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Side Story – The Church Priestess I

I am a priestess of the State Church of Andersen.

And as a priestess of the State Church, I must pray for the peace of the people and give them salvation.

But the weight of it all is on my shoulders, so sometimes I would find myself in a slump.

To sum it up, I can’t seem to get my pen moving.

But I mustn’t.

Because I have to write a shunpon(porn book) that will give passion and hope to young people who are bored with their daily lives…

“Miss Priestess.”

With a knock, I heard a woman’s voice that scared me to death.

I hastily put paper, pen, and ink in my desk drawer.


As I replied, the door to the room opened, and the sister’s soft smile peeked out of it.

“Excuse me… Oh dear, is something wrong, Miss Priestess?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Your forehead is sweating.”

“I-it’s a bit hot.”

“Are you writing something dodgy again?”

“No. H-how can that be?”

There is a hint of madness in the sister’s smile, so I hastily deny it.

Partly because it already became one of the cathedral’s dark histories when she discovered one of the manuscripts for the shunpon I was working on, and she turned the holy place of God into a scene of carnage in a single day.

“I hope that’s the case,”

she says, still suspicious.

Can she at least trust me a little?

“By the way, why did you come here?”

“Oh, that. I almost forgot. You have a visitor, Miss Priestess.”

A visitor?

I thought the deadline for the printing presses was still a while away.

“What kind of visitor?”

“A kind of strange person. She’s a woman, but she’s dressed like a warrior, and she carries a sword as big as her height…”

“Hmm, a dangerous woman by the looks of it. What about the children in the choir?”

“None are present at the moment.”

“None? Then you stay back, just in case. It might be some kind of robbery.”

I went into the reception room, and sure enough, there was the strange-looking woman, and she was already sitting on the sofa. She had big things in possession, just as the sister had said.

But that was mainly her boobs.

“What do you want?”

Slightly unnerved by this, braced myself and asked.

Only then did the woman turn her pretty, doll-like face towards me.

“You must be the priestess. I have a small favor to ask.”

“Irritating and rude. And with such huge tits on top of that.”

“Huge tits?”

“No, it’s nothing. So, what do you want?”

“I need you to be a notary witness.”

I cocked my head. It is true that the work of a notary witness is done by those in the priesthood, but they usually go to the ordinary churches of the state church, and I had never seen anyone come to this cathedral for this reason, even on a whim.

“Go to another ordinary church. I am busy.”

And I’m also on deadline at the printing press.

“Not so fast. You see, I don’t have any more time too look elsewhere. Besides, you’re the greatest priestess in the country, aren’t you? At least that’s what * heard. I’d rather have someone great do it than ask those mediocre ones”.

What a selfish woman.

“If you don’t leave, I’ll throw you out by force!”

“By force, I’m all for that. We’ll get you out by force too!”

She’s a stupid woman. Let’s get rid of the frustration of not making any progress on the manuscript by beating her to a pulp.

Fuhahaha. Witness the release of this magical power!

I poured enough magic into my right hand to defeat the woman and tried to release it.

But just then, I was interrupted.



“What is it? I told you to stay back…”

After saying all that, I froze.

The sister was holding the Shunpon manuscript, the fruit of my blood and tears.

Her calm expression had changed to that of an evil demoness, and her eyes were full of the ruinous and destructive intentions from the era of chaos that was depicted in the holy scriptures.

“Haw-haw-haw-hooow filthy!”

Her angry cries seem to spell the end.

“Oh, woman. You need a notary witness, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do, but you seem to be in the middle of something, so I guess I’ll have to find someone else-”

“No, I’ll do it. The role of the notary witness. It’s an important job. Let’s go. Let’s go now. Let’s go right now.”

I took the hand of a woman dressed as a warrior and left the cathedral as if leaving the scene of a fire.

“Wait! Priesteeeeess!!”

The sister who was shouting and chasing in the background hardly seemed human, but, well, at my speed, I would escape without difficulty.

However, the bureaucrats from the nearby government offices should be on their way home at this timing.

Upon witnessing such a scene, they would surely be mortified by her behavior.

And this will certainly cast a shadow over our neighborly relations in the future.

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