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What's new:

* New ragdoll feature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7flTJ_YQ-o

* The freefly camera setting has new option to choose between first person or orbit style camera move. 

* New options in input settings for controlling camera tilt and UI navigation. 

* Change is underway to make UI operable with only axis input (left, right, up, down, select and back). Currently not all UI elements are operable yet but basic navigation is functional. You can try it out by turning on UI navigation options in input settings.  

* Continue on the path of the preset change from last release, a new preset edit UI is introduced. 

* Updated IK & feet adjustments

Creator edition changes:

* New top/bottom 3D output format

* Added 7.2k & 8k VR video output formats

* Fixed 3D video aspect ratio

Bug fixes:

* Menu now scrollable if screen doesn't fit https://github.com/alloystorm/dvvr/issues/171

* Added screen rotation lock for Android version https://github.com/alloystorm/dvvr/issues/170

* Fixed stage model truncation  https://github.com/alloystorm/dvvr/issues/169

* Fixed rain particles

* 3D snapshot fix

Download links will be available shortly. 




Excellent job as per usual. I have one question as I know it is not easy: Is there a way to implment some sort of mesh collision for clothing? More specifically Skirts. Skirts do not play well with character bones, they go through the bones of a skirt.


It seems that the settings of Actor's materiar>surface>mode are not retained. Even if it is set to Multiply, the next time it is loaded, it reverts to Original and the Gloss values, etc. are set to default values.


Yeah only save with preset now other-wise it will revert to default values