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Greetings Patrons,

Quick update: A few of you have requested a version of Storm at Sea without the shouts of the sailors. Rather than confuse everyone by adding this additional ambience-only track to this post, I've added it to the original Storm at Sea post. You can find that post here:

Updated Storm at Sea Post 

Have a great weekend everyone.





Maybe it's just me, but... variants, remixes and modifications of your earlier works would be something I'd enjoy very much! So, if you ever feel that you'd like to edit and re-record old stuff - I can only but whole-heartedly encourage that!


You're not alone in that, but I'm not sure if I'd appreciate new tracks more than reworking old ones. Both would be fantastic and the more recent tracks are pretty damn great in my opinion :)


Thank you so much for the Storm At Sea minus voices! It's wonderful! My party is going to LOVE it. But no one tell them, because they don't know that's coming...