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Chapter 7 – To Misato’s Rescue 2 ※

Yoichi and Misato were now in a bedroom in the basement that Fumiya had built.

“This bed may be the same size as ours, but the elasticity and comfort of the sheets are a world apart.”

Yoichi sits on the king-size bed as he says this, looking impressed.

“I agree… really, that guy… to spend quite a lot of money on these things…”

Meanwhile, next to him, Misato says this in dismay.

Yoichi fired the minigun at full power, but he also tried to be careful not to damage the structure of the basement.

Just to be clear, the battle – which ended in a one-sided suppression – was fought in the living room, and the bedroom was in another direction, so it completely avoided the minigun’s line of fire.

Or, to be more precise, Yoichi avoided aiming at the bedroom.

[I think it would be best if you comfort Misato today. I want to test something on these people, so just leave them in my care in another world for now.]

It was Alana who made such an offer.

As for Karin, she was wondering if she should go with them or wait for Yoichi and the others at the ‘Grand Court’, but when Alana spoke to her about something, her nose began to flare, and her eyes began to light up.

[I’m going with Alana, too! Please, Yoichi!]

All of a sudden, she wanted to go with Alana.

With no other choice, Yoichi sent the unconscious Fumiya, Makoto, and Seba off to another world with Karin and Alana, only to [return] soon after.

“So… do you hate this place? Tell me. We’ll leave immediately.”

In case you were wondering, this underground facility, including the bedroom, was built by Fumiya to imprison Misato, and was actually the place where she was forcibly taken.

It would not be surprising if she did not like it to some extent.

“It’s alright. Not even two hours had passed when you and the others came after we got here, and we didn’t even enter this room. Besides…”

There Misato’s mouth breaks into a slightly mischievous smile.

“When I think about the look on that bastard’s face if me and Yoichi are the first to use this place – the very place he worked the hardest to prepare for us – it makes me a little bit excited…”

“I see. I guess there’s no need to be reserved then.”


And so their conversation went on and on until they ran out of words.


After a moment of silence, Yoichi turned to face Misato when his name was called.


Misato turned as well, and when her eyes met Yoichi’s, she closed them softly and raised her chin slightly.

(…… Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I’ve been asked for a kiss from the front like that.)

Yoichi closed his eyes as he moved his face closer to Misato’s request.

Their lips met.

“Mmm… chuuu…”

The shallow kiss continued for a while, with two pairs of lips pecking at each other.

At first, Yoichi was relieved to have regained the softness and warmth he had savoured so often.

But as he tasted the feel of her lips again and again, a feeling of anger rose from the depths of his heart.

If he had been a second too late, another man might have touched those soft lips.

What would he do if that happened?

It was then.

Something began to form in those hazy thoughts at the back of Yoichi’s mind.

“Haamu… mmmm…!”

Pressing their lips together, Yoichi wrapped his hands around Misato’s head and grabbed her tightly from behind, then pried her lips open with the tip of his pointed tongue.

“Mmhaaa… mmm… mlem…”

As soon as the tip of his tongue touched her teeth, Misato opened her mouth slightly.

Yoichi didn’t waste this chance and immediately screwed his tongue into the resulting gap.

But that wasn’t the end of it.

Misato, who had been at the mercy of Yoichi’s tongue, soon moved her tongue as well.

And there they were, their tongues entwined in Misato’s mouth.


While these appendages criss-crossed in Misato’s oral cavity, Yoichi’s arm moved.

He started to touch her breast on top of her blouse with his free hand.


Misato shivered as her breasts were touched, but she did not resist and accepted Yoichi’s action.

“Nnnh! Ahhn…!!”

But again Yoichi let his emotions get the better of him and grabbed the breast a little harder.


Misato was surprised by the stimulation, which almost bordered on pain, but instead of turning away, she pushed her chest even closer so that her body pressed even more against Yoichi’s, as if she wanted him to grope even more.

“Haamu… nchuu…”

Then she moved her face closer to Yoichi’s and continued kissing him.

“Mlem… nchuru…”

After rubbing her breasts, which were wrapped in her blouse and bra, a little roughly as he intertwined his tongue with Misato’s, Yoichi let go of the hand holding the back of her head.

Then, without warning, he grabbed her collar with both hands and opened the front as if he wanted to rip her blouse off.

