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Chapter 12 – Clash With the Four Devas! XII

I want to fap, I want to fap, I want to fap…

This was all the female warrior could think of all day as she scratched her bound crotch through the metal parts of the chastity belt.

Inside the metal penis tube was a cock growing out between her legs. The metal tube is far more inorganic than the Abalone Fleshlight, but the fact that her penis is always inserted into the cavity means that it continues to give her a subtle sexual sensation. Even the slightest movement of her body would cause her penis to brush against the walls of the tube, causing a tingling feeling that she couldn’t help but fixate on. Furthermore, her penis was covered by a foreskin, which meant that the slight friction of the skin against the walls would also give her a subtle pleasure.

I want to pull back this foreskin and fap iiit!

Her mind, consumed by this desire, constantly pinched and toyed with her genitals. But because she is bound by the chastity belt, this desire is never fulfilled.

Moreover, not only was she unable to ejaculate, but even her attempts to achieve a full erection remained incomplete. Although she could not touch it, her penis would occasionally swell. However, the penis tube has a fixed size that is comparable to her semi-erect state, and it prevented her penis from growing, thus preventing any further arousal. Especially when her penis expanded to its limit inside the tube, the skin rubbing against it would cause the female warrior incredible frustration.

“Ugh… I hate… that man…”

The female warrior despised Nigel for what he had done. Of course, with her situation, she understood that everything he did was for her own sake. But even if she understood it in her mind, it didn’t mean that her body would be able to comprehend it.

“Uggghhh… I want to peel it, I want to fap it, I want to peel off the foreskin and fap it…”

Finally unable to bear it any longer, she tried to break the chastity belt that seemed to be made of metal. Her entire body was filled with more power than when she had drawn her Blue Dragon Sword against Kriou, and her buttocks, exposed by the chastity belt that spun like a loincloth, clenched and rippled.

It might sound absurd for anyone else to try to break a metal chastity belt this way, but she is no ordinary woman. This female warrior had proven her strength by defeating the Demon Beast King, Kriou, with her strength alone. There was a chance that she could do the same.

Or so she thought.

“Gununuununununu!!!! …ha, haaahaaahhaaa… D, Daaammnniiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!”

No matter how much force she put into it, the chastity belt didn’t even budge, which showed that the material used to create the thing was no ordinary metal, or perhaps it was even enchanted. Therefore, the only way to open it is by removing the padlock.

Yes, that’s right! As long as I can get the key to the padlock, I can open it!

The female warrior thought to herself. The holy knight must have the key.

“The key, the key. Just open it with the key, peel off the foreskin, and start pewpew-ing…”

With vacant eyes and thoughts that began to deteriorate into those of a child, she stood in the doorway of the knight’s room.

“Oh, my. Leah. What’s wrong?”

“N-no, nothing. I have nothing to say…”

“Come to think of it, it’s been almost three days since you started wearing that chastity belt. I’m surprised you’ve made it this far without any problems or anything.”

“W-well, yeah. It was nothing, really. Easy peasy… penis squeezyyy.”

“Hmm? Did you say something weird? Anyway, how about coming into the kitchen with me? I’ll make you some tea.”

“No, thank you. I had enough tea for today. Rather, I just need the key to the chastity belt for a moment.”


The holy knight’s gaze sharpened.

“You’ve endured so much, and now you’re just going to give up?”

“I don’t mean it like that. It’s just that…”

“It’s no use trying to deceive me. I will not give you this key until three days have passed.”

“Oh, oh, oh… please. I’m at my limit. I’m just going to pull back my foreskin a little! I won’t cum, I swear!”

The female warrior cried, her emerald eyes brimming with clear tears.

The holy knight was surprised by her friend’s desperation, but she didn’t give her the key.

“Fine,” the female warrior changed her tune, seeing that her crocodile tears were ineffective. “If you’re going to be like that, I’ll make you give it to me, even if I have to use force!”

“If you want it, then you have to take it yourself. I’m not going to give it to you. But you already knew that.”

“I had a feeling you would say that.”

“How many times did we fight?”

“What? You don’t remember? 151 wins, 151 losses, and 55 draws. We’re even.”

“Even? I remember winning the last one against you. 152 wins, 151 losses, and 54 draws.”

“The last one doesn’t count as a win.”

The holy knight drew her saber and ran it through the warrior’s chest.

“CLANG.” The sound of metal against metal echoed across the blue sky.

But the warrior stopped the saber with her Blue Dragon Sword just in time, parrying it and with it the holy knight away with only her raw strength.

“Your strength is as absurd as ever…!”

“Ahaha! Here comes the final blow!”

As if in retaliation, the female warrior leaps in the direction the holy knight is thrown and tries to pin her body to the ground.

“I won’t give you the key!”

But the holy knight dodged her attack with a quick turn, as if anticipating her move.

Ah, I know that move. She had the ability to combine dodging and attacking into a single technique. I must defend myself against this!

But it was then, in the very moment the female warrior thought of it.

A small piece of metal was thrown into the sky from the holy knight’s left hand.

It’s the key! The female warrior stretched out her hand.

But just as it was about to fall into her grasp, a tremendous blow struck her side. It was the holy knight’s counterattack.


The warrior collapsed, and ting-ting-ting. The key fell to the ground.

The holy knight picked up the key and said to the female warrior with a smile, “I used the back of my sword. Don’t worry.”

But even if she had used the back of her sword, if it hadn’t been for the protective magic on her bikini armor, the female warrior’s intestines would have spilled out by now.

“That brings my record to 153 wins, 151 losses, and 54 draws.”

The holy knight said with a smile.

“No, it’s actually 151 wins, 151 losses, and 56 draws…” the female warrior wanted to complain, but her consciousness faded.

The next day. The female warrior’s penis was gone. She stood proudly, her pubic area now clean, her voluptuous breasts bouncing. Her beautiful face… it was back to the image of the proud warrior they knew.

“Let’s go rescue that person.”


And so the two of them left the town to save the exiled merchant…

But at that moment.

A man with sunburned skin approached them from the front entrance and stared at them intently, giving off the air of a suspicious type in all directions. Or rather, his lustful gaze made them feel as if they were being visually violated.

Both the female warrior and the holy knight became cautious.

“Oh? Where are you two going? I just got back, and now you’re leaving?”

“Who is this guy? Is he trying to pick us up?”

“What a disrespectful man.”

“Maybe we could teach him a thing or two about not doing that to women.”

In the end, they didn’t recognize him as the merchant until the man showed his penis to the two of them.

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