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Interlude 2 – Is The Work Going Well? ※

“Let’s see. If this material isn’t strong enough, how about…”

Sam mutters as she carefully examines the parts of the guns in her hand.

She has two pistols in her hand, one intact and the other disassembled into its parts.

She was taking them apart and putting them back together, and after doing this a couple of times, she was able to analyze every detail with [Material Appraisal] and determine the materials used in the guns.

“It doesn’t seem like a good idea to just use the same material and infuse it with mana. Yoichi, if you don’t mind…”

Following Sam’s instructions, Yoichi took some metal ingots from a shelf in the workshop and placed them at her feet.

“Thanks. Hmmm… while the main material is steel, it also needs to be mixed with adamantite and mithril, and the ratio should be…”

Sam was already sweating as she racked her brain saying this.

The furnace is turned off at this time, as all processing is supposed to be done by magic. Even so, it was not surprising that the room temperature was still rising as the work was being done in an enclosed space.

Adding the fact that Sam, although diligently hydrating herself as instructed by Yoichi, was doing little to ventilate the room, the area quickly became a hot mess.

The thing is, ventilation at this point is not really necessary.

This is because the workshop is quite large. This means that Yoichi and Sam wouldn’t run out of oxygen even if they spent a whole day there. As long as they leave the windows and doors open at the end of the day’s work, there would be no problem the next day, even if they continued to work without any ventilation at all.

And because Sam purifies the air thoroughly before starting work, there is little chance of the air getting bad. As for the room temperature, there is nothing she can do about it or else it would affect her work.

“Amazing, it’s almost like sorcery…”

Yoichi marveled as he watched Sam work, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Several metals, originally just ingots, were changing shape and mixing like clay before his eyes. And when they became an alloy, they were then transformed into gun parts as if they had gone through an injection molding process, though the molding is invisible because it is magic.

“Hehe, it’s not ‘almost like sorcery.’ It ‘is’ sorcery.”

Sam was right. It was indeed sorcery.

While it is not like those spells implemented in wizardry that is guaranteed to have the desired effect, this magic is real sorcery that freely reflects Sam’s will, and because it transmutes minerals, it is also classified as alchemy in this world.

“Kuh… haaa… haaa…”

The metal stops transforming.

Here, Yoichi wiped Sam’s body, which was breathing painfully on her shoulder, with a towel.

“Nn, thanks…”

When it comes to the smelting process, there is really nothing Yoichi can do to help.

So whenever there was a pause in her work, he would at least wipe her sweaty body or remind her to rehydrate in order to contribute.

“Ah, not good… I’m almost out of mana, and I feel dizzy…”

Unlike wizardry, which has limited effects but also limited consumption, sorcery, which can be used at will, consumes a large amount of mana, so it is not uncommon for a sorcery user to run out of mana after using sorcery magic.

In fact, this situation also happened yesterday. That is Sam running out of mana in the middle. So even though it was only half a day, the work she had been doing had to come to an abrupt end.

After that, she slept for almost a whole day, all to recover her mana. But there is just one problem. Not only was she not wholly recovered the next day, because more precise work was required as the process progressed, the work period became shorter and shorter. After all, more detailed work means higher mana consumption.

“Well, it’s not something that can be rushed, and I’m not really in a hurry or anything. How about you take your time and rest? We’ll start it again tomorrow.”

“Muuu, but I want to do it now! And I don’t want it to end in a half-assed state like this. It reduces my motivation to do it the next day… Wait. Oh yes, we have that method!”

Suddenly, and without any warning, Sam’s face came too close to Yoichi’s, much to the man’s surprise.

“Yoichi. You said that you can’t manipulate mana. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have it, do you?”

“Um, yeah? Or rather, I have too much mana. Not that I have any way to use it.”

“I-I see…”

When Yoichi gave this answer out of the blue, Sam looked a little nervous.

She even took a gulp as if she was thinking something.

Her cheeks were also slightly flushed, but that was probably due to the room temperature, or at least that’s what Yoichi thought.