――Pop! Pop, pop!

The buttons burst open with a popping sound, and just like that, her blouse was torn open, exposing her small but perky breasts, which were covered by a bra.

“Haaan… nmmhh… mlem… nn…”

Misato’s eyes widened a little in surprise at Yoichi’s rough behaviour, but she didn’t stop kissing him.

Instead, she reached into his work clothes and started unbuttoning them as well.

Yoichi, who still had his tongue intertwined with Misato’s, but also saw his partner carefully unbuttoning his shirt one by one, felt his heart calm down a little.

Then, as Misato had urged him to do, Yoichi released his hands from the blouse temporarily.

He took off his work clothes, leaving him only with his undershirt and trousers, before resuming himself on Misato’s clothing.

But even though he was the one who had torn it off, Yoichi did not remove the blouse from her side. Instead, he put his hand through the open front and slid his fingers into the gap between her bra.

There, he touched her breasts directly.

“Mmfuhh…! Nmm… mmm…”

While he felt the lace bra on the back of his hand, Yoichi enjoyed the warmth and softness of her breasts in his palms.

He no longer handled them roughly but gently and slowly.

The area covered by the bra felt a little warm and stuffy. He could also feel a small amount of sweat each time he touched it with his fingers.

“Nhaaa… ahhh… nnnh…”

While enjoying the feel of her small breasts that just fit in the palm of his hand, Misato suddenly felt a tug on her nipples.

They were Yoichi’s thumbs, and Misato gasped loudly and arched back as her already swollen and sensitive spot was stimulated.

Unfortunately, that also brought the kiss that had been going on for a while to an end.


A short, small voice escaped, accompanied by a raspy breath.

Hearing this, Yoichi released one of his hands that had been stuck in Misato’s bra for a while and inserted it behind her back.

In the next part, the hook on the bra was undone.

Misato’s small breasts swayed slightly.

But it didn’t stop there.

The bra that was hanging loose from the straps was also shifted upwards, revealing the rest of the breasts hidden underneath.

“Haaa… mmmh… fuhh…”

White breasts and light brown nipples.

They weren’t big, but they had a good shape, enough for Yoichi to stop his hands for a while to enjoy the sight of them.

He stared at them as if to confirm that they were his own, letting their shape and colour burn into his eyes.

He also fixed his strong gaze on the beautiful twin hills as if he had decided that he was the only one who could see them and that no one else should be allowed to see them.

Meanwhile, Misato seemed to be taking the situation in stride, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

Her eyes were moist over her glasses, and her face was slightly turned away.

Then Yoichi began to act.

With his right hand, he first rubbed her left breast as if half covering it, occasionally pinching the nipple, while with his left hand he grabbed the base of her right breast and pushed it up a little.

From there he moved his face closer to it and stretched his tongue to the tip.

He did the same with the other.

“Nnhaan! Nnnnfuh… nnahhh… ah…!”

Of course, this caused a violent reaction from Misato.

Misato’s body trembled intermittently as both breasts were gently squeezed. She twitched left and right as her left and right nipples were rolled over by his lover’s tongue, and her back arched as Yoichi pinched them with his fingers on either side.

“Aaaahhhhnn… mmmmhh… mmmmnnnn…”

Then, without warning, and still with his mouth over her nipple, Yoichi removed the hand that was licking her right breast.

That hand went down and down, and when it reached Misato’s skirt, he released the hook and then pulled down the zipper.

From there, using his left hand, he slid into the loosened waist area, and when he managed to get inside the skirt, the hand was lowered further until it touched her inner thighs.

As he did so, he moved his other hand to rub her breast again.

“Haaann! Ahhh… ahhnnn…”

Misato let out a few moans and Yoichi, seeing this, moved the hand that had been rustling and stroking her inner thigh to her crotch.

From there, he felt warm wetness inside.

It seemed that Misato was already oozing with love juices, and those that could no longer be contained on her underwear had already seeped out onto her thighs, making them very wet.

But Yoichi wasn’t satisfied with the wetness, so he rubbed the area even more.

“Ahaaaaan…! Mmm… auunn… mmm…”

The rubbing of the secret area over the panties caused more of the newly released love juice to ooze out, which got even more entangled with his fingers.

