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Hello everyone! Xeralex here! As some of you may remember, i have been working lately on making my own ttrpg guide, that are based and inspired thanks to the Misadventures comic series (Which will resume soon the next few weeks, so keep your eyes out for it as well ;3c!) Before anything else though, i wanted to give you a sneak peek over the guides, and what i have made so far.

NOTE: These are not the final forms of the guide yet. It is the summary i have made so far, after taking each note i have made and slowly organizing it into the guide books. There are still quite a few details left to added, and/or typed down, because i have been writing many of the details first in paper, as it helps me to think a bit better (and take a small break from the PC as well ^^;)

For now the guides i will provide you is a quick view over the first main skills, Most of the basic rules of the Guidebook, and some of the info about the races of the Known world.

I still have plenty to work on, as i will possibly be re-working a few guides, like re-write them, add several details that haven't wrote just yet on some of them, or make better looking diagrams for several of them. Also, there are about 2 more guides missing, one for the equipment options the guide shall provide, and one for the main Lore of the misadventures' world.

All and all, that's it for now. I would like to hear your thoughts about the wip if you want to check it out, too. Would like to take a small feedback if any of you are interested. Could help me to check out for any mistakes, or to clarify something better.  Feel free to comment on this post if you want, or DM me directly if you are feeling shy about it. 

Thank you for your time, and i hope you enjoy my guide so far ^^!


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