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Hey guys! Xeralex here, and good morning from my end! Hope you all ding well these days. Doing this post to make a little event! As some if you have noticed, I have been slowly started streaming on discord, and I want to make this an often thing, since it helps me practice and have some fun with you guys ^3^. The last couple of days, I started with drawing some fun little pieces, from requests I got from a few of you that happen to be online that moment, as a kick off to that first streams. But I thought why not try to make this a more regular event, for all!

-So how this event will play? Simple. You leave your requests here on this post's comments (or direct message to us if you feel shy).
- what can you request? As long as it stays in our rules, anything you want. And if you don't know, or maybe don't want anything new at this moment, you can always request for older works to be finished, or be colored if they are just simple lineworks.
Ooh and do don't worry I'd the request is simple. You never know when a simple request might grow into a bigger fun idea. (Like the slime caves. Request was "i just want to visit the slime caves", and then you saw how the results of the ideas >;3c).
- Time limit to leave my request? A couple of days after this post is been made. I think this gives all plenty of time for all to make at least one comment, no?
- No redraws. This is a fun little event, so no corrections will be done after the drawing is done.
- will aim to deliver as many requests possible. Won't be all of them, but still will aim for as many as possible ;3.

Will be aiming to make this event as often as possible (at least once a week) to keep it fresh and to let the chance for many ideas to come, like the latest posts. This will change as the time goes and the patreon grows, and always aim to serve us all the best.
Welp, with that said, it's time for the requests to begin ;3!!



I would like ya to color the sketch of Rand Okidogi that you did recently


A transformation of someone lost into minotaur mazes just to end up turning into one would be cool to see


I'd love to see some of the slime people getting the slime milked out of them.


I have an idea, after a battle, Max (Orc form) drinks a potion that is supposed to restore his energy, but that has the side effect of changing him into a big beast like a werewolf, it would be nice I think.


I have a Idea human into a Muscular pokemon. when they in a pokemon cafe and put a menu for drinks and turn into a favourite Buff pokemon