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Chapter 9 – What Happened Afterward ※

People from a particular circle at a particular university dropped out of society one by one because of a specific incident that revealed a scandal in which women were being prostituted left and right.

Although many women claimed to have been sexually abused in this circle before, it was cleverly covered up and never came to light.

However, some of the victims have banded together and formed a solid legal team to fight back.

A single company is said to be footing the bill and backing them, but the details are not being revealed, and what is known is that it was agreed that this number of women wanted to settle the matter now and that they would only be satisfied if there was a proper sanction and some form of reparation for these perpetrators.

For some reason, many of the people in this group belonged to excellent companies.

Although some of them had problems finding work, most of them lived as good members of society.

Nevertheless, the lawyers submitted reports on each of them to the management of the companies they worked for.

“But you don’t have any evidence, do you?”

“Yes. There is no physical evidence such as audio, pictures or video. We only have the results of our investigation based on the testimonies of the female victims. But we are convinced that everything written there is true”.

Of course, these investigation results include the testimonies of the female victims, but most of the information was researched by Yoichi through his [Appraisal+].

However, even with his cheat skills, it is not possible to go back in time and record video and audio as evidence.

Even so, it is possible to give them some credibility by describing the facts in detail.

“But to condemn someone when there is no evidence…”

“We just gave you the information you needed. What you do with it is up to you”.

“Suppose… hypothetically? What if we subjected the male employee described here as the perpetrator without questioning these facts?”

“All our clients want sanctions against the perpetrators. Well, there’s always the option of ignoring this, but some might think that your company is guilty of the same crime if you unfairly hide the perpetrators. You don’t want that backlash, do you?”

“But to punish them without proof…”

“I have already told you. I have given you the information you need. And I leave it to you to decide what to do with it.”


Later, a meeting was held between one of the alleged perpetrators and the HR officer.

“Huh? Oh no… I think it was consensual. Of course, if the other party was hurt by my actions, it would be unethical, although it is also possible that I got a bit out of control. But even so, it’s not like I couldn’t help it, you know? After all, when you’re young, you do some pretty wild things…”


The HR manager’s expression changed to one of displeasure as he listened to the male employee’s apology, who was initially flustered but gradually calmed down and gained confidence as the conversation went on, as if this was no big deal to him.

“Hmm, so you call it consensual. Then what about…”

From there, the HR manager went on to describe a series of acts and deeds that she would be loath to even mention.

The man’s face grew paler and paler as his faded memories as a perpetrator from so many years ago became clearer.

“Do you think you can get away with youthful indiscretions after all these deeds?”

“Ah… er…”

There is no proof.

But the man’s reaction has already convinced the personnel officer that he is black.

(Well then. What are we going to do about this…)

There is a way to cover this up as it is.

But there are said to be about a hundred female victims, and the members of the circle are probably scattered all over the country, mainly in the capital.

If they suppress this report, what will happen when information leaks out from other companies?

(Or rather, the most worrying thing is this. Can someone who has committed so many of these atrocities change and become docile just because he has become a member of society?)

As a result of careful investigation at a later date, the facts of sexual and power harassment came to light, and the male employee who was alleged to be the perpetrator was disciplined and dismissed.

In this way, many companies have also dismissed or retired people with links to the circle.

Many of the perpetrators had families.

The defense team contacted these families in advance and suggested how they should deal with the situation.

If divorce or other proceedings were necessary, the legal team would be ready to assist them; if they needed to move, the money would be financed from Fumiya’s assets; and if they needed a job or a place to leave their children, the team would help them find work in companies or institutions affiliated with the Hoshikawa Group.

At first, some of the wives didn’t believe it and were willing to stay with their husbands no matter what kind of person they heard their husbands were.

However, when the husbands lost their jobs and were attacked on social networking sites, many of them were unable to cope and later came crying to the legal team.

Care for the victims is also not forgotten.

There were many victims who suffered from mental illnesses that were difficult to diagnose and treat. However, with Yoichi’s [Appraisal+], which came in very handy, it was solved without any sweat.

Here he instructed a newly established medical team to assess each person’s condition and provide treatment and counseling tailored to their current health, mental state, constitution, and personality.

Some of the women had been confined to their homes for years and were difficult to approach, but they were handled by using [Appraisal+] to find out how to approach them.

“Mister Yoichi, aren’t you overdoing it?”

“Hmm? Yeah… But since I decided to cover up Fumiya’s crimes, I have to take responsibility for it.”

Fumiya will not be judged legally or socially in this case.

Of course, he did not do this for Fumiya’s sake.

It’s just that he’s too important to lose at the moment.

If Fumiya, an executive of the Hoshikawa Group and president of a number of companies, were to resign for misconduct, the impact on society would be considerable.

