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Chapter 9 – The Merchant VS The First Deva Gahotho IX

“I see. You’re right. It is a proper bra.”


But I only said that to save face for Vivid.

Maybe it was embarrassing for her to ask her mother to buy an adult bra, or perhaps it was embarrassing to wear a cupped bra itself.

Either way, it was a story that would cause her to lose face in front of a man who was a stranger to her, so I pretended it was an adult bra.

Just like when a beautiful girl says “white,” black becomes white without question.

“You’re so nice, mister.”

Whether she was touched by my pretentious kindness or not, she became obedient when it came to taking off her clothes.

With excitement, her blouse fell off, and as I began to remove her (junior) bra, she raised her arms to make it easier to take off.

The blue skin made her armpit muscles look unusually beautiful.

“This is the first time a man has seen my breasts.”

“I see, I see.”

Her sincere words filled my heart with an abundance of blooming flowers, so I boldly began to squeeze and massage her perfectly untouched blue twin mounds, which were almost like a pristine snowfield illuminated by the moonlight on a late night.

“Mmm… nn.”

The breasts were probably around a C-cup in size.

But with the forceful momentum of breasts that seemed to say, “I’m still growing fast!” they had the firmness and bounce of a D-cup or even an E-cup when I massaged them.

They felt firm, and it even seemed like they were resisting my touch and bouncing back.

Chupchupp… mlem, churup…

As I massaged her breasts, I kissed her lips gently, and Vivid responded obediently.

It seemed she had developed a passion for kissing.

Mlem, mchupp, mlemlem… churup, mmmhh… chuupchuupchuup♪

“Ah, yannn…”

At the same time, I pressed my erect penis against the girl’s buttocks and thighs, rubbing them gently.

Contrary to the cold impression of her blue skin, they were warm and silky smooth.

The texture and smoothness of her teenage skin transferred to my hardening penis, and it felt incredibly pleasurable.

So, without hesitation, I hooked the sturdy part of my rod into her navy polka-dot panties and made a show of pulling them down forcefully.

“Let’s get these clothes off, shall we?”

As I whispered the words, Vivid nodded meekly and bowed her head.

The very act of removing a girl’s panties was a gift from God.

The way the fabric glided smoothly down her slender legs, slipping off the pointed toes of her thigh-high socks.

And the way her thighs quivered, making a soft, squelching sound as her bare genitals were exposed.

It was as if she was filled with dreams of the world.

…Maybe this girl saw a glimpse of me as a character in the romance novels she loved to read. That’s why she’s so obedient.

This is nothing short of luck.

But lucky or not, Vivid spread her tightly closed legs, sealed for eighteen years, revealing her exposed feminine area.

Her lower lips were the same delicate peach color as her upper lips, and her labia were plump, proudly proclaiming the healthy functioning of a woman.

Her juices flowed rapidly, dripping down to her buttocks.

“I’m scared…”

But even at that point, Vivid began to say troublesome things.

So I gently stroked her hair, kissed her forehead, and smiled at her kindly.

I borrowed this romantic scene from the Shunpon we read.

The effect was undeniable, as Vivid made a small sign of the cross on her swollen blue chest and stopped shaking.

Although the book might have influenced this – since the other party was a priestess – I imagined that if a Demon did this, they would surely be scolded.

“Here I go.”


My ugly penis slipped into the girl’s beautiful slit.


It was already wet, but it still seemed painful. I stopped my hips, leaving only the tip of my glans inside.

“Does it hurt?”


Vivid tried to be strong, but she couldn’t hide the fact that she was hurt, so I kissed her to distract her while keeping my penis in place.

In return, she returned the kiss passionately, as if she had just recovered from her first kiss.

Perhaps in the midst of the pain of having her virginity taken, she desperately extended her tongue and lips.

I didn’t feel bad as this young girl’s innocent lips pressed desperately against mine.

Gradually, even her virgin orifice became more accustomed to the intrusion, and her arousal increased, causing her juices to flow again.

As I pushed deeper, she winced, but as I adjusted the angle of penetration, rubbing against the folds in front and the vaginal walls behind, she began to moan sensually.


With little experience of how to respond to pleasure, her moans were unstable and inexperienced, but that made her even more attractive.

That aside, more importantly, the insides of this blue Oni girl was incredibly pleasing.

It was hot and slippery as if my cock was about to melt. The inner flesh also had bumps and wrinkles that added more to my arousal.

Since I hadn’t slept with an Oni female before, I wasn’t sure if this was the subtle difference between human females and Oni females or just her individual physical characteristics.

The flesh inside was getting hotter and hotter.

Squelch, squelch…

I plunged in and out and changed the angle.

Squelch, squelch, sploosh, squish… squelch, squelch… squelch♡♡

While I was leisurely enjoying the depths of the blue demon girl’s flesh, I heard the sound of a horse neighing from somewhere.

“Oh, my father has returned.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yes. That’s the sound of my father’s carriage.”

Just as Vivid said that, footsteps could be heard hurrying outside the room. The servants were probably rushing to greet the master of the house.

“Fuuah… ahhn… we have to stop… otherwise…”

“I know…”

I hurried myself. If I didn’t ejaculate soon, her Oni father would come to this room to check on his daughter. He’s a doting parent, after all. I had to get it over with before then.

I stopped paying attention to the fact that she was a virgin and started shaking my hips hard.

“Ihiiieee! Ihiii…”

Was she in pain, was she surprised, was she shocked? Did it feel good? The girl screamed in a voice I couldn’t understand.

But every time I thrust, she squeezed my shaft and locked my hips in place with her legs.

Her slender arms were thrown to the side, and her young black hair swayed dignifiedly to the rhythm of intense sex.

“Oo, ooh… I’m coming… ugh!”

“Heeghiieeeee♡♡… Haahaaa… Eh?”

Splurururut, splurururt, splururt♪

The blue Oni girl’s eyes, which always looked sharp and slanted, fluttered open as my cock spewed a large amount of cum.

“Haa… ahh, aaahh…”

Her irises, black and clear, dilated, and seeing her react like that gave me even more of an exhilarating feeling.

Even the look on her face, almost like a ruined woman as she felt the hot liquid penetrating her, is so hot.

I basked myself in the tingling vibrations for a few seconds before I pulled my cock out.

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