“D-do you know? Through bodily fluids… that…”

“Ah. You mean mana transfer?”

Sam, whose words were interrupted by Yoichi, opened her eyes wide for a moment. Then she looked away shyly.

“Ahahaha. So you do know…”

“A-Ah, yeah. I’ve done it a few times, to be honest…”

As Yoichi spoke, he remembered the mana transfers he had done to Karin, Misato, Alana, and even Charlotte in the past.

“So… are you okay, Yoichi? With me, I mean…”

“Ah, y-yeah… I mean, if Sam is okay with it…”

At the suggestion of transferring mana through bodily fluids, Yoichi was shaken but not stirred.

In fact, his crotch stiffened the moment he heard those words.

“I see… then… excuse me…”

At that moment, the two were sitting cross-legged, facing each other. Then suddenly, Sam bent forward and slowly crawled towards Yoichi.

The distance between the two became smaller and smaller until they were close enough to hear each other’s heavy breathing.

“Haaa… haaa… mm… mllem…”

Sam moved her face closer to Yoichi’s neck. Then, with a stretch of her tongue, she began to lick the sweat that was on it.


Surprised when Sam started to lick his neck, Yoichi suddenly remembered that there were also other conditions for transferring mana to the receiving party.

(I see… right… sweat is also an option…)

Although there are differences in concentration, as long as it is a fluid secreted by the body, it should also contribute to mana recovery.

Of course, sweat also qualifies for this.

With Karin and the others, Yoichi used his seed to transfer mana because it was the most efficient method, according to [Appraisal+]. Still, it wasn’t indispensable if there were more… ethical options.

“Mlem… mlem…”

(However, this is…)

Yoichi was having mixed thoughts as he felt the unpleasant tickling in his neck.

But he tried his best to ignore it, thinking that it was all for the treatment and not for any ulterior motives.

“Mlem, sip… um, I’ve recovered enough. Thank you.”

When he heard Sam say this, Yoichi nodded silently in response. However, he was inwardly a little disappointed that the sensation had ended, and he saw her figure move away from him.

“Now, let’s get back to work.”

From then on, after some work, Sam would lick Yoichi’s sweat to replenish herself.

But as the project went on, the process repeated itself more and more often.

After all, licking someone’s sweat is one of the most inefficient ways of transferring mana.

Perhaps, given the amount of sweat released by the skin, the amount recovered was even too small to be considered practical.

“Mlem, slurp… hm… this won’t do…”

One day, Sam, who had been burying her face in Yoichi’s neck, pulled her face away.

Strangely, the alchemical blacksmith’s face – which had been shy at first but had gradually become more composed after repeating the act over and over again – showed signs of shame again this time.

“Um… you see… saliva is more efficient than sweat…”

Yoichi smiled kindly at Sam, who looked up at him with moist eyes and sweat on her forehead and cheeks.

“And like I said, as long as Sam is okay with it, I’m okay with it too.”

“I see… yes, I remember that. Then, uh… could you please close your eyes?”

“Hm? Why?”

“I mean, the thought of you seeing my face so close while I do this is embarrassing… at least for me…”

“Heh. I understand.”

Here, Sam slightly pouted as if she didn’t like Yoichi’s relaxed reaction.

“T-This is just for the transfer of mana… It doesn’t mean anything else, okay?”

“I know. Well then. Whenever you’re ready.”


But even after Yoichi closed his eyes for a while, nothing happened.


“What’s wrong? If it’s my eyes, they’re really closed now.”

“I-I know, I can see that! It’s just…”

“It’s just what?”

“C-can you… come to me instead?”

Naturally, Yoichi’s eyes widened at these words. And the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Sam staring at him with an anxious look.


But when those eyes met hers, Sam’s eyes shut immediately, and she came closer with her small lips.


Thinking about how adorable she is right now, Yoichi was unable to sit still.

Wrapping his arms around her neck, he gently pulled Sam closer, also bringing his face closer to hers.

Then he pressed her lips against his.

