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Greetings Patrons,

I've had this track on the back burner for several weeks. I'd bring it out and tinker with it, and then put it away again as it never seemed to click. The working title was "surdo_thing" (a large Brazilian bass drum). A few days ago, frustrated, I removed the surdo, and I finally figured out how to finish it. Apparently, I keep learning this lesson.

Through the woods is an action track. It's about speed and tension and the possibility of success. It's either about being chased or about pursuing. Either way, victory isn't guaranteed.

The ambience is horses pulling a carriage at high speed through a dark road in the woods. The horses are winded, and glistening with sweat. The carriage rumbles and bumps.

Musically this is a traditional orchestral, up-tempo piece. String ostinatos, mighty horns, growling trombones, and pounding percussion. There are some lulls and breaks in the action as 10 minutes is an awfully long time to sustain tense action. There's a 'scary' bit where things might not be going so well, but then - hey-ho, we're back! The lulls are sections of sneaky tension: "Did we lose them? Let's keep going just in case."

As this track is in patron-only sneak-peek mode (live on the site next week), I've included the mixed-version, and ambience-only and music-only versions here for patrons. Additionally, I created 2 "No Carriage" versions which is just the dark woods as ambience.

I also broke out two areas of the track I thought might be useful on their own. The 'scary' bit I made a one-shot. I thought it worked well as a standalone intro, or a "you turn the corner and..." type of cue. There's also the 'sneaky' section, which I made into a loop. For loops, I always use the .ogg format as .mp3 doesn't actually loop seamlessly (this depends a lot on the software doing the looping), however, I included an identical version as .mp3 as well just in case. I hope you find these useful.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.






Jeff P

This is a great track. I often find myself needing music to play during the combat phase and this fits perfectly into that for me

Rob Leonard

Thanks for breaking out so many extra options for us to use, it's appreciated. :)