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Greetings Patrons,

I had a request from a Twitter follower a few weeks ago for something Slavic,  or as they said, "you know, something with balalaikas". They also mentioned the soundtrack to a game called "The Witcher", which I haven't played, but seemed interesting.  I was intrigued by the challenge. 

As it's winter in New York City, many of us don massive coats and hats, grow beards, grow grumpy, drink a bit too much maybe. All in all it didn't seem too much of a stretch.

So, I started thinking about channeling my inner Slav. Since my paternal grandparents were all Ukrainian, this didn't seem like a terrible leap to me, at least in terms of cultural appropriation. 

However, as with all my stylistic musical attempts, this shouldn't be seen as an attempt at authenticity. Just my simplistic view of how something might sound. It's certainly a broad strokes rendering.  With that, I offer my apologies to the all the ethnomusicologists that I offend!

I did enjoy working on this a lot. Even played a bit of actual violin on it to make up for the balalaika that I played on a midi keyboard (shh!).

Thank you all for your continuing support, and if you're in a climate like mine, stay warm!






KayLee H.

Love the winter sounds and slightly haunting singing! Keep up the great work!

Justa Badge

You should give The Witcher 3's OST a go on YouTube. It's fantastic.


True, fantastic music! Btw, it's Anton Chekhov, not Chekov :)


Wow! This new ambience is just great! Thanks again for your awesome work!


Aww super awesome music!