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Most of the issues have been addressed. We should be able to release our first DXR build this month. This will be available for the Supporters tier. 

Mind you that you'll need to have hardware that supports DXR(DirectX Raytracing) to be able to run it. Plus VR and Raytracing don't agree with each other so you won't be able to run this in VR for the foreseeable future. 





"Plus VR and Raytracing don't agree with each other so you won't be able to run this in VR for the foreseeable future. " As I understand , one of the objective on real-time raytracing is for VR, and we can find some PoC out there, e.g. Minecraft RTX demo. but the GPU performance is just not enough then. But how about now with 3090?


Forget about the comment, I think I got it, you was talking about the lack of support on Unity engine. Anyway, I heard rumor that they are going to enable ray tracing in VR for 2020.1.