To avoid this, Yoichi decided to cover up his crimes for the time being.

“Well, this is mostly self-indulgence on my part.”

Few people know that Fumiya, who attended those universities, was involved in the circle in question.

But it is not zero.

Some members knew about Fumiya’s activities at the time the circle was founded.

But now they have all disappeared.

They had all been sacked from the company they worked for, and rumors abounded that they had become homeless or committed suicide.

Even so, very few people paid any attention to them.

“Fufufu… Well, Kathryn was happy to have more employees, though.”

“I see. By the way, what about Karin? I haven’t seen her lately.”

“Karin has been frequenting Kathryn’s shop lately.”

“Really? I can’t believe that woman…”

Saying this, Yoichi shook his head in disgust when he heard that Karin was apparently observing the “glorious” interactions between the new employees, the senior employees, and Kathryn.


“I’m home.”

“Welcome back.”

Misato has just returned to [Grand Court 2503].

She had been on a family trip with her parents for a while, and apparently, she talked a lot about Fumiya during that trip.

“How was it?”

“They were angry. They said why didn’t you tell us sooner? They also apologized for not noticing my predicament.”

Misato looked embarrassed but also somewhat happy as she said this.

Misato had many things she could say to her stepfather and mother.

But since she seemed to have no complaints against them and now that the deed was done and over, she decided not to blame them any further.

“Um, I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused you this time.”

Misato’s expression suddenly changed, and she bowed deeply.

Yoichi has not informed Misato about the details of what he will do to make up for this incident.

But Misato is not so stupid that she can’t guess this.

“Ah, yes, come to think of it…”

As he told Alana the other day, he is doing this case mainly out of self-gratification.

But there is also the calculated move that they might get some kind of support from the Hoshikawa group in the future if they become indebted to him.

But then again, Misato is not the type to settle for a “Don’t worry about it” – “Okay” exchange scenario.

That’s why…

“I’ve worked hard on so many things, so I’ll let Misato work hard for me too.”

When he said this, Misato looked at him for a moment, but soon her cheeks flushed, and a smile appeared on her face.

“Yes, with pleasure. Um, can we… start with a bath first?”

“Sure. Good idea.”

And so the two of them took each other’s hands and headed for the bathroom.


“Wait. Take off your glasses first.”

Misato had taken off her clothes in the changing room and was about to enter the bathroom when Yoichi stopped her.

“Eh? But…”

“No, you’re going to take a bath, so you don’t need them, right?”

Yoichi approaches and takes her glasses with a flick of his wrist.


Misato shouts and reaches for them, but maybe because she knows that Yoichi is right, she doesn’t really try to take them back, her fingers only touching the air in the end.

Instead, she decides to just turn her head away in embarrassment, but Yoichi doesn’t want that, so he turns around and looks at her from the front.

“Hmm. Yep, just right. Misato is pretty even without her glasses.”


Hearing this, Misato’s cheeks flush, and she turns her head to the other side and looks down.

As for Yoichi, after picking up the glasses and placing them in the appropriate place in the changing room, he takes Misato’s hand and leads her into the bathroom.

“So, how do I get you to work for me?”

As if a switch had been turned on by these words, Misato, who had been looking down, finally looks forward and stands in front of Yoichi with light steps.

“Um, for now, how about we give you a wash, dear customer?”

Here she smiles at Yoichi as if she is role-playing as a health delivery worker (call girl) and looks at his body up and down from the front.

“A good suggestion.”


After both of them have showered and rinsed their bodies lightly, Misato begins to pour a large amount of body soap onto a ball-shaped bath sponge that she has already filled with water. This created a huge amount of foam.

“Give me your hand, please.”

“Like this?”

“Yes, like that.”

There she pours the lather onto Yoichi’s outstretched hand and, after taking a generous handful herself, places the sponge on the counter.

“Fufu… ei!”


Now she has a generous amount of soapy lather in her hand.

With a slap, Misato begins to apply the foamy substance to Yoichi’s chest.

There, she spreads the bubbles evenly.

“Mm, and now this too… uryah!”

After finishing his chest, she brings her hands back and places them on her flanks, where she slides them both inwards towards the middle.

These movements scooped up all the bubbles in her chest and brought them to the center – towards her breasts.

“Hyaan… ahhh…”

Misato moans in response, her body twitching and shaking with pleasure.

“Ahn… hn… it’s slimy, but it feels good.”

After managing to spread the bubbles on her skin, mainly on her torso, starting with her breasts, Misato spreads the bubbles over her stomach, back, and hips.

Thanks to the high density of the bubbles, they spread without any problems, and soon both mounds are covered in foam.