In response, Misato reached for Yoichi’s waist, shaking herself charmingly at the stimulation.

She undid his belt, then unhooked and unzipped his work trousers.

As she did so, his erect penis sprang up on his pants, already wet around the tip.

Misato slid his trousers further down, exposing the penis in full.

Then, she began to squeeze it directly with her hand.


As Misato’s slightly cool hand rubbed his dick, Yoichi involuntarily let out a cry and pulled his hips back.

But Misato’s aggression did not abate, and as if in revenge, she rubbed and squeezed the shaft even more.

Clear goo dripped from the tip and began to make a squelching sound, having lathered itself around the shaft because of the movements.

“Nhaaaaah! Aahh, aahahh…!”

Not to be outdone, Yoichi shifted her panties and touched Misato’s most precious part straight away.

The moment he touched his lover’s most precious part, Yoichi felt his blood rush to his lower body and at the same time the depths of his chest became hot.

Although he had done this act to her many times before, Yoichi’s heart started beating faster and faster, as if he were a virgin boy feeling a woman’s genitals for the first time.

And so he dipped his finger into the crack, which had already loosened and opened.


Feeling Misato’s breath escape with a short moan, Yoichi enjoyed the sensation of the hot walls of flesh stickily entwining his fingers.

It wasn’t long before he began to knead and rub the flesh, starting with the shallow areas.

“Aaaaah! Ahhh, aahh, aahhnn… mmmm… mmmhh…!”

After confirming the familiar feel of the wet insides with his fingers, Yoichi began to attack Misato relentlessly from that point on.

He licked her nipples, rubbed her breasts, and teased her private parts.

While being attacked in all three places at the same time, Misato also continued to rub Yoichi’s cock and continued to engaged each other in this way.

Then, Yoichi looked up.

There, he saw Misato, also looking at him through her glasses.

Their eyes met.

Needless to say, they stopped whatever they were doing.



They laughed at each other without saying a word.

Then, as if in a gesture of goodwill, they separated.

From there, they took off all their half-removed clothes and became completely naked.

Without any instructions or requests, Yoichi rolled over onto his back.

Misato lay on top of him, her bottom on his face.

Just like that, they were now in a sixty-nine position.

And Misato was the first to act.

“Haamu… njurpp… mlem… slurp… mmhh! Mlem…”

“Mmguh… slurp… mlem…”

As soon as they were in place, Misato took the meat stick that had been placed in front of her.

Then she swallowed it deep into her mouth.

Meanwhile, Yoichi spread Misato’s light brown petals, which were just above her face, with both hands.

Then he stuck his tongue into the exposed cherry-red inner flesh.

Misato felt the sensation of his tongue, but she thought it wasn’t enough.

So she pushed her crotch even deeper until the tip of Yoichi’s tongue reached the end of her opening.

Of course, she didn’t forget to do the same with Yoichi’s member, swallowing the thing even deeper.

She continued until his glans blocked the back of her throat.

“Slurrp, sluurpp… mlem… mmmh, mmh… nnnnh…!”


These little movements gave Yoichi plenty of stimulation and even made him moan a little.

But that wasn’t enough for Misato.

So she began to wrap her tongue around the entire shaft as well.

And at the base, she tightened and squeezed with her slightly parted lips.

Repeating these motions, Misato continued to stimulate the fleshy pole in this manner relentlessly.


Though from time to time, she would also shudder at the gentle pleasure of his tongue plunging into her vulva and licking her fleshy lining.

――Splurrruururut! Blurrururt…!! Splurururut!!

After some time of attacking each other’s genitals with their mouths, they finally reach their limits.

“Ooggh… mmmgh… ngulp… slurrrup… slurup, slurp……!!”

A lot of Yoichi’s sperm came out, but Misato drank it all and even sucked up what was left in the urethra.

All this while she reached her own climax, her hips trembling in front of Yoichi’s face.

“Uaah… kuh…”

Meanwhile, Yoichi, unable to stand the pleasure of having his dick sucked, arched back and moaned.

He also ended up pulling his face away from Misato’s crotch, causing Misato, who had the meat stick out of her throat, to breathe in and out roughly for a while.

