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Finale – The Priestess’s Execution VII

“Well then… Doing what you say is our motto… and with that, I will kill you all… as I have foretold.”

Despite her hoarse voice, the people panicked again.

Originally, the power of the priestess alone would have been enough to kill all these people at once. But now the situation is much worse because it was the demon lord, and that the demon lord is very angry.

What I mean is, the priestess could show mercy and still be stopped.

But the demon lord can’t be persuaded or stopped. In fact, she might even take pleasure in seeing them beg for their lives.

So they are more afraid of the demon lord than the priestess, even though they are the same powerful beings.

It’s amazing how people can change the way they treat you when their lives are at stake.

But that’s how it is.

But the distraction is an opportunity to escape. They are too scared now to bother with us.

I crawled through the gaps between their legs.


The priestess was lying on the ground like a rag.

“Let’s get out of here.”

“You… lowly person… don’t do this recklessness again… you’re weak…”

I’m a bit annoyed by her comment, thinking to myself, is that all you’re going to say after all I’ve gone through to get you? But I decided to shut my trap and start crawling again with her in my arms.

Before, escape was jumping over people, but now it was crawling under them.

Maybe I’m tooting my own horn, but isn’t the vividness of our ways of escaping a bit impressive?

As I pondered this, the crowd began to murmur again.

I was frightened, thinking they had found me, but it seemed they had not.

“What’s going on?”

“The demon lord has fallen.”

“So it’s a draw with the hero?”

In other words, the hero fell first, but the demon lord also lost her strength by a time difference.

It was a double knockout.

For a moment, the square was filled with cheers, but they soon died down.

“Citizens of Andersen! May I ask how everyone is faring?”

That voice filled with sarcasm… it is definitely the secretary of the demon lord.

“Today, there is an event where we have witnessed a battle between the hero and the demon lord. And the result is a draw. But can we agree that this was a duel between the two parties alone, agreed by these two parties alone, and that there is no involvement between Andersen and Newland on this?”

The secretary’s words were polite, but her tone was coercive, no matter which way you looked at it.

Of course, the people protested, but “If you do not agree, I will kill you all on behalf of the demon lord.” they were quickly silenced by these words.

Or rather, the secretary was not supposed to have such power, so this was nothing more than a bluff.

But what a deceitful woman she was.

“Now that we have an agreement. We will take the demon lord with us. Good day to you all.”

Then, the whole area was enveloped in darkness, so much so that you could feel it even if you were crawling on the ground.

But it was only for a moment, and soon the light returned, and the twelve o’clock bell rang like a blessing.

T-t-the demon lord and the others are gone!”

“Well, that’s good, isn’t it? The government and the church will do something about it.”

“By the way, it’s time for the execution. Where’s the priestess?”

Where are we now, you ask?

Well, with all the commotion in the background, the priestess and I took this opportunity to crawl out of the square and run deep into the nearest deserted alley.


After leaving the square, I ran through the gaps between the buildings, carrying the priestess on my back.

“Uuu, hiic, hic…”

“Hey, Priestess. What’s wrong?”

The priestess was sobbing on my back.

“I’m sorry… because of me, you…”

“What are you talking about? You didn’t do anything wrong, priestess.”

Yes. Although the priestess blamed herself, it was I who was the one who went out of my way to do something reckless when I should have just let it go and gone home.

Which means that I am the one who should take the blame for this stupid stunt.

“No, it’s not that… it’s because… I don’t have breasts big enough to press against your back… so even though you’re carrying me, you must find it lacking…”

“…what are you talking about?”

“Surely that’s what a man like you must think when he’s carrying a beautiful girl on his back, ‘whoa, tits! Her tits are pressing against my back!’ But with this poor size on mine, you must have felt disappointed. That your exuberant expectations cannot be fulfilled… Hic, hic…”

Woah… she even changed her tone perfectly to match a perverted old man on that line… but apparently, that was a habit I taught her in the past, so rather than feeling disappointed, I’m feeling guilty.

Anyway, I’m glad the priestess is well. At least well enough to make jokes about us.

But I was wrong.

As I turned, I looked over my shoulder again, and this time, I saw the priestess shedding real tears.

Tears like rain fell from her sharp eyes and onto the silver hair stuck to her innocent cheeks.

It seems that she was not joking but crying seriously.

“It’s all right, Miss Priestess. Don’t cry.”

“But, but…”

“It’s all right! Actually, your tits are perfect against my back! I’m fine.”


“Your breasts aren’t as bad as you say. When I walk, I can feel the softness under my shoulder blades, like, you know, a sort of squishy feeling.”


“Yes. I’m renowned for my honesty.”

“In that case, eii!”

“What are you doing!?”

The priestess, who had been a bit of a piggyback rider so far, quickly wrapped her hands in front of me and hugged me tightly.

“Ahh, haa, haaa… if I do it like this, you’ll not only feel its softness more, but you’ll also feel warmer. Then you will like it even more… ehehe~”

The priestess rests her chin on my shoulder and smiles like a sunflower.

Her smile, which I hadn’t seen in a very, very long time, made me feel very young.

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