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Side Story – The Church Priestess IV


The female warrior’s breasts were ideally curved, like a sculpture.

They were full of life and vigor, and became especially more so as the merchant sucked on her pale pink nipples.

And whenever the merchant would lick on the female warrior’s naked body, she would consciously or sub-consciously respond to his sucking, making her body dance with a lustrous glow.

“Um, Miss Priestess?”

“What is it?”

“You’re too close.”

Oh, no. I was so engrossed in the scene that I unconsciously peered into it in a devouring manner.

Aaah, my face is so hot.

I could have been misinterpreted as a slut.

“It’s just your imagination. Please don’t mind me, and keep doing what you’re doing.”

I wonder if he noticed that my underwear was already, as the saying goes, ‘soaked’. Was it the noise or the smell? No, I can’t have that. That’s not good.

Why is that?

Because it’s embarrassing…

Soon after, however, his gaze returned to the naked body of the female warrior.

On the one hand, I was relieved, but on the other, I also felt empty and lonely, as if a lonely wind was blowing in my chest.

It was a strange feeling, even for me.

“Miss Priestess!”

“What is it?”

I answer bravely, only to realize that his face is already in front of me.

My heart skipped a beat, for he was so close that our lips almost touched.

“What kind of line should a girl say in a situation like this? Could you please tell me? Of course, you may also answer in general terms.”

Oh dear, this again.

You’re an erotic merchant, so why don’t you at least come up with your own erotic dialogue, like the erotic merchant you are?

I don’t want you to depend on me for everything.

Because of this dissatisfaction, I have come up with a plan.

“In general. Is that it? Then ‘I want your cock in my pussy♥’ should be a good start, shouldn’t it?”

This is a passage from the memory of a porn book I used to recite with him.

I thought that even if he didn’t remember me, he should at least remember the porn book since more than 80% of his mind is occupied with perverted thoughts.


But now it seemed that he was ten percent preoccupied with the idea of his male genitals slamming into the blossoming female genitals of the warrior, and I was not able to get the answer I wanted.

I could not hide my disappointment.

However, my curiosity was still piqued as their sexual activity was still in full swing.

I sent a so-called ‘yell’ to the merchant, who was about to climax, unable to take my eyes off the beauty of the mating.

The beauty was not so much in what they had in their possession but in the whole of their intercourse, which was full of sexual pleasure and physical dynamism.

The merchant’s skillful verbal assault on the female warrior also made it seem as if he had a one-sided grip on the situation, but I knew this was not the case.

In the first place, it was the female warrior’s firm body and large breasts that had inadvertently taken over his sexual consciousness, forcing him to utter nasty words in order to gain an edge and even more pleasure altogether.

Either way, the sight of the two of them engaged in a genital slamming match, and the way their skin gradually reflected the purple sky as the sun began to set, it made me forget all the dullness of the world, at least in this moment.


The merchant, who had finally finished what is known as a ‘raw cumshot’ inside the female warrior, languidly lit a cigarette.

After having shaken his hips for so long, he must have been exhausted.

But then again, it’s his fault for putting too much enthusiasm into it just because it felt good.

Even a monkey who has learned to masturbate should have a little more moderation.

In other words, he’s become a real pain in the ass now.

“Well then. The sun is setting, so I think it’s time for me to go.”

Saying this, the merchant stands up.

“By the way, you’re going back to Andersen, aren’t you? You can take a ride in my carriage if you like.”


“Don’t be shy. It’s just a side trip.”

“Then I’ll be in your care…”

I replied nonchalantly, but I was not at peace with my feelings.

Because riding in a carriage with two people, a man, and a woman, is what people call a ‘drive date’.

Yes. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a so-called ‘date’.

“After you.”

“U-umu. It’s a nice carriage, isn’t it?”

I sit down next to the merchant who is driving the horse.

“Hold on tight.”

“Ah. Okay.”

It was already dark. The silvery moon was shining brightly, illuminating the streets.

Sometimes, his shoulders would touch me as the carriage lurched over the cobbles, and each time, I almost screamed. The distance was so close I could feel his breath, his scent, even his body temperature.

“Hey, priestess.”

Just as I fear he might hear the sound of my own heartbeat, he speaks to me.

“What is it?”

I’d never been in a carriage with a man before, so I didn’t know what to say in a situation like this. So I must admit I was relieved when he spoke to me.

Was he going to read me a romantic poem, or was he going to give me a perverted ‘pick up line’?

“Um, is it really true that once the duel application is submitted, its contents must be strictly enforced, even if both parties agree to annul the application afterward?”


“Of course. Isn’t that only natural? It’s not like I had thoughts like, ‘I wonder what it’s like to have sex. I want to see it live!’ Absolutely not! I have never lied out of curiosity!”

Oh no. I’ve done it, me!

This is saying: “What’s sex like? I want to see it live. So I just lied out of curiosity,” right in his face!

“Isn’t that right? Miss Priestess is a very grateful person who serves God. You would never lie and make that female warrior lose her virginity just to satisfy your curiosity, would you?”

“Oh, of course not.”

“Then this is also fate. You see, I’m planning to visit Miss Priestess’ church in the near future. I think it would make us both happy if you could make various arrangements for me when I need them. After all, priestesses like you, who are dedicated and honest in their work, are not a dime a dozen. Don’t you think so, Miss Honest Priestess?”

He smiles as he says this to me.

“O-okay. I understand.”

Gu, who do you think I lied for? This man is really…

No, wait. Isn’t this a chance to start off as friends?

Besides, if push comes to shove, I could choose to lock him up in the basement of the cathedral and love him there for the rest of his life.

Yes. Life is all about perspective.

So, I decided to look on the bright side.


The carriage of the cigarette-smoking merchant, who was bursting with energy from the ‘feeling of penetrating a girl who doesn’t like it’, finally arrives at the gates of Andersen’s Castle.

Here, I had an epiphany.

If I were to go back to the cathedral now, I would run the risk of seeing Sister, who is still angry with me.

“This place is good. You can drop me here.”

So I got out of the carriage quickly.

“We are still outside the city walls. Is that okay?”

“I still have business outside the walls. Anyway, thanks for the ride.”

With that, I bowed to him and left.

Now, then. Let’s make full use of what I’ve observed today and get on with our material!

Thinking this, I skip outside the city walls, planning to stay at the Doujin Shunpon bookshop until the sister’s anger subsides.

“Priestess! Priestess!”

At that moment, the merchant shouts from behind me, and I turn my head to see what’s going on.

There he is, smiling broadly, waving his hand theatrically.

Then I heard these words.

“I hope to see you soon~!”

Along with the scent of golden osmanthus in the surroundings, I felt my heart leap in my chest.

This was much better than ten years ago, when I was bathed with frustration when he didn’t even bid me a proper farewell.

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