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Chapter 28 – A Female Adventurer’s Struggle and Reward 9

While saying those lines, I reached out and grabbed Lieselotte’s tits, which were bobbing violently on her chest.


Her breasts are heavy, and they’re so big that their flesh seemed to overflow between my fingers when I grabbed them.

It was like holding two giant water balloons using the palm of my hands.

And when I flicked her nipples with my fingertips, as if flipping a switch, Lieselotte’s body would tremble in return.

“Ahhh♡! Yes, I have to admit…♡ while it feels good to rub Ryou’s penis this way, it is still far from the feeling of having your dick in my pussy…♡! Real, proper sex is still the best…♡!”

“So, can we have real sex now?”

“Nn♡ But it feels so good that my hips just won’t stop…they want to keep rubbing and rubbing your tip more…nhaaa♡”

In fact, even as she was saying that, Lieselotte was shaking her hips back and forth as if she was teasing my cock.

Hmm, what should I do?

It feels good for me to be teased like this, but I really want to penetrate her soon.

In fact, it’s already getting hard to hold myself back.

While I was wondering what to do, someone’s hand touched Lieselotte’s shoulder.

Well, although I addressed it as ‘someone,’ there is only one other person in this room besides us.

“Now, now, Lieselotte, dear. We know that Sir Ryou is a benevolent man. But isn’t it very inappropriate if we all one-sidedly take advantage of his benevolence?”

“Ah, Tsukikage…?”

“Or rather, it is we who should be grateful that he would stick his raw cock into the pussies of ugly women like us. That we actually should bow our heads in gratitude for his act of mercy of pouring his seed into our orifices without question, don’t you think?”

“Uuu… B-but…”

Tsukikage puts her hands on Lieselotte’s shoulders and peeks over us to see our connection.

The fox ears on her head twitched just now. It was very cute.

Yes. Besides me and Lieselotte, Tsukikage is also in this room.

And for the reason precisely the same as before. For this is a shared room in the inn where everyone in Rosenkreuzer is staying.

The reason why I am having sex with Lieselotte here is, of course, to fulfill my promise for the “Reward for conquering the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf,” the same reason as with Iris last time.

However, when I asked why Tsukikage was in this room during my sex act with Lieselotte, she said before we started: “This one wants to keep an eye on our little Lieselotte to make sure she doesn’t go too far. This one is not saying that she’s a bad girl in any way, but this child tends to be the kind who goes at her own pace and loses sight of her surroundings. So this one is here to keep a check on that.” and “Of course, if Lieselotte allows it, this one would really like to watch the whole event!” she said this with so much momentum that I could only nod my head in agreement.

By the way, Lieselotte was, “This one doesn’t mind, though…? And was nodding in return, then followed by “Ah, in that case, allow me to watch too when Tsukikage and Ryou are having as well!”

Are they going to use each other’s sex scenes as masturbation material or something?

Or rather, aren’t you two too honest about your feelings? You are not even trying to hide your intentions!

Well, that’s how it happened.

And now, Tsukikage, who was supposed to be on the next bed watching us do our thing, was hugging Lieselotte’s back.

“It looks like this child still needs this one’s support. Here we go~”

“Eh… nn, aaaaahhhhhhh♡♡♡!”

Out of the blue, Tsukikage drew something in the void with her fingertips.

A small magic circle of light appeared, but it also disappeared in an instant.

And the moment the magic circle disappeared, Lieselotte’s hips sank down.

It was as if something urged her to push down.


Anyway, with this, my dick was immediately swallowed by Lieselotte’s narrowed vagina.

The area, soaked with her love juices from our previous battles, easily accepted my dick.

“Nhaaaa♡!? Haaa, aahhh, nguhh♡ W-what is this…♡!”

Squish, squelch, squish, squelch, squish, squelch♡!

Splock, splock, splock, splock, splock♡♡!

After that, Lieselotte swayed her hips up and down vigorously. What’s more, when she got on her knees, she spread her knees wide so that our joining parts and her clitoris, whose pea was sticking out, were completely visible on my side.

This is not the same intercrural sex she was doing before with the tip of my dick.

In fact, her hips were swinging so much that the previous act even seemed elegant.

It was as if she were riding a horse through the wilderness.

And the force was so great that love juices spilling out of our connection would go splashing on the sheets in all directions.

“Aaaaahhnn♡! T-tsukikageeeehh, what have you done to meeee…♡! Nhaaaahh, aahhhhhh♡♡!”

“Un? As this one said, this one is here to support you, child. Besides, isn’t it normal for party members to help each other?”

Tsukikage smiled smugly as if proud of what she had done.

And even as hse said this, she didn’t take her hands away from supporting Lieselotte, who continued to shake her hips up and down.

“This one used her body manipulation magic to control our little Lieselotte’s body movements. With this, no matter how much one climaxes, and no matter how much one loses her ability to move from the pleasure, she will be able to have sex with Sir Ryou nonstop. That means she won’t have to worry about not being able to shake her hips anymore♡ Umu, you may not see it, but this one has an incomparable love and adoration for her companions.”


Or rather, is Lieselotte okay with it?

And why would you use such a powerful magic just for sex?

“A-as if that could be true…♡! Tsukikage, you just couldn’t take it anymore, so this time you’re rushing me so that I can finish early…!”

“Umu? Well, this one can’t deny that reasoning, either. After all, if you monopolize Sir Ryou for too long, there won’t be any time left for this one’s turn.”

“Nhaaaahhh! T-Then remove this magic already… aahh, nhaaaaahh♡!”

“No can do. As I said, this is also for Lieselotte’s sake, remember?”

“My own… sake…?”

“Listen to this one first. You see, this is one of the very, very few opportunities for us ugly women to be embraced by a man. And while it’s good that we can’t waste this chance, we can’t abuse it for ourselves either. Yes, even if we had the previous “promise” to him. This means that we must act in a way that satisfies Sir Ryou’s well-being as well, not just our own. Do you understand that now, little child?”

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