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Greetings Patrons,

I made a pastoral ambience this week, to celebrate the arrival of spring here in New York City.  I'd already done a blacksmith, which might have a similar vibe, but I've always found that those shops were always a bit darker, noisier, smellier and hotter. I imagined this as more of an open sided shed, where the light and breeze and sounds could flow in. The shed is in town as that's where the work is, so you can hear the various sounds of small community while you work.

As I often do, I've included both ambience-only, and music-only versions of the track here for patrons.

The musical track is simple and meditative and made up of only acoustic instruments and a bit of voice. It's fairly style and theme agnostic so it could work well in a number of different scenarios where something low-key was happening. 

I had this playing on a loop while I cleaned my studio, so that's another use for it?

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.




P.S. Lately a very few have been having difficulty seeing the newly updated content. I'm trying to figure this out but it most likely has to do with Cloudflare (my CDN cache) keeping an older version for a few edge cases. 

I always purge the Cloudflare cache on new/updated files which forces browsers to get the latest version - but I guess sometimes it doesn't work for about 1% of users. Normally, a simple page reload should fix it.  If that doesn't do it, a cache clear usually will. If not, send me an email and I'll try to sort it out. - Tim




Unsolicited caching commentary... In one of the projects I've worked on, we would add a bit of otherwise functionless text to the end of an URL such as "?v=2" - e.g., http://foo.com/bar/quuxthing?v=2 - so as to get the CDN to think there was a brand-new object (as opposed to waiting for the CDN to recognize that we had updated the 'quuxthing' before it would update the cached version).


Thanks Mike, I actually use this technique for the main .js files but I hadn't thought of using it for the index.html file as well. I'll look into it. - Tim


Hey, love your work and use it plenty! Lately, I've been getting weird audio popping on the Music Only tracks, like a headphone jack being pulled out. It doesn't occur with any other files. Do you have any idea what might be causing this?


Hmm, that's odd that it's only audible in music-only tracks. There's nothing in the file itself and I haven't heard any of anyone else having issues. What player are you using? Could you try a different one? Also, see if simply rebooting sorts it out. Keep me posted. - Tim


New patron here! Very excited to be using your tracks for my new D&D campaign. I'd love to have some more variety in combat music! Especially less BIG-sounding cinematic scores, more like RPG-game moods, my mind goes to Final Fantasy encounters and things like that. Thank you so much for everything you do!!


Love it!