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Chapter 4 – The Four Devas of Newland IV

“No, that can’t be true.”

The conference with the Four Pillars continued.

“I wonder about that.”

“Maybe they’re planning something behind the scenes, and we just don’t know about it yet?”

“Then annihilation it is!”

Suddenly, the meeting quickly veered towards the eradication of the city.

Not good…

The only pillar not against it is Black Dragon Nigel, who tries to look cool while fiddling with the choker under his neck and saying things like, “That’s rubbish.” What’s worse is that Nigel is probably acting like this because he doesn’t understand the content. For once, Luna found his good looks to be this utterly irritating.

“The city cannot be annihilated.”

“Why? It was you yourself who reported that the headhunting for the engineers had been a success.”

Proditus asked.

“Yes, it’s been a success. But even with all that, this city’s mining efficiency is still higher than ours. So much so that I’ve been thinking that the very structure of this city needs to be imitated. And even if we take away the problems of mining itself, the merchant’s connections alone are still enough for him to stay, as he plays a vital role in leasing the mining equipment from the human nations and for us to trade with them. If we destroy the city while he is away, that connection we have with him and those other nations will be as good as gone. And I’d hate to think what his connections with other countries would do if they found out what we’d done to him.”

“What, so you’re saying we have to save face for that merchant? We, the Four Devas, to a puny merchant like him? How absurd! Just what is with that bastard? We are the Demon Race, for goodness’s sake! And there’s no need for the Demon Race to be concerned about the displeasure of humans, especially merchants like him!”

Even though he is literally shouting at him, Luna felt the enthusiasm and goodwill of this Demon Beast King Kriou. It is even fair to say that Luna feels exactly the same as him on a fundamental emotional level. The same would be valid for the other four Devas. However, considering the real problems, she cannot just agree with them.

“Look. What we should think about most is the long-term battle to protect the demon world from the expanding human world. Of course, we demons are far superior to humans in terms of individual magical power and fighting ability. For that reason, we have dominated them in this regard for a very long time. But humans have begun to technologize magic and create influence in whole nations and groups. This has been happening at an ever-increasing rate, and the world is now on the verge of being overrun by humans. I find this even more frightening than the heroes they create. Unfortunately, to counter this, we must also adapt as quickly as possible, even if it means indirectly replicating their magic technology and military weapons based on tactical warfare. I don’t like humans either, and I particularly dislike this lowly merchant. But we have no choice. If we don’t do business with them, we will be destitute in the long run.”

This was especially so from Luna’s point of view, who saw up close that the Demon Lord and the Hero were almost evenly matched in the battle at Andersen. This brought a sense of urgency in her. If the Demon Lord and the Hero were evenly matched, then Newland would no longer have the advantage in terms of the overall strength of the demons versus humans.

However, the Four Devas still don’t understand the big picture in this area, so they still have the luxury of thinking like this. Of course, Nigel is a fool, so he does not understand. But considering that even Gahotho and Proditus, the most intelligent of the Four Devas, are unfamiliar with the world situation, Luna could only feel fear for the future of her country.

Luna had no choice but to postpone the conclusion of the meeting.

“Either way, once the pardoned merchant and the priestess return, there will be no need to worry about the female warrior and the holy knight going rogue. I will discuss this with the demon lord so that we can bring them here as soon as possible. I will also instruct the Shunpon individuals to stop the publication of inappropriate content, so please refrain from any reckless behavior for the time being.”

The Four Devas gave answers that were neither “yes” nor “no.” Then they adjourned.


Each of the Four Devas has a mansion in Newland. Originally, the Four Devas had their main residences in their respective areas of dominion, but now they rarely return to their homelands, and all have their main residences in the capital. In this respect, they can be compared to the local aristocrats and elected politicians of the human race.


The mansion of the first of the four Devas, the blue Oni Gahotho, is in a prime location in the capital. But the mansion itself is not very luxurious and not what you’d expect from a person of power.

But that was all on purpose. If you make your home too luxurious, you will be envied. And envy is one of the causes of the downfall of many things at the top. So Gahotho, who is one of those at the top, has to do this to lessen their envy a bit.

After he got out of the carriage, he took off his top hat, and there he was welcomed into his home. He only has one servant, a maidservant. She is an old woman who has served their family for generations. Even to a senior minister like him who is aware of envious stares, this can be said to be the minimum necessary.

“Welcome home, my dear.”

His wife, waiting at the door in an apron, helps him out of his suit jacket.

“Ah, I’m home.”

Gahotho kisses his wife lightly on the forehead, enters the house and sits down on the sofa in the living room. He does not wear a belt, but suspenders, so his dress shirt effortlessly flaunts his shapely figure with its long legs.

His wife followed him and sat down next to him.

“Good grief, that secretary…”

This is where he complains about the frustrations of work, things he wanted to say but could not, something a working husband would typically do after coming home. Then his wife would sit next to him without saying a word. She would smile quietly and listen, responding with “Oh, dear” or “What a disaster” and so on if necessary, but she wouldn‘t really ask anything so as not to stress her already stressed-out husband any further, as if this were routine therapy.

Indeed, Gahotho was such a man.

In other words, he is the kind of man who would imagine such a ‘perfect family’ ideal, but at the same time, he is also a man with the ability and moderation to realize that such an endearing ideal is silly if followed out of context.

However, no matter how hard he tries, there is always a discrepancy between the ideal and the reality.

“By the way, what happened to Vivid?”

When Gahotho asked where his only daughter was, his wife gave him a half-embarrassed smile and said, “She’s in her room.”


Gahotho’s only daughter, Vivid, has recently been confined to her room. It is not so severe as that of a shut-in, but she tends to miss school and doesn’t study unless reminded.

Although her lack of studying can be tolerated because she is their daughter, she no longer cares about her appearance and sometimes wouldn’t even dress up appropriately, even though she is now 18 years old. From a parent’s point of view, this is not very healthy.

They knew the cause of this. Vivid has been staying in her room and writing comics. It’s of the dodgy kind… or rather, the very naughty kind.

She herself seems to think she is hiding it well, but both Gahotho and his wife already know about it.

Yes. Gahotho’s statement that the shunpon thing will have a very negative impact on children… is precisely what he is seeing in his only daughter right now. And that is why he is so determined to get rid of it before it becomes uncontrollable.

“Kuh… no matter what, I can’t allow it.”

Gahotho muttered, his normally droopy eyes turning stern.

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