“Nhaaa… haaa… haaa…”

The fleshy insides that had been constantly kneaded were hot and wet as if they were melting, and the vulva that had been pried open by his tongue was fully agape, opening and closing slightly in response to her breathing.


After her breathing had calmed down a little, Misato stood up.

Then she placed her hands on the bed and got down on her knees, sticking her rear end out.

When Yoichi made sure that Misato’s weight was no longer on him, he rose and followed suit, positioning himself behind her butt.

As for his meat stick, which had shrunk a bit after his ejaculation, it had already regained some of its hardness.


The tip made contact with the crevasse.

The thick wet petals on the crevasse engulfed the tip in turn.

Now that he has reached this point, unnecessary thoughts have already disappeared from his mind.

Or rather, the only thing that fills Yoichi’s mind right now is the desire to share pleasure with the love of his life right in front of him.


Following his instincts and emotions, he slowly pushes his hips forward and sloppily inserts the rod.

The rod, which is surrounded by moist and wet mucus, reaches the innermost part.

Meanwhile, Misato’s vaginal canal, which had accepted Yoichi, twists happily around the rod, partly because of the arrival of the thing she had been waiting for.

The wet membranes tangled with the penis begin to throb and squeeze, as if the walls themselves are pleased with the insertion, which pleases Yoichi even more, who is at the receiving end.

“Aaah… nhhu… mmmhmmmh… ahh ahha aaahh aaaaahh!”

Yoichi grabs Misato’s buttocks and moves his hips back and forth.

At first, he moved in and out slowly, enjoying the feel of the intertwining walls of flesh, but soon, he couldn’t hold back anymore, and the pace of his strokes quickened.

He rubbed and rubbed the insides of the intricately tangled vase of flesh, all the while keeping his thrusts to the innermost part with his tip.

“Nhaaaan! Aahh! Aaaaaaaaahhh!!”

While being poked from behind, Misato would sometimes turn her face backward and give him a wistful look from behind her glasses.

The expression on her face would cause Yoichi’s chest to tighten and his rod to throb at the same time.

Was it that Yoichi’s meat stick had grown a size? Was it Misato’s vagina tightening?

Or was it both?

Either way, Yoichi didn’t bother to think about the cause and just kept slamming his hips loudly and repeatedly against Misato’s buttocks.

――Pak, pak, pak, pak, pak.

The vibrations and thrusts were so strong that they made Misato tremble and gasp, and love fluids spurted from their connection.

The two continued to stimulate each other in this way.

And after a while, they climaxed at the same time.

Sensing his limit, Yoichi withdrew his hips and pulled the rod out completely.

Then he pushed it back in with a powerful thrust, penetrating to the deepest part of Misato’s pussy.


――Splururururut! Blururururt!! Splururut, splururut, spluurt!


Misato shudders at the pulsation of the ejaculation as she receives the seed in her depths, causing her mouth to open sloppily.

This also causes some of her saliva to leak out of her mouth – the same mouth that gave Yoichi an intense blowjob earlier – as her body stiffens with her eyes half open.

But that’s not all.

Misato’s tight vagina also clamps down mercilessly on the rod, trying to squeeze it as hard as it can, as if it wanted to squeeze out every last drop of his cum.

It was so tight that when Yoichi tried to pull out his fleshy rod, which still retained some of its hardness, the tip of it got caught in the vulva.

Nevertheless, Yoichi still pulled it out.

“Hiiee…!! Nhaaa… haaa… haaa…”

The moment it was pulled out, Misato shuddered and gasped briefly.

Semen surged from the depths of her vaginal opening, which was yet about to close and overflowed with a loud splash.

Some of it ran down her inner thighs, while the rest was drawn by gravity and dripped down, staining the bed.


Exhaling heavily, Yoichi dropped to his buttocks and put his hands behind his back.

His cock was covered in love juice and semen, making it slick and shiny.

It also throbbed from time to time as if it was still enjoying the afterglow of ejaculation.

“Mmm… fuhh…”

Meanwhile, on the other side, Misato also shuddered a few times in the aftermath of her climax.

Then, after a few minutes, she raised her body a little lazily, turned around, and staggered over to Yoichi.

“Phew… mmh… ahh…”

There, she straddled Yoichi, who was now sitting cross-legged with his hands behind his back and lowered her hips.

Of course, Yoichi’s side didn’t remain unresponsive.

