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Chapter 7 – Clash With the Four Devas! VII

(What’s happening to my body?)

The female warrior began to worry about how her body had been altered. Along with this anxiety, the vague feeling from earlier throbbed again in her chest, and at the same time, the bulge between her legs began to swell. The surface of her tight panties brushed against it, sending waves of pleasure that made it grow again.

“Oh? It seems yours is the type that has a bit of foreskin in it.”

Before she realized it, the clearly visible silhouette of a ‘rod’ had appeared, shamelessly sticking its head out of the top waistband of her blue bikini panty armor.

(No, no, no. This can’t be happening!!!)

Her cheeks felt like they were on fire.

“Don’t be afraid. In fact, there’s nothing to be ashamed of about having a little skin. Or rather, I have heard that it gives others an even more pleasant experience to have something like that.”

“You sleazy bastard! You’re not fighting fair!”

“As she told you before, this mistress is not interested in your ‘fair’ fights or whether such a method is cowardly or not. The only thing this mistress is interested in right now… is your adorable little cock.”

With that, Proditus angled the penis to the right and pushed it back into the bikini panty armor. Then she began to stroke it vigorously while still inside the tiny strip of clothing, causing the “newborn penis” to rub against the smooth texture of the fabric repeatedly.

“Hieee, hieeeeehh!!”

Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap…

“Haaahaaaa… ahhnn, no, stop, aaah, haahaaa, ahhh, haaa…”

As a woman, the female warrior had never experienced such sensations in her 18 years of life. But of course she hadn’t. Because women don’t grow penises in the first place.

(That’s right. Before I’m a warrior, I’m a woman. That’s why I’m called the female warrior. As such, there’s no way a “female” like me should feel good about having her penis rubbed!)

Fapfap, fapfap…

“Hyaaaa… haaahaaa, no… stop it already… ….”

But despite the protests in her mind and out, the ‘thing’ was still there, and it grew with every rub.

Fapfap, fwishfwish, fapfap, fwishfwish…

Worse still, Proditus would change the pace of her stroking at different intervals, making her feel this and that. With each change, her ‘rod’ would learn a new sensation and grow harder each time.

“How was it? Do you feel like surrendering? I think now would be the best time.”

“Who says, ahh, ahh, ahhhh, I can’t believe this… nmmmh.”

She wanted to say, “Who says I’m surrendering?” However, the multiple pleasures made it impossible for her to finish her sentences.

“Is that so? Ah, I see now. You’re saying that because you want more rubbing. Then here you go~”

“Aaah, ahhh… ahh, haahaaa, fuuh, fuuh, shuuuhh, huuu, fuuuhh, hshuuu.”

(No, I can’t let her do what she wants!)

Refusing to give in, she tightened her thigh muscles to withstand the sensation of the penis being rubbed. But then she felt the ring-like itching sensation again in the area just below the tip of the ‘rod’, while she began to feel fluffy in the area around the base.

“Oh? It looks like you’re about to cum.”

(Cum? Is that what it feels like when you’re about to cum? But this is way too different…)

She couldn’t understand what was going on. But all she knew was that when a penis is about to “ cum,” it means it is ejaculating.

(No, no, no, no! That’s definitely not good! Especially for a woman like me! I mean, how could I ejaculate when I am a woman! No, I won’t allow it, I definitely won’t allow it! I have to endure it!)

Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap…

However, the hand stroking her “rod” began maintaining a steady rhythm, as if sensing her will to resist ejaculation and telling her: “We won’t lose either!”

But what is ejaculation and how do I stop it from happening? She doesn’t know. So she doesn’t know how to endure it, let alone withstand it for how long.

“This mistress won’t stop fapping you until you cum.”

At the same time, when Proditus said this.

(Uwaa, waaa, what, what is this!?)

From below her crotch to her lower abdomen, the female warrior felt a floating sensation. This was then followed by the rod spasming intensely.

Plururururut… splurururut, splurururut, splurt♪

Inside the female warrior’s proud bikini bottoms, the ‘rod’ bounced energetically. She could feel the hot liquid shooting vigorously from the tip.

(Kyaaaaaaa! Fuaaaaaaahhh! No way, this can’t be happening! What is this stuff? And it just keeps coming out. How do I stop it!!?)

Every time her ‘rod’ spurts out a wave of hot liquid, intense pleasure runs through her groin. It was none other than the exhilarating sensation of sperm rushing through the center of the shaft, surging up from deep inside.

Spurt, throb, spurt, throb, her heart was pounding with each spurt.

Her exposed breasts jiggled seductively, in perfect harmony with her body convulsing with the pleasure of ejaculation. Her delicate face, which could pass for a princess anywhere, melted in disarray from the pleasure of the penis, with drool running down to complement it.

“Ahiiiee, aheeee…”

Splurt, plurt. plurt♪

The female warrior’s first ejaculation didn’t end there. Her heroic-looking thighs, which had performed many special moves in the past, also opened and closed in an impatient crab-like motion just for the sake of ejaculation.

The sperm leaked from the tip of the taut rod, then past the blue fabric of her panties before trickling down underneath.

“Fuaaah, huaaaahh… I… ejaculated… even though I’m a woman… I ejaculated…”

As she said this, Proditus’ wings gently released their grip on her shoulders, and the invincible female warrior finally dropped to her knees. Her breath was ragged; she looked completely exhausted.

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