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Hello Everyone, 

As you may or may not have noticed, we have made a few new changes to patreon, mostly in the reward teir sense. You can check them out on the main page but I'm going to also explain them here as well.

First of all, as always, the $1 pledge is pretty much untouched, you still get access to all pages in their HD format. We have also been toying with the idea of releasing pages on Patreon first before releasing them to the public (somewhere between 1 day to 1 week) but this is still a bit in the air.

Now, the $5 pledge has seen some massive changes. We won't be doing previews of future pages anymore (and we haven't in a while...) and the reason is usually when I (Flim) get the pages, for a preveiw, the page itself is ready within a day. Also, some pages it's hard to make a preveiw that doesn't end up just being one gigantic spoiler. So we have made a change and we're very excited about it.

Every month we'll be making a bonus page, this month was the H&H Day page that will be exclusive to patreon for an entire month, and of course we plan to allow patreons to be the only ones with access to the HD ones. (A link will be provided next month with the new bonus page). We feel that this is a lot better deal for patreons that pledge this amount. 

The $10 pledge has also seen a big change. First, it has now been opened to unlimited paterons instead of just the 2 as it was before. Blazewingthunder has left the crew awhile ago to pursue other things and we wish her well, but this means the commissions that were offered by her are also no longer available. 

We have instead decided to add coloured pages to this tier to make up for it (in additon to lower tier rewards) I released our first coloured page to all patreons $5+ this month so you could all see what we a coloured RD page looks like (pretty spectacular if I do say so myself!) but in the future, all coloured pages will be for the $10+ tiers. Coloured pages will also be exclusively for patreons forever! So keep that in mind. Those who pledge on the 10+ will get a say in which page we colour that month, so there's that too.

Other than that, everything else is staying the same. We're trying lots of things to try and get more patreons, as we've seen a bit of a drop as of recently which is also slowing down progess with pages. Hopefully these new rewards will help with that.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.

The RD crew



Are there any NSFW/rule 34 in the patreon rewards?