“Nmmm… mmm… mmpuhaaa!! Haaa, haaaa, hey, what are you doing all of a sudden!?”

Just as he was about to press further and insert his tongue, Sam’s eyes widened, and she quickly pulled away from Yoichi with a sound of protest.

“What do you mean, what am I doing? Aren’t we doing a saliva transfer?”

“Eh, no, I mean, yes, I asked for it, but… if you suddenly give me an adult kiss out of the blue…”

“So? What are you hesitating for? Weren’t you the one who insisted that this was just a transfer of mana and had no meaning beyond that?”

“Auuu… that’s true, but still…”

Sam was unable to refute Yoichi and was at a loss for words. So, instead of answering, she just looked down in embarrassment.

But because of that, she could not see the expression on Yoichi’s face. And that was probably the best thing at the moment.

If she had seen his face, she would have realized that she was being half teased.

Yoichi could tell from the way Sam had just behaved that she wasn’t used to this, so he couldn’t help but enjoy her flustered reaction.

“Well, you don’t have to force yourself if you don’t want to. Like I said before, I’m in no hurry, so take a break if you want.”

“-!! Auuh…”

However, these words made Sam more upset than he had expected, and to this, Yoichi felt a little guilty because he looked like he was provoking an innocent woman to commit a crime.

“Nn, it’s okay… yeah. It’s just… mana transfer… nothing else…”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine… But this time, I want to be the one to do it. So can you close your eyes, Yoichi?”

“Alright. But don’t worry about me, just do it at your own pace. If you can’t do it anymore, just tell me, and we’ll stop immediately.”

With that, Yoichi closed his eyes.

There was silence for a while, so Yoichi was a little worried, but when he heard Sam’s breathing getting a little heavier, his anxiousness subsided.

That sound of rapid breathing came closer and closer, and soon, a light breeze hit his nose.

And, as if that was the beginning, something soft began to touch his lips.


One minute, two minutes, their lips kept touching each other.

But gradually, the sounds of intense breathing calmed down, and soon, after one distinctive breath, Yoichi couldn’t hear Sam’s loud breathing anymore.

“Mmm, ahh…”

That’s because Sam is now trying to be proactive in this act, fully in contrast to her passive state earlier.

In fact, just now, Yoichi could feel Sam’s tongue emerging from between her slightly parted lips.

But like the gentleman he was, he let the tip of her tongue rampage about, to which he even opened his mouth slightly to welcome it.

After allowing entry to the newcomer tongue which has invaded his mouth in an ominous way, also twirling his tongue around it from time to time,


Sam’s shoulders twitched in the middle, as if she was feeling good.

However, she didn’t try to escape.

Instead, she pushed her tongue inside his mouth even more.


From that point on, Sam would begin to force her tongue to Yoichi’s, going deeper into his mouth.

Yoichi would also stick out his tongue and begin to lick the inside of Sam’s mouth in return.

It is a well-known fact that it is more efficient to transfer mana through saliva when the side that provided the mana plays the offensive.

So when Yoichi decided to be more active, Sam immediately grasped his intention and quickly let him through.

“Nhaaa… haauum… mlem, slurp… chupp…”

Sam’s body, which had been stiff, became slightly relaxed, and the awkward movements of her tongue became much smoother compared to before.

The heavy kissing went on for about five minutes before it came to an end.

“Mmchurup… mlem… puhaaa… haaa… haaa…”

Here, Sam pulled her face away and turned her wet eyes to Yoichi, still drooling slightly from the corner of her half-open mouth.

Ignoring the tip of the pink tongue, which was still sticking out, Yoichi went ahead and asked.

“So, how was it?”

“Mmm, it was amazing… It felt like I was above the clouds…”

“No, I meant the mana transfer.”


“Did your mana recover?”

“Ah? Aaah, mana, right! Yeah, mana… uh… ahh, amazing…”

Sam fumbled as Yoichi pointed this out to her, but soon as she calmed down, she put her hand to her chest and checked the mana inside her.

