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Okay guys, this fight has gone on long enough! It's certainly the biggest fight I've done to date, and in my opinion it's also the best! But it's about time we finished this job, the girls deserve it!

So now, more than ever, I'm going to concentrate on this project, I've managed to ask for 30 days' vacation from my job as a police officer, this vacation will start in March, and I'm going to draw every day to finish this project and hopefully resume the tournament.

I won't accept commissions until this fight is complete, so I ask for everyone's patience. The only exception is the reward drawings, which I'm limited to doing just three of each month.

As the tier Adviser can always ask for commissions, I can't deny your request, but I would ask you very kindly to help me with this, and not to ask for commissions either. 




Yippee! Can't wait to get back to the tournament!