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Chapter 33 – Good Time in the Bath with the Female Warrior 2 ※

“Nhaaaa♡ Fuuuu, aahhh, aaahhhhh♡♡ To think… doing this already feels this good… aahhh♡”

It seems that it wasn’t only me who is feeling good. The stimulation provided by her breast scrubbing against my back proved irresistible to Carla as well.

But as if that wasn’t enough, she wrapped her arms around my chest and fastened herself tightly to my back. From there, she began to move her body up and down, pressing her tits against me.

“Nhaaaahhhh♡ To think that my nipples rubbing against Ryou’s back would feel so good♡♡ I can’t believe it♡”

Carla was moving her body up and down while she squatted behind me as if she was clinging to my back…or rather, she was literally hogging my back to be exact.

It was no doubt a scene of an animal in heat rubbing her body against her mate.

It was nasty and shameful to the point that it could end her life as an adventurer if anyone ever saw us doing this.

However, as if aroused by the risks, my dick began to swell.

Squishhh, squishhh, squishhh~~~~♡

“Ahhh, fuaahhh♡! Nhaaaahh, nfuuhhh…♡!”

Shlick, Shlick♡! Shlip, shlickk♡!

“Nnfuhh, kyaaa♡! Ahh, nhaaaaa♡!”

The soapy, wet breasts and nipples slid down my back without any resistance.

I couldn’t hold back and turned around in my stool.

At that moment, Carla, who suddenly had nothing left to rub,


Screamed again.

“Ahh, Ryouu…♡? W-what’s wrong? Maybe it didn’t feel so good for you? Ahh, mmfuuhh♡♡”

I hugged her shoulders and kissed her on the lips.

At first, Carla looked surprised, but soon, she was ecstatic and aggressively flirted her tongue with mine.


She sucked on my lips and licked off my spit.

I reach down and squeeze her tits and start playing with her nipples, and from here, the kissing becomes even more aggressive.

“Hiyaaa♡♡ Haaa…♡♡ Ahhh, my nipples…fuaaahhh♡!”

While I continued to kiss and play with her nipples, Carla put her hands behind my back.

Then she wrapped herself around me and hugged me with all the strength in her arms.

I thought this was cute, so I tried to knead her nipples with my fingertips as if I wanted to leave my fingerprints on them.

In response, she shivered and shook her whole body.

“Ahhh, you can’t♡ My nipples, stop pinching them like that♡♡Because if you do, I’ll go crazyyyy♡ Afuuh, ahhhhhhhh♡ Aaah, haaaaah♡”

Carla’s eyes went wide, and her body arched into a pose as if she was puffing out her chest.

I let go of her lips but didn’t let go of her nipples, this time tweaking the tips with my fingernails while rubbing her ample breasts with the rest of my hand.

Carla’s tits were exceptionally large, so much so that her soft flesh seemed to overflow in my hands.

As I gently tortured both of her breasts and nipples in this way, she let out a loud gasp.

“Aahh, nhaaaaa♡♡! S-stooopp♡ My nipples, I’m going crazy from feeling good my nipples♡♡♡Pleaseee♡♡♡! Aaaahhhhhaaahhhhaaa♡♡♡♡!!”

It seems that the stimulation was too much even for Carla because, along with the distorted voice, clear liquid spurted from her crotch.

“Ahh, haaa…♡”

Obviously, the torrent that gushed from earlier was the sign of Carla’s climax.

Even now, clear love juices were still overflowing from her crotch and dripping onto the tiles, forming a small puddle.


Breathing heavily and still shaking from the sensation, Carla brought her body closer to me before resting her chin on my shoulder.

Then her hands reached down to my front and began to stroke my erect penis.

“R-Ryou… about before… I’m sorry… I know it’s bad for a woman to be the first to cum, but… you see, I can’t… I can’t hold it in anymore…”

Carla says this as she starts to rub my cock with her fingers, all while I hear her matching heavy breathing in my ears.

Come to think of it. I noticed that the women here always apologize to me when they cum first.

Is this the equivalent of the awkward feeling of a man ejaculating before penetration in my original world?

The girl may not care, but for the guy, it is usually the opposite.

After all, it is equivalent to a tremendous sense of defeat and shame, as it would be a direct insult to the pride of a man.


“Oh, sorry. I was just lost in thought for a moment.”

Anyway, what should I do now?

The play earlier felt pretty good, but I still felt it was a bit lacking, so I want to raise the mood more before we go with the real thing.

Hmm, what to do… I mean, sure, it feels good when Carla does this to me with her hands, but I can’t help but want something more…

“Um, Carla, could you try to… beg for me a little bit cutely? Like a pet, if that’s okay with you.”

“Beg? Like a pet?”

“Yeah. The thing is, I thought it would give me more ‘oomph’ to see Carla cutely begging for my cock. That way, I would be more inclined to have sex with you.”

I spoke without shame. It’s amazing how I grew from a shy boy to this in such a short time.

However, at my suggestion, Carla just looked at me for a while, then, as if a loud BONG! sound occurred in her head like a cat hearing the sound of a giant church bell ringing at a short distance, she panicked.

Her eyes were spinning, and she looked utterly hopeless.

“N-no way, no, no, no, no! I can’t do such a thing! It’s impossible for me!”

“Eh? Was it too difficult for you?”

“No, that’s not what I mean… like, I’m not cute at all, you know? I’m ugly… that’s why I can’t do something like begging in a cute way… you might get disappointed in me… or worse… so I can’t…”

She spoke those lines, looking teary-eyed as she fidgeted with her fingers.

The momentum from before was gone, and she was completely crestfallen.

Although she was not a Beastfolk, I seemed to see a hallucination of dog ears hanging down from her head.

~~~S-so cute!

As expected from an S-rank adventurer!

She graciously responded to her client’s request right away!

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