“Un, it seems like this is much more efficient than licking sweat after all.”

There, she grinned while saying this, her face already returned to that of the alchemical blacksmith Yoichi knew.


“Alright. I’m going to shoot now.”


A few more days passed after that.

During this time, the two of them holed up in the workshop and devoted themselves to creating the revolver.

Whenever Sam’s mana ran out, she and Yoichi would kiss to restore it.

Fortunately – or maybe unfortunately for Yoichi – the transfer of mana through saliva was enough for Sam to continue her work, so they didn’t do more than that.

There were a few questionable moments, but in the end, thanks to Sam’s strong craftsmanship spirit, they were both able to stop at the last minute.

Whenever a question came up in the process, they would look up the answer on [Appraisal+].

This became their reference later on, and they were able to make several prototypes based on it.

In this way, a non-existent weapon called a gun was brought to this world.

Although, at the moment, it was more of a magical tool.

This is because, after all, they were creating something new that did not exist in the past, so they needed some sort of foundation. And the established foundation of making a magical tool is enough for it.

There are also limits to what they could investigate with [Appraisal+].

For example, they couldn’t directly ask the skill how to make it because the methods for making it hadn’t been established in this world yet.

To get around this limitation, they tried to formulate the method themselves through trial and error. Then, they asked the skill whether it would work correctly or not.

Each time, Yoichi would get a response of ‘Yes, it works’ and ‘No, it doesn’t work,’ and from there, Yoichi would ask, ‘How did it work?’ and ‘Why doesn’t it work?’.

Like a guaranteed 100% diagnostic checker all around.

However, because this was relatively new, he couldn’t get any kind of guide like “You should do this here to make it more effective” or anything like that, so they had to guess the next step all the time.

Even so, thanks to the skill to give them the correct answer, the amount of time and trial and error they had to go through was drastically reduced.

They were able to complete the creation of a new magical tool in a period of less than ten days, which would usually have taken months or even years in the regular time.

With this function alone, [Appraisal+] is powerful enough for Yoichi to worship it in his mind.

And now they finally got the result they wanted.

The prototype is a success.

All they need now is to see the actual results with their own eyes.


The muzzle is placed on the translucent rectangular object, and the firing pin is raised.

With his finger on the trigger, Yoichi looked at Sam one last time.

Meeting his gaze, Sam nodded with silent vigor.

“Here I go. 3… 2… 1… Fire!”




The translucent ballistic ‘gel’ used as a target splattered everywhere.

The shot itself wasn’t very loud as it had a slight soundproofing magic applied to it, but what surprised Sam was the gel exploding and scattering.

“Ugh… are you okay, Sam?”

“Ueeeeeh… it’s so sticky…”

Sam looked uncomfortable as she removed the gel from her face, but when she saw Yoichi, she broke into a smile.

“But with this, it’s a great success!!”

“That’s right.”

The original revolver was also test-fired at the same target, only for a star-shaped hole to appear on the rectangular surface of the otherworldly ballistic gel and the bullet to somehow stop in the middle as a result.

This was a far cry from the newly manufactured revolver, where the bullet almost went through.

Only about 10% of the gel surface remained when it exploded, scattered by the impact of the shot.

But even though the shot looked powerful, there was also the factor that Yoichi had placed the muzzle of the gun tightly on the surface. If he had moved it a little further, it would not have exploded as much as it did.

“But with this, I think I can defeat a C-rank monster with one blow.”

Take the One-Eyed Bear, for example: until now, it took him an anti-materiel rifle to defeat this monster with a single blow.

An assault rifle could have also taken it down if the angle and hit point were right. But the new pistol was so powerful that it didn’t need any of those complicated conditions.

If it were ranked in terms of firepower, the otherworld ‘pistol’ was more than an assault rifle but less than an anti-materiel rifle.

Of course, being a handgun, it doesn’t have the range of an assault rifle or a sniper rifle.

And even though the range of the bullets has increased with the increase in power, this does not translate into an increase in range. Hence, the handgun remains a secondary weapon in close combat.

