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Chapter 4 – Clash With the Four Devas! IV

Grrrrrr, awoooooooohh!

The Beast Demon soldiers, almost akin to beastly creatures, drooling here and there, rushed toward the women on Kriou’s command. As for why they were acting this way, it was because they were in heat, which intensified their ferocity.

Kriou even had the amusing thought that if he didn’t annihilate the town quickly, there would be nothing left of the women for him to deal the final blow, as his soldiers would have devoured them whole, both sexually and literally.

With that, Kriou had established his ideal scenario for this battle. And he was confident because these ideal scenarios of him had never been shattered, not even once. It always unfolded as he had imagined it. This was a testament to his strength and intellect.

But today, from the very first move, his predictions were defied.


As the holy knight on horseback finished chanting, a gust of wind gathered around her saber, condensing into a ball that then shot out with a booming sound. Several hundred Beast Demon soldiers were injured and blown away.

“What the…!”

It was an oddly named finishing move, similar to the clothes worn over their jogging outfit when exercising in the cold mornings. However, it was nonetheless a fearsome technique.

However, even though it was a terrifying technique, at least for humans, it did not mean that it was also effective against Demons. As proof, those who remained standing were not affected at all, indicating that they were more powerful than the last.

Specific Beast Demon soldiers that were impervious to most long-range magic, Ogres that were numb to pain. Skeletons that needed to have their weak points pierced one by one.

There’s also the fact that these weren’t your average “monsters” you’d find lurking in the woods; these were locally bred and trained by Newland as true soldiers. Even among the others, their level was completely different.

“Kuh, they’re more troublesome than I thought…”

The holy knight skillfully combined magic and swordsmanship and fought an equal battle against each of the formidable thousand beast soldiers. But while it showed a commendable display of unparalleled bravery, her techniques was just highly incompatible with the sheer numbers of tough enemies.

Seeing this situation, Kriou’s lion cheeks widened into a grin.

Even though it seemed like it would take more time than he expected, his prediction was still correct.

Therefore, no further steps are necessary.

But that did not mean that he could take his time destroying the town. If he takes too long, the soldiers will be annihilated instead. Therefore, he had to move quickly.

Thinking this, Kriou turned and faced the town.

“I won’t let you!”

However, his path was blocked by a Blue Dragon Sword.

“Tch. The female warrior.”

In response to the threat, his beast-like pupil expanded and his golden mane bristled.

But he did not attack yet. Instead, he asked the female warrior first.

“Is it all right for someone like you to be here? Leaving a thousand of my Beast Demon soldiers to your companion, who is all alone right now?”

“This is called role division, Demon!”

As the female warrior spoke, she thrust her sword.


Kriou twisted his body instinctively, but his chest was still grazed, and blood dripped from his fur.

Since he hadn’t experienced bleeding in over a hundred years, he couldn’t comprehend what had just happened for a moment.

“Yo-you biitch…!”

The realization flooded into his mind, and as if in exchange, fury came out.

Fangs bared, claws raised, eyes bloodshot, the Demon Beast King roared.

His violent muscles surged as he lunged at the woman. His fangs aimed for her shoulder while his claws tried to pierce her abdomen.

But even though each blow landed on her, none of them were fatal. Thanks to her extraordinary reflexes, the female warrior skillfully avoided being hit in her vital points.

Seeing this, Kriou’s frustration grew.

But he had to remain calm.

Fury resided in his body, but recognizing his opponent’s strength always required calm judgment.

Kriou always formulated his predictions in such a way, despite his wild and brutal appearance in battle.

Typically, those who operated on the basis of predictions would falter when those expectations failed. But he wasn’t susceptible to such fragility. He could adapt to unexpected situations and devise new predictions, a testament to his robust mental strength, enough to merit the title of “Deva.”

“This woman is strong.”

He finally admitted to himself.

He no longer needed to hold back.

And so, with a stance that resembled the starting position of a track and field sprinter, Kriou took his preferred stance – the ultimate move in his arsenal.

The female warrior cautiously kept her distance as if wary of Kriou’s changed demeanor. But such an inadequate distance would prove useless.

With his eyes rolled back as if imitating those comic book characters about to do a powerup, an explosive surge of heat coursed from the back of his thigh to the inside of his body. In a fraction of a second, this burst of energy came out of his glutes.


A sonic boom followed, shattering the sound barrier and instantly closing the gap between them.

The female warrior’s body, which swayed provocatively even in combat, especially the well-endowed chest hidden under the bikini armor, was the first thing that caught Kriou’s eye. As this annoyed him a bit, it became the first target of his sharp, bared fangs.

It was an attack at a speed beyond human reaction – an attack at supersonic speed.

And yet, the female warrior was able to react quickly.

It was only a moment, like a fraction of a second, but in that time gap, her muscular body relaxed, allowing only the necessary force to swing her Blue Dragon Sword. Then she raised it to a height just high enough to block the incoming fang with its blade.

With the sound of metal hitting a hard object, the female warrior successfully defended herself against the supersonic bite.

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