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Greetings Patrons,

As many of you have noticed tabletopaudio.com is not working. I've been in contact with the hosting provider off and on all day. Apparently they were migrating a bunch of servers to a new platform and, spoiler alert, it did not go well.

So the good news is, I haven't been hacked, nothing seems to be nefarious, but there has been a massive screw up (for once not by me!).

As of my last frantic call, I was told that they were expediting this type of problem and it should take a few hours to resolve.

I'll update you all when things are back online. My apologies to everyone for this inconvenience.





Ooof, and just during a new track launch, too! Glad to hear it's just a snafu and not something far worse. Fingers crossed that it'll be up soon and you can relax!


Thanks for the update, sir


thanks for the 'heads up'... bad timing for me... having my year end RPG session tonight. CRAP! Hope it gets resolved ASAP!


As a web hosting company owner, I feel this hard. I'm sorry that you're having issues. I hope they can resolve them soon. I've had some bad migrations before.


Thanks for the update :)


Hope things stay well. Thanks for the update, appreciate it!


Hey Tim, can you please add the Complete track here on Patreon?


Thanks for the update, May all turn out for the best!