Nevertheless, the acquisition of a new high-powered weapon will have a significant impact on Yoichi’s tactics from now on.

And this work will no longer be limited to handguns.

“Aaaah, this is really sticky and gooey… I feel so yucky…”

As for what just happened, the translucent ‘ballistic’ gel exploded and scattered when it received the impact of the shot from the newly made handgun, and with the two nearby, Yoichi and Sam were covered in gel.

Yoichi took a towel from the [Infinite Storage+] and wiped the gel off his face and arms.

The gel also stuck to his T-shirt, which was full of sweat and is sticking to his skin, but he just brushed it off lightly, thinking that it would be easier to change into something else later.

“Here, let me wipe it off for you.”

“Mmm, thanks.”

Yoichi took a fresh towel, crouched down next to Sam, who was sitting cross-legged, and wiped the gel off her face and hair.

He also wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, which had become his usual routine in the workshop.

But when he looked down after wiping her neck and shoulders, he became a little flustered.

For there, he saw a slight bulge under her sweat-soaked white tank top.

If he had been absorbed in his work, this might not have bothered him.

But every time he transferred mana to Sam during the process, Yoichi was reminded that Sam was a woman through and through.

So, although he deliberately tried not to look at her breasts or buttocks, this time, due to the success of the prototype, it slipped his mind, and he ended up staring directly at them.

“Fuh… I think it would be much better if you change… clothes…”

The shape of Sam’s nipples was clearly visible on the surface of her tight-fitting tank top, which added to Yoichi’s nervousness.

And when he looked down, that nervousness was compounded by the fact that her underwear – which was in plain sight – caught his eye.

Why is she in her underwear, you might ask? Well, while she was working, she took off her skirt, saying it was too hot.

And now this plain white underwear was soaked with sweat and almost transparent, revealing the presence of her pubic hair.

“Um, I can wipe the rest off myself, so…”

“Ah, right. Here.”

Taking out a new towel and handing it to her, just as Yoichi had done, Sam only lightly brushed the gel off her clothes, carefully wiping only what was on her skin.

“Mm, thanks.”

“Ou. You’re welcome.”

“Phew, I’m tired…”

Sam handed Yoichi the towel and sat down on the floor.

After putting the towel away, Yoichi also sat down next to her.

“Um, can we do it again? One last time… that.”

“One last time… ah, you mean the kiss.”

“Yes… I’m a bit empty right now, and I feel like I’m going to get sick.”

“I see no reason not to. Okay.”

“Thanks. Nmmm…”

Sitting side by side, they both leaned forward and shifted their positions to face each other. Then, eyes tightly shut, they moved closer, and soon, their lips were pressing against each other.

“Haamu… chup… mlem… nchurup…”

The act, repeated many times during the work, was repeated once more.

(But work is over now, isn’t it?)

Suddenly, Yoichi remembered Sam’s figure in his mind. The bulge on her sweat-soaked tank top, followed by the pubic hair showing through her underwear.

As if urged by this, Yoichi’s hand, which had been intertwined with Sam’s with their eyes closed and their tongues entwined, moved semi-consciously to touch Sam’s chest.

“Nhaaa… mmh, mlem…”

The moment his hand touched her breast, Sam twitched and shivered, but she gave no sign that she particularly disliked it.

(Hmm… so it’s okay if we continue from here, isn’t it?)

Deciding that the work was done and there was no need to keep up the pretense of merely transferring mana from here on, Yoichi continued to rub her breasts from the top of her clothes gently.

“Muuh… nmmm… mlemlem… hauum…”

Sam squirmed at the stimulation from her chest, but instead of trying to break the kiss or escape from Yoichi’s grasp, she just let him continue.

After continuing this massage over her clothes for a while, Yoichi lowered his hand. There, he ran his fingers along the hem of her tank top, pulling the fabric away from her perfectly taut skin.

After inserting it through the slightly formed gap, he moved this hand upwards, trapping it between the sweaty skin and the still-wet fabric.

