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Greetings Patrons,

Here's where I talk a lot about horses in a track called Dragon Rider.

The music for this track has been kicking about my hard-drive in various forms for a couple of months. The earliest file name I saved it as was 'silvestri_thing_1' (I guess it sounded like Alan Silvestri when I started?). As I fleshed out the piece it sounded like it needed to be in a scene with galloping horses. Not necessarily in a battle, but maybe on the way to battle. Or riding desperately through the woods for some really important reason.

So the track was basically completed and then I started searching for an appropriate image for the website. Adobe stock was giving me nothing for the type of horse image I had in my head. But then, I found this dragon image, and I was like - well, there it is! Except, it was a dragon, not a horse. So, I re-did the ambience portion of the track as a POV of a dragon rider instead of a horse rider and thought it came out really well. Plus, I was a huge fan of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series when I was in middle school.

But, I already had the horses version done...so...you get that one too.

As this track is in sneak-peek mode for patrons I've included Both the horse and dragon versions of the mixed track. (I know the horse tracks are very confusingly named but it fits with my own organizing to do it that way.) Additionally, I've included a music-only version of the track and ambience-only versions of both the dragon and horse variants.

The music track isn't necessarily a full-on battle track as it has some down sections, but I think it will work well for a variety of action scenarios.

Thanks for listening to this rambling tale of how this track came about. And thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.






Anthony Falk

Simply fantastic and I love all the variations!


Tim, you're the BEST! This is insanely good. INSANELY GOOD!!!!!!!!