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Hello there, Gabu here
first of all i want to say , Thank you for all of your supports to me
as for now i'm still trying to improving my skills and drawing speed, so my illustrations will be more appreciated by more people
also i'm struggling to promote my illustrations to more sites so more people out there will know my drawings 

for you guys , i want to know what i lack right now and do you have any suggestions or inspiration for me so i can improve more? (other than resting lol) , please write them on comment



I feel like branching out a bit might help, a lot of your art seems to have similar feel to each other. While it does give it a bit of a character uniformity, it can also seem like a case of, "Oh this pose again, just with a new character again" I think trying something different and new might help


yeah still thinking for more pose , but hard to find good pose as references , and thinking is it good pose or not (like paizuri , i want to draw them , but since no pusi showing ... is it ok?)


Well, maybe try something you're not used to doing? Poses, kinks, etc. You can't improve unless you try different things I think. Oh! I know! Maybe see about drawing comics? Just single pages, 4 panels maybe?


To be honest, over the years I've been pledged, I actually think your artwork has gotten overall worse. Not quality wise - your colouring and shading has been better than ever - but rather, for lack of a better phrase, there's less passion in them. I think this is mostly the Patreon format's fault, but it is what it is. Years ago we were getting non-standard camera angles with backgrounds and it felt like you were equally as horny as us - Ryza and literally ALL of your earlier Neptunia works as examples. 2019, if my "Gab" folder is to be believed. Now it's rather formulaic, pin-up after pin-up with little to no variance or enjoyment in them. It feels a bit more like they're being drawn to meet an obligation rather than because you're finding some enjoyment in drawing certain characters being fucked six ways from Sunday. I've been feeling this way a little while. That's just my 2 cents, though, feel free to disregard it; the fact is, the Patreon format DEMANDS a formulaic work style. I'd personally be happier with one image set a month with a character you actually want to draw - even if it meant that you'd only be drawing Nepgear every month!


ah thankss, btw i want to know which my old drawing is your most fav vs new one , maybe i can have some time to think of it

ultima threethreethree

Personally I'm fine with your current speed. As others have echoed though, sometimes it's nice to see a bit more than just nudes and cum at the end. Some nice cowgirl action would be great, for example. Any guy in the pics doesn't even have to have detail. In the cowgirl example, it can be framed so the only visible parts would be a torso and dick. Basically, you're great at drawing single characters posing, but it'd be awesome if that can be expanded so they're interacting more.


Not just new poses, but maybe also some new outfit types or something like that


Personally I like the art style, but definitely switching up like poses and testing with some kinks/fetishes that don't violate TOS since I am well aware that is a limiting factor sometimes. There are some I have in mind personally that I believe would be a safe pick for many people (hardcore kinks most likely would be in violation of TOS and may not pass well with many people).


I believe while you have craved out your own niche and have catered to your core audience, you have improved overall as an artist. However as stated before you do need to spice up your art, you could achieve this in many ways. Different outfits, very lood expressions, characters you wish to draw more often. You have dabbled in various genres such as bondage, sex toys, uses of pasties, I think you may want to incorporate more of that variety. Backgrounds or set pieces are also a possibility…say for instance you found a scene in a show or anime and wish to recreate that scene with your art works. I’d say go for it even if it’s a one off piece. Collaborations are also something you can explore, they were very different and yet appealing. Don’t take this suggestion as saying your art is boring or unappealing. Far from it, I always look forward to what bring up week after week. I believe you will figure out what you need from the suggestions provided as I’m sure you are your own largest critic. I’ll continue to support you as I have and see what your plans are from here. Thank you for you for all your hard work!


Reading over my comment, it feels a lot harsher than I intended it to be. I still think you're a talented artist. To actually answer the question... Shit, I was going through adding all my favourites but this list started to look a yearly stocktake. Basically everything from 2019 and 2020 is great IMHO, but my faves are Black Heart Jan 2020, Big Nep Dec 2020, Ryza Oct 2019, Noire Feb 2020, Nepgear Apr/Jun 2020 and Dec 2021. You might pick up on a pattern - this is all Neptunia stuff - and it's true that's what drew me to you in the first place, so it could very well be I'm biased. *In particular Big Nep Dec 2020 I've busted enough nuts over to fill a decent size swimming pool


Backgrounds I would say give the viewer a feeling of being somewhere rather than just there I think it would make the character pop Also keep up the good work (:


Personally I'd say your drawing speed isn't an issue. After all the do say "quality over quantity" and the quality in your works is most definitely there. In more recent times your artworks seem to be quite linear and similar in both outfits and varients of the drawing, in previous there was more variety and it felt like you had a lot more fun in drawing them ^^. You could possibly try drawing some more SFW art and posting that on your twitter or pixiv to draw more people in, sort of SFW on twitter, then promote your patreon by stating the nsfw varients are available on there, your art style is amazing so something like this would be guaranteed to draw more people in. You could possibly try drawing backgrounds like others have suggested along with exploring things like pasties toys alternate clothing etc. Most of your recent works have been pose practicing, and you seem to have gotten the hang of these poses easily so maybe it's time to practice backgrounds and other outfits?


Maybe a prop from time to time? Like the whole sitting on a chair backwards with the legs split around the chair spine or leaning against a gate or bed sheets partly over them in a scruffy manner. I honestly wouldn't even mind waiting for longer if you needed the time for any of these for the record. Would always rather you only release stuff when you're happy with it than work to deadlines.

Peter Marenthyu

I like the "current style" a lot and is technically the reason I subscribed here in the first place - your quality is really consistent and you regularly release new content. Your content stays away from overly "kinky" stuff and going against what others have said, that is something that I appreciate - I do enjoy the "single girl" approach a lot and like it when they look incredibly horny themselves. If I had to pick, one of my favourites is Compa 2021; The whole Idea of "Breeding University" feels creative to me and it gets me off. As for helping with spreading content to other platforms: It's always hard to find platforms that allow NSFW content in the first place, but for those that do exist, I'd be happy to move on with the talks I've had with GeneralUltra to create your own platform as well as maybe utilizing APIs of multiple platforms to automatically share content to them.


How about more pov vagina sexxxxxxxxx.


I would say perhaps look back at some of your own work for example: Aqua from Mar 2021 Ayanami from Mar 2021 Suisei from Aug 2020 Ram from Jun 2020 Adult Nep from Jan 2020 And Belfast Dec 2019


Better shadows can make the figure look more three-dimensional I like the heart pupil,lick lips and ahegao versions Of course I have never forgotten the original goal - Noire's gangbang ~