“Nmmm!? Nhaaa! Ahhnn…”

Yoichi then placed his hand over the small cleavage. There, he lightly pinched something with his fingers, and Sam jerked and arched her body in response, abruptly ending the ‘juicy’ kiss.

“Hey… no pinching there…”

Yoichi remembered the urban myth that the smaller the breasts, the more sensitive they became, which he didn’t believe at first. But seeing Sam react like that in front of him, this belief of his begins to change.

From here on, Sam’s body would move in exciting ways with just a little pressure on his fingertips. And Yoichi would enjoy this reaction for a while while he watched her actions.

Originally, he planned to stop at the slightest sign of resistance. But no matter how hard he touched her breasts or tweaked her nipples, Sam showed no signs of going against it, to which made him arrive to what he is doing now.

“Nhaaaa! Auuhn…!”

For the second time, Sam arched her back again. But Yoichi straightened that back up by hugging her from behind as he tweaked the nipples even harder.

“Ahh, ahhh… my breast again… You don’t have to do that, you know? Because it’s no fun to touch them. After all… they’re small…”

As he said this, Sam looked worriedly at Yoichi.

But instead of answering, Yoichi just giggled and rolled up her tank top.

“Ah, hey! Don’t… it’ll be seen… No, stop staring at it so much.”


Yes. Just as Sam said, Yoichi is now looking down at Sam’s exposed breasts with a wicked smile on his face.

The breasts were almost entirely flat due to their small size and became even flatter when she arched her back. But if you look closely, you can see that there is still a slight bulge between them.

The nipples were small, and the cherry red nipples were plump and full.

The lines of her abdominal muscles were also faintly visible on her stomach, evidence of the hard work she had put in at the forge.

Sam has a boyish appearance and manner, but the curves of her waist are tight, and her buttocks are firm, giving her a very feminine aura.

And combined with her white legs, usually covered by black tights, it gave her a slender but moderately sexy look.

“Th-that… because of my elf blood, you see…”

Sam stammered, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Apparently, elves in this world have small breasts.

Come to think of it, Greta, the archer from “Red Flash,” also seems to have a complex due to her elf blood, but Yoichi later remembered that her chest was modest, at least more modest than Sam’s.

Yoichi admired her small breasts for a while. Then he brought his face close to them and stuck out his tongue.

He made a smacking sound when the tip of his tongue touched the nipple.

“Hiuuuuu…! No, there… you can’t…”

Flinch! Sam’s body arched upwards for the third time, and she breathed sweetly, also weakly letting out words of protest.

But even though she said she was against it, she showed no intention or sign of resistance and just let Yoichi do his thing.

“Aaahh… mmh… no… my tits are… no good…”

Seeing how his partner reacted when he licked one nipple, Yoichi became more daring, and on his second move, he wrapped his hand around the other breast and slowly squeezed it with his palm.

The fat behind the skin was as skinny as it looked, and with a little effort, he could feel her rib cage in his hands.

“Hyah! No… my tits… don’t squeeze them like that…”

Although she wasn’t consciously aware of it, Sam was gradually getting more excited as Yoichi pressed her nipples and rubbed them gently, though it was more of like a child rolling pebble-sized modeling clay into a ball on a table on his side.

This time, Yoichi applied a little more pressure with his hand, putting more emphasis on the position of the nipple while at the same time using his tongue to lick the other nipple very gently.

The difference in stimulation from her left and right breasts caused Sam to raise her eyebrows and squirm, sometimes jerking her body from time to time.

“Mmmmm… no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry… please! Please let me go…! If you do that to my breasts, I’ll… Mmmmmmh…!”

Sam, whose body had been shaking at times, suddenly shrank as if trying to withstand something.

Then, her body, which went stiff and then convulsed, soon lost its strength.

“Nhaaa… haa… haa…”

“Did you cum?”

When Yoichi asked this to Sam, her slightly flushed skin turned even redder. After all, she was doing her o-face here panting heavily to calm down her body. Tears also began to well up in her eyes.

