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it's already new month!
i want to thank you to all of you for being my Patrons until today, i really appreciate all of your supports , it really helps my life pretty much ^^

also i want to ask to you
should i draw more bondage illustrations?
keeps study more angle and pose on vanilla illustrations?

let me hear your recommendations :3



more noire please


it's easiest on you if you're drawing what you're interested in, so go for what you enjoy and you'll attract like-minded patrons with that being said, i'm throwing my vote into the vanilla hat; never been much of a bondage fan (specifically the purple heart hat - that woman is sex given human form)


Love your artstyle so I'm cool with anything tbh, though I'd probably lean more towards vanilla lol


I love the bondage stuff! But I'd also be happy with anything you draw, so do what you want! For characters, I'd love to see some Asuna (SAO) bondage!


Great work this month Gabu! Can't wait so see more. I always love seeing your art in my inbox. As for what to do next: I personally would lean towards more vanilla poses. But I'm also okay with more bondage. (Also you know... more Noire xD).


More vanilla would be nice. Thanks for the art!


I prefer more angle and pose on vanilla And of course more Noire~

Gustavo Tani

Needs more noire hugging/being cute lewd with black heart


Not a fan of bondage stuff so rather vanilla or normal sexy things/yuri.


Always need more lewd stuff of Noire! Not a bondage fan myself either, dont mind it but its not my cup of tea.


Thank you for so cute works always!! I love Nepgear and Purple Sister that you are drawing XD Please more so cute Purple Sister ...