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Greetings Patrons,

I've decided to release both of the final Spire: RPG tracks today. The main reason for this is - Halloween. As in, it's coming, and I have to finish polishing my annual made-for-Halloween track and release it in time for the actual holiday. Or, in advance of the holiday anyway.

So here are the last 2 tracks I did for Grant Howitt and company's upcoming Spire: RPG. The first track is called "The Hatchery", and from the design brief:

The place where drow eggs are nurtured. Arachnid midwives tend to clutches of unborn drow with ministrations of blood. And yet: this is a safe place, this is a community hub, this is the future of the race. 

I did a lot of foley work for this one, mostly with combs and hairbrushes which, when recorded and sped or pitched up/down, made some great skittering and egg-case hatching noises.

The last track is called "The Vermissian",

The sensation that danger is just around the corner. Distant machinery. Dripping water. Creaking masonry and metalwork. Otherworlds just beyond the surface. Vibrations out of sync with reality.
Backstory: A giant train network where trains have never really run. The lines punctured the Heart, and the decay and unreality seeped through into the tunnels.

Another fun one. As a daily subway rider in NYC I'm very familiar with sounds of trains in tunnels. I blended some actual field recordings in with treated sounds and tones to create a less terrestrial sound that I thought worked better.

None of these Spire sounds are truly game-specific. They make great backdrops to urban fantasy, horror, suspense or any game type you can imagine. Give them a listen and let me know how you use them.

Thank you all for your continuing support of the site, none of this would be possible without you.






Sounds good))