“Mmm… mmmhh…”

Misato presses these breasts against Yoichi’s chest. Then she moves her body up and down as if she were using them as a body scrub.

Her warm body temperature and smooth texture pleasantly stimulate Yoichi’s body.

While she is doing this to his front, Yoichi is also busy. He grabs her blistered bottom from behind and strokes and squeezes it hard.

The moment he thinks it is time, he stretches his fingers out a bit and touches her private parts.

“Mmmh… hyuuh…!”

Then the next thing happens. A sticky feeling, different from the wetness of the foam, envelops Yoichi’s fingertips.

But instead of stopping, Yoichi continues to run his fingertips over the slimy surface.

After a while, he inserts them into the secret passage.

“Ahnnn… nhhu…… mmmmmhhhhh…!”

This makes Misato pause for a moment to let out short gasps.

But for Yoichi, who was busy pushing through the tangled mucus and moving his shallowly inserted finger further, it only encouraged him to do more.

But before he could do anything, Misato immediately backed away with her hips to escape Yoichi’s hands.

“Mm… fufufu… this is my payback.”

There she lowers her hips and gets on her knees so that the cock is at chest level.

Then Misato takes the cock and places it against her chest.

“Mm… mm… how does it feel?”

She asks as she squeezes her small breasts together as hard as she can, pinching the penis while at the same time pressing it further into her chest to stimulate its underside.

“But it’s not as big as Alana’s, so…”

She even adds a tone of apology.

“It’s okay. Misato’s breasts feel good too.”

But her opinion is immediately rejected by Yoichi.

Indeed, it is a completely different feeling to Alana’s titjob, where his cock is tightly wrapped around her large and firm breasts. But Misato’s titjob isn’t bad either, where his member is sandwiched between her soft cleavage on both sides and his underside by a slightly hard chest.

“Mmm… mmm…”

Misato continues to move her body up and down with all her might, rubbing the cock between her tits.

The soapy foam is slippery, but it’s no different from the lotion, so it’s not a bad feeling at all.

Best of all, when he looks down, he sees Misato serving him with a serious expression on her face.

“Mmm… mmm… mmm… m?”

Perhaps noticing Yoichi’s gaze, Misato looks up. Seeing her lover watching her, she smiles.

This smile alone is enough to stimulate Yoichi, and his lower half is immediately filled with excitement.

“Mmfu… hehe… mmm… mmm…”

Perhaps feeling that the penis between her breasts is throbbing harder, which means it is getting happier, Misato lets out a chuckle. She looks down again, and this time she starts to move hard.

Her hands also begin to squeeze her breasts even harder, putting more pressure on the softly encircled flesh pole, not to mention pushing it even further into her sternum, which stood out against her slender body, stimulating the underside of the member even more.

Adding the feel of the soft foam to the texture, Yoichi soon reached his limits.

“Misato… I’m about to…”

“Mm… mm… it’s okay… you can let it out anytime…”


――Splurururut!! Blurururut! Bluuurrt! Splurururut!!

Just like that, semen was released from the meat stick and immediately filled Misato’s breasts.

Misato turns her face away from the sudden eruption, but most of it still hit her face and hair.

“Nhaaa…! Ahn, so warm…”

But even though the rod of flesh between her breasts kept running wild, she continues her movements, not stopping until the throbbing stopped.


This in turn causes Yoichi to let out a short moan, pulling his hips back slightly in reflex, still sensitive from the ejaculation.

But even after the pulsation subsided somewhat, Misato kept her body close to him for a while. Only when the flesh between her breasts began to shrink did she let go of the penis.

“Then please lie on your back this time, dear customer.”

With an enchanting smile on her gorgeous white face, Misato spoke while licking the sperm that dripped near her lips.

Yoichi lay on his back as Misato told him to, feeling his cock grow a little harder at the gesture.

“Fuhehehe… here I go then…”

Straddling Yoichi, Misato sits on her back and wraps her own crack around the semi-erect pole that lies sloppily on his stomach.

Then she cups the glans in her hands and begins to move her hips back and forth.

“Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm…”

What she is doing is cupping the lower half of the pole with her vaginal folds and rubbing it while her hands gently wrap the glans around her palms and massage it gently.

It is the kind of intercrural sex that prostitutes are good at.

“Kuh… this is bad…”

It is also the kind of behavior Yoichi is used to since he and Karin went their separate ways, though he has not had a relationship with a woman since.

But then again, not having a real relationship with a woman hasn’t prevented him from having a lively sex life. So for Yoichi, experiencing this kind of game is more like being sent back in time, bringing a contradictory fresh nostalgia to his brain.

Add to that the feeling of a woman’s bare crotch and the massage of his tip, and all in all, it was an incredible stimulation for him.

