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And with that, the last update for the first chapter is been completed...! Phew! It took a little longer since i am still getting used to Clip studio (and trying out to make a small gif pg), but thankfully it was still better than i hoped out too ^w^!!

Now before we continue anything, I have a small announcement to make for the next chapter. For a couple of months there will be no next chapter of the comic, because we will be focusing mainly on the next month on a full Halloween month event, and after that, a small break that we need since we passed most of the summer trying to get a new pc.

Last but not least, a few updates will be done for the comic soon too (simplifying a bit the rules of the story making, so all patrons, new and old, can partake easier). We shall let you know with a post the moment the update shall continue. We will also share soon with you a link with all the pages of the comic for you to download and read them from the beginning too, now that the chapter is complete ^^ (please do not post the comic anywhere else. It is a comic that is made by you our patrons, and there are public posts done, little by little, but its for you to see first, and not others.)

Thank you once more all of you for your support so far. And do stay in touch...! Halloween is near the corner too X3c...!!

 Please take care, and stay safe all ^w^!!




Awwwww, poor Bacchus! Dont be embarassed man!


Well it was bound to happen. After all, it was technically for both of them the "first time" they did anything like that;3c...! Which btw its a good place to point out that from here on out, you guys shall be the ones that shall be taking control on how their story will turn out from here on out. I just marele set the stage just a little bit, for their background story. Thee rest, will be up to you ;3c...!