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(Idea for a future event created with the help of our 3rd tier patrons please read)

Hello guys. Xeralex here with a small idea I wished to talked with all of you that support us on this tier.

You see, there is a lot more art going on this year, and i am really happy about it. In fact, I am even preparing for a big change thanks to all this support  i have received the past few months, that will help big time with the creation of a lot more art i hope pretty soon too ^w^! Will tell you all about this as soon as i settled the details on this matter on my end.

But lets focus on what we have now ;3 As you know, we currently have 2 events going on patreon. 1) the tournament (which i will try and focus to conclude the upcoming 2 weeks) and 2) the remaining hero boons ideas ;3. Once those 2 ideas are done, I shall be start working on the next ones, being 1) the resuming of "Misadventures" choices comic, and 2 a new event! Which is what i wish to talk with all our supporters of this tier ^3^!

For the future upcoming event, my hubby and I came up with a small fun idea, one that will be taking place during the waiting period for the choices comic.

The idea is this:
Two adventurers found a treasure map that lead them to an old forgotten ruin, said to be the "resting place" of 3 old gods, along with the treasures that belonged to their champions. With little to much effort, the adventurers found the ruins and reached its treasure vault almost instantly. Now before them laid their prizes. A little quite odd ones, but treasure is treasure they thought.
Little did they knew, though, was that the ruins were not the "resting place" of dead gods, but rather their prison, as they were cast out, sealed away from the other divines and demons alike, for following their own desires, and granting their champions way too many gifts whenever they wished.
The adventurers were socked when they found out about those details, but before they could even begin to talk with their possible new divine benefactors, the last remaining trap of the ruin sprang, sending the two heroes along with the champions' gear to the deepest parts of the ruins.

(NOTE: this pic is just an example for what the heroes and the divines will look like ;3)

Thankfully, both heroes were unharmed, but now they had a new mission. Escape the Dungeon with their new loot or fail trying....!

This will be a little faster pace choices adventure, which like before, you the patrons will decide what will happen next. Only difference from the choices comic though is, that you the patrons will make the decisions, via a sort poll that is made with the help of the 3rd tier patrons!

And this is the part where you guys come in ;3...!
In this story, both the heroes and the divine will be played by you guys! 2 of you will be peaked to play the roles of the adventurers, and 3 others will take the role of their possible-gods benefactors! Now the OCs appearance can be either from ocs you already own or can be new OCs requested all together.

Now what does those roles bring?
- Firstly, the heroes' role will be to decide which class they will be. We must give them form and faces behind these beautiful little devils now, don't we ;3.( small note though here, if possible, do try to keep the design as simple as you guys can, like if possible not too fancy armor clothes mainly. it will help me a great deal the drawing your heroes)
After we settle the hero creation, we will proceed with the heroes trying to escape the dungeon. Each floor they will face a boss, and its time, they must take chose their actions. What those actions are? Welp, you tell me! Because you heroes will be tasked to come up with 4 courses of actions (2 for each of you) which at the end 1 of them will be chosen via a poll to be executed as the next part of the story!

- Secondly the gods' role will be to choose a power to domain. All gods have unique powers. Some can be simple like control the elements, and yet there are others that can control forms, items, and even the desires and Lust of the very mortals X3c...! Each of you will be chosen 1 power of your choice to have. (note for powers: no powers will be allowed that goes against our creations rules. that means, no vore, filth or minors content)
At the beginning of each floor, you will provide a choice to the heroes and what boons you will grant them, for them to choose from, but as forgotten gods, your powers can only be granted to the heroes that they have "equipped" your champions' gear, so the final choice will be up to the heroes if they wish to use your gifts.
But what happens if they don't decide to choose your boon at all? You have been sealed away for such a long time that the desire just burning inside you, and you are just gonna let this pass!? Welp, nop! If the heroes fail to choose your boon in 3 turns, then you will given a divine internation, and the one god that did not got to enjoy giving his gift to the heroes, they will be given the power to control the heroes for this turn, and give their own 3 player actions to be used for the poll decision! So heroes, you better not forget your divine, unless you want them have some fun without you now X3c...!!

- Lastly, but not least, the role of the rest of the patrons, will be to decide which of the plans the heroes will follow. The heroes will lay their 4 ideas for the plan, and what boons to allow to get each time, but will let all the patrons (2nd tier and higher) via a simpler poll to decide the final actions shall be.

Now this still a bit WIP, so know that some of the rules might change, or new ones added to balance this story as best as possible to be a fair, and fun experience for all. But please keep in mind that at the end, no matter what, this will be like a small tabletop like game adventure, with many things not going as you guys that will take part will hoped for. So i only ask for those of you that want to take part, please do keep that in mind. I want this to try and be a small fun experience, so do please respect each other.

Here is a discord link where you can find me and message me.
https://discord.gg/c8buRRsR (Link expires after a week. if you haven't got it, please DM on discord with your patron name here to personally invite you)

Gonna make a group soon so we can talk with all that are interested, and wish to take part of this future project.



Sounds like i very cool event coming on the horizon!


Sounds super fun! Sorry I'm just getting around to reading this I struggle with attention XD


No worries. I understand far too well that big posts like this do tend to make you lose interest when it is mostly words. But if you are interested, you could take part. We need one more patron of this tier to start settling down roles for the story. If you like the idea, text me on discord to send you a link for the channel we shall use for it ^^