New Ambience: Barovian Village (Patreon)
Greetings Patrons,
There's a scene in Young Frankenstein (stay with me here) in which Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman are walking alongside a carriage containing the coffin of the monster. It's of course played for laughs and there's a great bit when they're stopped by a policeman, but I loved the vibe of the town center at night. Cobblestone streets filmed in black and white, the eerie desolation of an unnamed, presumably Eastern European city in the mountains.
The point is, that there was something about this otherwise comic scene that inspired this ambience, Barovian Village. Gusty winds, shop signs creaking, the clop of the occasional wagon, footsteps, whispers in doorways. Everything about it feels like there's a story in it.
I tried several different musical accompaniments while working on this. I started with a harp, then some ghostly orchestral washes. Everything seemed too big or not intimate enough. I felt like the scene had a lot of fog in it and since I couldn't portray fog in sound I wanted to do it musically. Solo cello was the last thing I tried and it seemed right. Intimate and distant at the same time.
I've included an alternate track without the cello for Patrons.
Thank you all for your continuing support.