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Dear Patrons,

If you haven't read my post from a few days ago on the new proposed fees being levied by Patreon on you, the supporters, then maybe it's for the best. Patreon has issued a mea culpa in the form of a blog post (a pretty well done apology actually) and announced that the new fees will not go into effect.

I could go on and on about how all this was mishandled and how they made the classic mistake of not knowing who the customer was, but I'd rather just join the rest of you in breathing a collective sigh of relief. Supporting a creator should be frictionless. Any fees that need to be paid should be paid by the people receiving the money. I was always fine with this, and it turns out, everyone else was too.

Many of you sent me lovely notes about how you were sticking with me and it really touched me deeply. If you pulled pledges from other creators over this, they'd love to have you back. I should also mention that if you pulled your pledge to me over this, then I'd love to have you back.

Voting with our wallet is one of the most powerful and important tools we have as consumers. Patreon heard this loud and clear and a victory was won today. A victory for everyone.

Thank you all for your continuing support. I'm going to get back to making things go ping.





boom. sends fistbump from australia.


Awesome. I hope you didn't lose too many patrons in the meantime. Keep making awesome.