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Hey guys! Xeralex here! First of, once more, I want to wish you all a happy new year ^w^!
Now like every year, we all make our own resolutions for the new year, our new goals so to speak. Mine, for this year, are simple ones. I want to improve myself, and my art, little by little. So, i came up with a small idea to motivate me a little more, on that subject. 

Small patrons' request polls to decide a simple theme to draw something for the day, mainly as practice, and fun warm-ups ideas to put me into a better working mood. Inspirations for the request can be art you guys have seen around, meme's, stickers, moments from comics, or maybe any of our older works too!

Event's rules:
-All patrons from Cryptid tier and above can take part
-Multi poll event so you guys can choose more than one option if you want to.
-The poll ends 4 hours after its post.
-All patrons that want to take part, can leave their request on the comments bellow.
 * If you don't want others to see your request, you can always DM us
 * if you have links with your requests, feel free to add them
 * yes, you can leave a request for each of the poll options, BUT only 1 for each option!
 *DO NOT LET ME CHOOSE THE REQUEST. Please, I have bad habit to get lost in my decisions and that could lead to me to just ignore the request all together. So please do specify what you want ^^;....
-All requests can only have 1 OC requested.
 * This OC can either be one of ours, or your personal OCs.
-Requests that neglect our rules, will be ignored (no minor, vore, filth, etc)
-No redraws.

NOTE: Not all requests will be drawn, but will try my best to draw as much as possible, for all to enjoy

Welp, that will be all! With that said, lets the event begin ^3^!!



Love to see you practice with this chubby pengu. :3


Make a bunch of Rand stickers or sketch my possesser oc


Various expressions like happy sad horny angry excited etc Oc: My idea is a dark pink and dark green (watermelon like colors) slug with light green eyes. His body is fat and gooey. His gimmick is that he slides in through your ear and makes you either super fat or buff, while giving the character he’s controlling an extra limb (head, arm, cock) He can also leave a piece of himself behind to take control over the person when he leaves His name is Kreyes and his pronouns are they/them masculine