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Hello everyone! We hope you all are doing well this day!

We are making this post to inform you that next month we shall be taking vacation. Now before you do anything else, do please read all the news post first!

This year has been a big challenge for us a bit so far, especially since Xeralex's first months where not so great. And on top of that, during this time, we had gone through a great amount of additions to our personal daily schedules, with adjusting to  the new day job, and doing our best to keep up with artwork, too. So after all of this, Xera is feeling a little burned, and need a small break. So for the upcoming month we will be taking a sort break from our works all together. BUT, this does not mean there is not going to be any content at all. During our break period, we will be:
1) Pausing the July's billing. Which means, you all get a full month free! Even patrons that they just dropped by to check our works for a little while, you can all still stick around a bit longer and check out a few extra staff that will be coming later on as well.
2) Doing a lot more streaming time, with games and series, and which all our patrons and followers are most welcome to join us, chill with us, and maybe chat with us, if you like and have some fun. And don't worry. We will be making sure to post whenever we stream, so you guys feel free to join us too, if you want and can as well ;3!

For any questions you might have, dont hesitate to ask us! 

Once more, we thank you for all your support during these hard times, and we wish you only the best! Until next time, take care, and be well everyone ^w^!



Hugs dudes get the rest ya need. Looking forward to your guys stuff when you come back nice and rested


Thanks man. We will be starting the next month with a small comic that we had promised to do with another creator for some time now, and after thats done, we'll be resuming request events and random personal art pieces. And maybe a few more little surprises as well ;3c


You Deserve Rest Big Guy, you did a Great Job for, Events, Request and Random art. *Hugs* i be looking forward for the next one When you return.