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so i pick 5 from the title suggestion

oh also, you can pick more than one title ,
but i'm gonna pick only 1 for the winner ofc



even called the art collection folder Hestia. She is not best danmachi girl but i felt like it and danmachi didn't sound as nice :p Her with these Hesti titties kinda became the figurehead of this show anyway, especially with the toothbrushing scene surging ahead


well i meant Hesti is bait to lure new people to watch the show :p the action is alright, especially in S1 Bell facing the Minotaur 1 on 1! when he stood his Ground and excelled him in the fight... dunno how often i rewatched it, it's just fucking amazing. Freya climaxing watching that fight to the death captured my emotions about it pretty well