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Greetings Patrons,

Just a quick note to let you know that all the sounds from the lastest SoundPad, Combat:Future, have been added to the Custom SoundPad tool. You can finally use your blaster weapons in the Dark Forest!

Additionally I've made a few tweaks to the Custom SoundPad code:

- The global fade-in parameter for the sounds has been tweaked to allow me to customize the fade on a sound by sound basis. I noticed this as I was making blaster shots which lasted for 1 second - but had a 1 second fade in! 

-The total number of sounds you can load has been increased from 24 to 32. This limitation was originally imposed because of the possibility of crashing browsers (usually mobile) by loading too many sounds. Since I haven't had any reports of crashes I decided to increase the total number. Let me know how this works out for you.

Please clear your cache before loading the Custom SoundPad to make sure your browser loads all the latest files from the server.

Thanks as always for your continuing support,



Franck Florentin

That's wonderful ! Any chance you were able to look into adding a filter/search across all the themes in the custom sound pad, to make it a bit easier to locate a specific sound among all of them?