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Finale – Last Two, II


I managed to jump over, but the cobbles hit me mercilessly, and I lost consciousness for a moment.

But I got up quickly, and as I descended through the hole that the battle had cruelly left behind, I yelled, “Oi!”

I called again as I waded through the rubble, but there was still no response.

I started remembering her situation earlier when she was trapped, and my impatience grew.

Maybe she has been dealt the final blow… No, I can’t let that happen.

That would make it impossible for me to fulfill my contract with her to buy a piece of land for her to return to – to make a place for her to stay.

I suddenly became frightened at the thought of this.

This contract, this promise, had been my purpose in life, my guiding principle, the basis of my values, and had therefore become part of me.

Perhaps a large part of my psyche is still dependent on the female hero rather than on myself.

I clenched my fist and shouted again.

“Oiii, HEROOOO!!”

When one thinks of the word ‘hero,’ the red-armored hero usually comes to mind, but needless to say, the ‘hero’ I’m talking about is none other than the ‘female hero.’

Even if everyone in the world calls her a ‘fake hero,’ I will resolutely and continuously call her a ‘hero.’ I don’t care what the ‘world’ thinks of her, or to be more precise, I don’t give a shit.


I shouted again, but no voice came back. No response. No nothing.

I kept on calling, but the voice, roaring as if it would rip my throat out, echoed through the air in vain.


“Miss Hero…”

In the end, I couldn’t find the body of Miss Hero or any trace of her.

What’s worse is, around this time, the scene-of-the-crime operatives have just arrived. Prepared to investigate, they are now gathering in the building that had become a battlefield.

So when I saw them, I quickly retreated and fled before they found me.

Well, I still have one more stop to make.

The home of the Minister of Finance.

I don’t know where the Minister of Finance is, though, as I hear he’s been badly injured.

He is probably in hospital, but which hospital?

Is it even possible to visit him? And as me?

So, I decided to use my current appearance.

In other words, pretend to be a maid and go to the Minister’s residence to make an appointment or find out his whereabouts.

“Um, excuse me.”

I used my experience in cross-dressing to smile amiably at the gatekeeper of the mansion.

“Hmm? Miss, what can I do for you?”

The gatekeeper, dressed in his disciplined uniform, exudes an air of sternness and strength, but he seems to think I am a woman, for he is a little sly in the way he endures the slackening of his mouth as he speaks to me.

“I have come on my master’s errand. He wants an audience with the minister immediately and has asked me to make an appointment.”

“Then we appreciate your effort to come all the way here. By the way, who is this master you speak of?”

Of course, I answer with my name, for it is my own.

“And here is the letter from my master.”

“Mmm, wait a moment.”

He then pulls on a cord attached to the side of the gate.

The bell connected to the cord rings, and its vibrations can be seen to be transmitted in the form of light to the cord further back.

Presumably, this is the system that sends a signal to the interior.

After a while, a butler-like man appears in the eaves.

He is the same man who stood beside the Minister at the gate of the Andersen Girls’ Academy some time ago.

“Excuse me. May we see your letter?”

I see. It is his job to act as an intermediary.

“I see. [I would like to arrange a meeting with you, as there is something I would like to confirm regarding the order of magic ore for the city walls. I know it’s rude of me to say this, and I apologize for the inconvenience, but there are circumstances that require me to leave immediately, so please inform the messenger of the location of the audience as soon as possible]. Is that correct?”

Of course, this letter was also written by me.

But the butler just grunted with a sullen look on his face.

“W-what seems to be the matter, sir?”

“No, we would love to respond, but that is not possible at the moment. You are aware of the incident where the Minister was attacked by an extremist group from the Congress (People’s Party), aren’t you?”


For the time being, it is the policy of the Cabinet (State Agents’ Party) to keep the Minister’s whereabouts secret, except in certain parts of the government.”

“You think we’re spying for the Congress? Are you accusing us of spying for the People’s Party?”

“No, we would never do that. But please understand.”

Well, of course. From the minister’s point of view, it’s only natural that he’s on the lookout for another attack.

But this is a problem. At this rate, I’ll never get to see the minister. I guess I’ll just have to check the hospitals at random…

“Good day. Keep up the good work… huh?”

While I was deep in thought, I heard a fabulous girl’s voice coming from the garden, and I looked in that direction.

“Oh my. Hello, Miss Transfer Student! What brings you here?”

Seeing me, the girl standing on the other side of the gate puts her hand to her pretty lips and opens her eyes in surprise.

This person – with her blonde hair swaying in vertical curls as befits an aristocrat – is none other than the minister’s daughter.

“Ah, why, it is our young lady. Welcome back. Is she an acquaintance of yours?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, rather than acquaintances, I’d say we’re friends who have patted each other on the butt…”


I can’t help but let out a voice at the young lady’s sudden and outrageous words.

“Anyway, Miss Transfer Student. It’s been a while. Ah, how about I invite you in for tea? Come on in~.”

“No, I’m a bit busy at the moment…”

“You guys! Take her to the reception room! Now!”

“Yes, milady!”

Without even hearing my reply, the minister’s daughter orders the servants with a snap.

In response, they suddenly straightened their backs, grabbed both my shoulders, and began to drag me violently inside the gate.

“Let go. I don’t have time to fool around…”

I protested, but it was all in vain as my body was sucked unwillingly into the mansion.

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