As soon as he saw the orifice approaching, his rod immediately regained its firmness and erected itself as if it were a piece of machinery.

And as if with perfect timing, this erection caused the tip of his glans to get caught in the sinking vaginal opening, still dripping with fluids from their earlier act.


Just like that, the vaginal canal accepted the cock, which had not yet fully regained its hardness.

The second round of penetration was complete.

It was soft and smooth and without any resistance.

“Nnh… ahhh, aahhh, ahhhhhh…!”

Misato, having sucked the penis to the base, began to move her hips up and down.

While holding on to Yoichi and supporting her body, she felt his semi-erect flesh rod – now encased in her vaginal flesh – finally regain its original hardness.

Meanwhile, Yoichi, who had been holding his hands behind his back, took the opportunity to try something.

From the gap created by the insertion, he lifted his body and wrapped his arms around Misato’s back.

Then, after hugging her tightly, he pressed his lips to hers and entwined his tongue inside.

“Nhaaaa! Mmmh, aahmm! Nchuu… mlemm…!”

With their sweaty skin in close contact, they devoured each other’s tongues, feeling each other’s body temperature and heartbeat.

Then, as they held each other tightly, as if to tell his partner that he’d never let her go again, Yoichi began to thrust his cock in and out once more.

He kept moving his hips in this way, and soon the translucent mucus that was being scraped from inside Misato’s vagina formed a white foam in his shaft.

This caused the penetration to make loud and nasty sounds as the fluids were rubbed over and over again.

“Mmmm… jupp… mlem… nhaaa, ahhh! Hammu…!”

Muffled gasps and the sound of water echoed in the spacious bedroom, and the sweet, sour, and slightly bitter smell of a mixture of all kinds of bodily fluids – that is, sweat pouring from their entire bodies, saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths, love juice and semen overflowing from their joined parts – filled the large basement air.

Nevertheless, the two lovers continued to rub their genitals together, embracing each other as if to express their desire for each other and also to confirm each other’s existence.

But soon, they reached their limits.

“Nmmm, nnnh… nhaaa! Aaahh, aaaahh!! Yohh… iichiiiiihh…!”

For the first time since they had begun their lovemaking, Misato, who had not uttered a single word up to that point, only panting, called out Yoichi’s name.

“Mmmm, nnnhhh…! Yoichi, I love you…!”

These were words that had been said many times before.

But this time, for some reason, those familiar words pierced deep into Yoichi’s chest.

Accordingly, the blood pumped out of his heart leaped and flowed into his penis, which was wrapped in Misato’s orifice, causing its hardness to increase almost dramatically.

“I love you too, Misato!”


Misato’s vagina squeezed, perhaps in response to these words.

“Ahh, I’m so happy, Yoichiih… please, do it more…!”

“Oh, I’ll do it as often as you want! Again and again! Like this, and this! And I’ll fill you with my seed until you’re full to the brim, Misato!”

“Ahaaamm! Yeshh!! Let it out! Fill my belly with your baby seed, Yoichiiiih!”


――Splururut! Splururut! Blurururut! Blurururut blururururut…!!

“Ahhhhhh! It’s filling me… I’m being filled with Yoichi’s cum!!”

Yoichi ejaculated, and Misato, who was being flooded with cum, also reached a climax.

The rod pulsed inside her vagina, and each time it throbbed, a large amount of cum was released.

Misato’s body shook in time with the pulsations.

Soon, the sperm that could not be contained in the vagina began to spill out of the junction with a few splashes.

Meanwhile, Yoichi and Misato held each other’s bodies, feeling each other’s heartbeat and body temperature.

The ejaculation soon ended, and it wasn’t until later that the slightly shrunken rod became hard again.

“――!! Yoichi’s hard again… so more… fuck me more… I want more of it, Yoichi… or is it over?”

“Oh, it’s not over yet! There’s even more to come! I’m going to fuck you senseless until you can’t live without my dick, Misato!”

“Yesh! Fuck me, make me unable to live without your cock, Yoichii…!”

As soon as he had regained some hardness, Yoichi began to thrust his hips up again, and Misato began to move her body up and down in tandem.

The two continued to make love throughout the night, making watery sounds and flooding each other with cum as they continued to seek each other’s renewed love.

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