“Mmmm, mmmh, aahh, it’s getting hard again~”

It didn’t take long for Yoichi to get fully erect again.

Combined with the obscene sight of Misato covered in foam and moving so hard for him, Yoichi was ready to do the deed this time.

“Looks like I can put it in now.”

Sensing that Yoichi was ready, Misato stopped what she was doing. Then, still straddling Yoichi, she gently lifted her hips.

“Nnn… hoo… nhuuuuuuuuh…!”

Misato pinched the hardened meat stick to adjust its position, and as soon as the tip hit the hidden cleft, she dropped her hips all the way down and swallowed it all the way to the base.

The meat stick was then enveloped in a soft, sticky, familiar sensation, different from being pinched by breasts or squeezed by hands.

“Just lie down and relax. I will do all the work for you. Mmmmm, mmm, mmmmhh!”

Still lying on top, Misato began to move up and down.

She moved so violently that the meat rod went in and out of her vagina while making grinding noises.

Bubbles formed in the crevices, coating and clinging to the joining parts. Meanwhile, newly secreted love juices and Cowper fluids became new bubbles, continuing the cycle.

“Ahh, ahh, aaahh! Yoichi… how is it… do you feel good? I… feel good!”

Misato asks, arching her body with a gasp, but still, her service to Yoichi doesn’t stop.

Before he realized it, her body had changed position, and the angle of her penetration had also changed, and she was concentrating on a specific spot. This particular spot seemed to make her feel good as she continued to drill into it, all the while moaning in ecstasy.

To confirm this, when he looked at her with [Appraisal+], Yoichi discovered that Misato was actually rubbing the tip of his meat stick close to one of her weak spots – the area very close to the bottom of her stomach.     

So Yoichi decided to correct that.

“Yes, it feels good. But wouldn’t it feel even better if you did it like this?”

At the same time as Misato had just raised her hips and was about to lower them again, Yoichi changed the angle and thrust up so that his tip hit the weak spot directly.


Misato, hit in the weak spot, let out a scream and froze for a moment.

But as expected from a seasoned worker, she recovered quickly and resumed her movements shortly after.

“Nhaaaah! Ahhnn! Aaahh! Th-That’s no good…! Right now, I should be the one… doing the service… nguuuhhh!”

Every time Misato lifted her hips, Yoichi lifted his as well, adjusting the angle so that he would always land a direct hit on her weak spot.

“It’s okay. I’d be happier if Misato felt better.”

“Mmmm, mmmh! Geez… it can’t… be helped, then… ahaaaaahn~!!”

Misato, who had reached a mild climax from the repeated rubbing of her weak spot, stiffened and began to convulse slightly.

“Aaah… aahh… nhuu… S-sorry. I-I think I just came a little…”

However, she regained her composure once again and resumed to shake her hips in the manner expected of a true professional.

“Mmm… aah, aaah, aaaahhh!!”

Meanwhile, their junction, which had been making great squelching noises, was now overflowing, and the white foam clinging to it could no longer be identified whether it was still from the body soap or directly from the love juices.

“Nhaaa! Aaahh, aahh, aaahhh! Yoichii, I’m coming! I’m sorry, I’m sorry for coming first…!”

“It’s okay, Misato! Me too… I’m about to… as well!”

The pressure in Misato’s vagina had increased since she had reached a climax a while ago.

As a result, Yoichi, who continued to be rubbed while being squeezed harder than usual, was about to reach his limit again.

“Aahaaahh! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Yoichiiih, cum, let’s cum together!!”


――Splurururururururut!! Blururuut!! Spluururururut! Splurt, splurt, splurt…!!

A rushing stream of cum pours into the vagina with great force.

“Aah… aahhh….”

With her second major climax, Misato arched her body, shaking with the pulse of her ejaculation. She also let out short moans as drool dripped from her half-open mouth.

Eventually, the semen in her vagina dripped down due to gravity, slowly overflowing from the gaps between their joined parts. They also made squelching noises in time with Misato’s convulsions and Yoichi’s pulsations below.

“Mmm… fuh….”

Misato was dazed for a while, but it was not long before light returned to her eyes.

She stood up slowly. This caused the slimy cock to slip out and a large amount of semen to drip from her now gaping vaginal opening.

“Hehe… how about we do it in the bath next, my dear customer?”

“Oh, that’s nice. But we haven’t filled the bath with hot water yet. Is that OK?”

“Fufu… then a favor… please…”

After that, with an enchanting smile on her face, Misato lies on her back with her bottom on the floor and her knees propped up.

Then she lifts her head slightly and extends her hands to Yoichi.

At this gesture, Yoichi’s penis immediately rises.

“In the meantime, let’s do it again, shall we?”

Naturally, Yoichi climbs on top of Misato without wasting a second.

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