“Hu-hmph! You meanie.”

So to repay the rudeness of her partner, Sam just turned away her moistened eyes and pouted instead of responding.

Only that this gave the opposite effect, as her appearance was so cute that Yoichi’s face broke into a smile.

But this smile briefly came to an end as he looked down.

Down there, he could see the whole front of her plain, unadorned panties. They were clinging to her skin from sweat, and because of this biological phenomenon, a few more pubic hairs could be seen through the fabric covering them.

Yes. At the moment, Sam’s crotch, wet with bodily fluids other than sweat, was clinging tightly to the fabric, making the shape of the crack clearly visible to his eyes.

Yoichi took the opportunity to put his hand on the waistband of Sam’s panties as she fidgeted and looked away from him.

“Hyaau! H-hey… that place is…”

Sam lowered her eyes to where he was touching her and grabbed the hand as if to stop Yoichi, but she greatly failed in it.

This is because there was no strength in that hand.

It was just a front, because she had no intention of stopping him from the start.

Eventually, the outstretched hand dropped and returned to its original position.

Seeing his partner let go, Yoichi pulled her panties down.

“Auuh… no, don’t look…”

Although Sam said this, she didn’t even try to close her thighs. As a result, silvery threads of fluid could now be seen stretching out as her private parts were separated from her underwear, which was already soaked with her love juices.

Sam’s slightly thicker pubic hair was soaking wet, and the crevice behind it was open even though Yoichi hadn’t even touched it.

Thin, pigmented, cherry-red flaps were also visible between the folds, and their surface glistened sticky as they twitched from time to time.

Yoichi extended a finger to the glistening labia.


The moment he touched the pale red petals, Sam reacted with a jerk.

Each of her folds, covered in love juice, was already sticky, so they quickly covered the entirety of his finger.

Yoichi sank his fingertip further into the vulva, where he stroked the wet lining, tracing the surface as he went deeper.

“Haan… mmm… stop… It feels… good…”

While moving his shallowly inserted fingers, Yoichi moved his face closer to Sam’s crotch.

There, the acrid smell caused by the secretion entered his nostrils, causing his already hard penis to twitch in his trousers.

Enjoying the smell of sweat and love juices mixing, Yoichi brought his face even closer and stuck out his tongue.

There, he licked the slightly bulging pea on top.

“Hyaaah!? Wait, that’s… mmmhh!!”

The moment the tip of his tongue touched her clit, Sam let out a scream as if confused by the unexpected stimulation. She tried to stop Yoichi, but he continued to move his tongue mercilessly, giving her no chance.

“Hiiiinn… mmm, no, not there… that place is… really, stoop… nhaaaaaahhh!”

Yoichi used his tongue to flip the foreskin over, fully exposing the swollen fleshy bud underneath.

From here, he continued to roll his tongue over the exposed clitoris, teasing it with the tip of his tongue while at the same time gently nipping at it with his shallowly inserted finger.

“Wait, no! If you stimulate me there, I’ll… mmm!”

Sam, who had been panting heavily, shrank back and gave a slight twitch, and at the same time, her vulva, where it had just sucked the tip of Yoichi’s finger into its opening, tightened.

Apparently, the repeated torture of her vulva and clitoris had brought her to a mild climax.

“Mmm… fuuh… fuuuh…”

(Looks like it’s about time…)

Yoichi, having judged that she was ready by watching the alchemical blacksmith’s body relax and breathe roughly several times, pulled his fingertips out of her vulva and lifted his body.


“ Hehe…”

When he looked up, however, he felt something was off.

He looked back, and there, he discovered that Sam was looking at Yoichi with a sneer on her face.

But from that point on, it was too late.


“Uwaa!? Woah…”

Without warning, Sam raised her body forcefully. In the process, she lightly shoved Yoichi’s shoulders, who had been caught off guard.

This threw him off balance, knocking him onto his back, where she then used this chance to climb on his top.

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