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Greetings Patrons,

It's great to be back at home in Brooklyn after a wonderful 10 days in the UK. As a half-Brit (my mum is British) I have lots of family there and catching up with everyone face to face was fantastic. Plus it turns out my kids travel well, so bonus!

Upon return I embarked immediately on a 2 week stint at a chamber music camp here in Brooklyn where I coached a string quartet and (we did a wonderful piece by J.C. Bach - aka "London Bach" - how fitting!) and the kids performed the final concert magnificently. I honestly thought I'd have a ton of time in addition to camp to work on Tabletop Audio but that turned out not to be the case. Teachers who teach year-round, I salute you!

This new track, Antiquarian Study, was a commission for an Escape Room. The creative brief described an Antiquarian's study in a creaky old house. As a part of their story/scenario there was to be the sounds of people upstairs searching through rooms, so footsteps, muffled voices and the occasional breaking of something.

I think it would be a nice period backdrop that could work for suspense, Victorian interior, or Lovecraftian horror stories. It's also a good study/focus track.

Thank you all for your continuing support. I absolutely could not do this without your help.







Great choice for an ambience--I can see myself using this in multiple setting. However I don't see it posted currently?!


try refreshing the page, that should usually load anything new. Let me know if you still don't see it.