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Chapter 6 – The Four Devas of Newland VI

Nigel the Black Dragon returned home once but soon went out in a daze.

“What will sprout out of this chaos this time?”


After confusing his servant with his words on the way out, he set off on his own to the outskirts of the city.

His destination was the merchant’s city.

But on the way,

“Mm, yes. For now, I need a scripture to guide me.”

He would say these words even though he had no one to talk to.

Sometimes, he would even stop and strike strange poses when he was just thinking about something.

In short, they were utterly nonsensical acts.

“You. Stay right there.”


Suddenly, someone taps him on the shoulder from behind, and he turns his head, only to see a skeleton police officer standing there with a serious expression on his face.

Though he doesn’t have any other expression to make but a serious face. After all, he is a skeleton.

“It seems like you are carrying something suspicious with you. Do you mind if I inspect you?”

It is a crude way of talking, but what would happen if he knew that he was Nigel the Black Dragon, one of the Four Devas?

But of course, Nigel, not being the intelligent type, couldn’t just reveal his real identity.

Because it would be uncool if he did that.

“What do you mean I’m carrying something suspicious?”

So instead, Nigel asks back stupidly and honestly.

“I meant what I said. Kakakrararaktatat! That duffel bag looks suspicious. Let’s open it up and see what’s inside.”

“Eh. No, this is a bit…”

When the skeleton policeman suddenly chattered his jaw, Nigel was drawn back. Was it a mannerism he had inherited when he was alive? However, the skeleton policeman interpreted this action as malicious.

“Hmm, are you resisting? Preparing to run away, perhaps? Now, you’re getting more and more suspicious. Kakakrararaktatat!”

“N-no, it’s your jaw! Why are you making it chatter like that? Hey, let go!”

When the policeman put his hand on the zipper of the bag, Nigel reflexively pulled it back. Unfortunately, the zipper was opened violently as a result, and the contents spilled out. A number of brightly colored books spilled onto the street.

“Hmmm. You don’t seem to be carrying anything dangerous, but I wouldn’t be too keen on you carrying those books around in the open. Keep them in a safe place.”

“…I will.”

Once again, Nigel replies with a simple, honest answer.

“Mother, why is that mister getting angry with the policeman?”

“Shh, don’t look. Or he’ll get you pregnant.”


“Because he’s all piled up. Leave him alone.”

While receiving scorn from passers-by like this, Nigel quickly puts the porn books away in his bag. No matter how good-looking he is, he is guaranteed to be treated like a pariah if people see him like this.

When he was safely released from police custody, Nigel walked away alone.

“Ugh… I want to be embraced by the flames of darkness and disappear.”

Nigel was depressed, but as he went further, his complexion gradually cleared up.

This is because he could see Shunpon Street, which he was looking for.

However, his cheerful countenance was filled with gloom once again when he stopped in front of a shop in the neighborhood. The shop’s lights were out, meaning it was closed. He looked up at the window that was void of the living and did not move.

The shop belonged to none other than the priestess who is the center of the maelstrom they were discussing. And he was a particular fan of the shop.

But no matter how hard he stared into the window, a shop without a shopkeeper would never open.

“My guide, my compass, my scriptures… oh, where could they be?”

Nigel moans, his long eyelashes fluttering forlornly. And as if to match his grief, a chilling wind also blows through the streets of the city he was in.


Then, someone tapped him on the shoulder. Again.

What the hell, another interrogation? He glanced back in fear, only to see a pig-faced man in a beret, sunglasses, and trench coat. He stands there with his hands in his pockets, looking exactly like the kind of suspicious man the police should be questioning instead of him.

“What is it, you bastard?”

Nigel spoke angrily, wondering why the world was so unfair to him.

“Woah, woah. No need to be so angry, buddy. Though I also understand your feelings, well, in a way.”

“And? Go straight to the point.”

“Well, you see. I often see people looking up at the window of this store. I just want to tell you that I also happen to sell these kinds of things.”

Then, the man took out a book from inside his silver attaché case.

“The Female Warrior and the Unscrupulous Merchant”

It said in the title.

“This one comes with a premium, so it’s a bit expensive, you see…”

“I’ll buy it!”

Nigel obtained a shunpon!


After this transaction, which looks like a drug deal from any angle, with his red eyes glowing seductively, Nigel unbuttons his jet-black shirt, exposing his thick chest, and skips out of the neighborhood. It’s not often you get to see a grown man skipping like this in earnest.

“Oh, It’s Lord Nigel!”

Because of the way he was sauntering, the young women on the street quickly spotted Nigel, who is renowned for his good looks, and called out to him in a high-pitched voice. Even if the police officers don’t recognize him, he’s a celebrity among the women, at least those who are always on the lookout for good-looking people.

“Master Nigel! Look at me!”

“Kyah, Kyah, Lord Nigel!”

“Kyaaa, so disgusting!!”

“Lord Nigel, so creepy! Kyaaakyaaa!!”

…But even setting aside Nigel’s intelligence, sometimes women are just too hard to understand, no matter what race they belong to.

Translator Notes:

Here is the Book 4 Cover of the Novel, featuring the Four Devas of Newland.

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