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Because if you do, then you are in luck!

Hey guys Xeralex here, and I have a rather special surprise for you! I am learning RPG GAME MAKING XD! 

It has always been a dream of mine to learn and make my own games, and with the recent game makers that were developed over the years, I finally get a chance to learn and do it! So without any further delay, I'll present you, our first game project:

This game will be a pet project of mine, to learn the basics of the creation of the rpg game making, as well learn and develop my own aspects for the game series, such us mapping, tilesets, coding, game oc's creation, ect, ect...

I am not aiming to make this game too big, cause like i said, it will be a training field for me. We already have decided and wrote most of the story of the game, which i will be sharing with all of you in fragments, as i update the game. Now the game is very basic so far. As for now, I have only finished the first areas, and created a couple of NPC's to check if the game runs smoothly so far. What i do aim though is to try and work and develop as many original staff i can, from my very own tilesets for unique and original maps, to personal sprites, and battle animations. Even the world NPCs and MCs sprites will be re-constructed and be replaced with originals, and more accurate ones. It will take me time, but i'm more than willing to spend it to create this project!

Now a little about what this game will be... A fun story of my personal OC's and Crisp's (Xeralex the doom-hound and human Crisp the writer) that just moved into their new apartment, next to Peach City Park, and finally settling in together. To make things even better, Cris has got himself some tickets for an upcoming rock show, in the near stadium, of his favorite band, the "Martyrs of Winter"! Needles to say our heroes are really excited about this, but soon that excitement will be lost, as a thief brakes into their home, and rob their house, including the tickets! Thus a wild and weird pursue starts, To retrieve back the tickets...!

 Now there is one small personal addition i will be including for this game, and this will be the OCs! Instead of creating oc's, npc's and enemies from the scratch I decided to include the OCs' from others (ALWAYS WITH THEIR PERMISSION OFCOURSE!!)! I have no problem on creating and generating ocs from the scratch for the game really, but i thought it would be more fun for the players to have a chance to see their own oc's inside the game too, if they wanted to. This will happen with the uses of raffles that we will make for those that they want to take part on the game. And you guys here in patreon will have the first chance to take part on those raffles!  (WARNING! The minimum of the OCs that will be allowed for the game, will be only 2 for each creator/ owner. I know that there are some that have more than one, so please keep that in mind so you might decide from now which oc'c you might want inside the game, and so others might have a chance too)

Finally, one last thing for this game: It will be an adult game and It will be free. Yes, you heard right, It will be free. Because of the game being just a pet project, we are not gonna charge for the making of it in any way of what so ever. The only thing if anything is that you all, our patrons, will have a chance to witness the art and pieces of the story for the game first hand before anyone else. 

WELP! That's all there is for now XD! Without any further delay, here the link with the very first build of the game for you guys to explore a little bit! I really hope you like it! 


We hope you enjoy, and until next time, please take care all ^w^!!



Oh! That is very exciting ^_^