Bank thing, they often have protections for cards based on geo location. You can likely fix it by contacting your bank (usually not too bad, most banks have a "contact us via instant support chat" on their online banking website). I had to do the same thing when I started using my card direct for Skeb commissions...