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Chapter 8 – Bully Girl, V

“You know, this girl, she used to be a classmate of mine at the Academy.”

“Hmm? Did you say ‘used to be’? Is there something about this girl?”

“Yeah, there is. It’s like this, her family’s business went bankrupt, so she couldn’t attend the academy anymore.”

The girl starts to make up a plausible story, although I don’t understand what it is.

“On top of that, she got into debt and was about to be kidnapped by a peddler when I came to her rescue.”

Wow! Quite an eventful life I have.

“I see… you’ve been through a lot.”

The father comes over and pats me on the shoulder with a solemn look on his face.

“It’s okay. I was saved, so I was unharmed.”

I went along with the girl’s excuse.

For some reason, the father began to shed tears relentlessly while muttering something.

He’s a very emotional person, isn’t he?

“So what I mean is… can we let her live with us?”

The girl asked quickly, taking advantage of the situation.

“I don’t mind, but I’m not sure what your mother would say if I just let her live here for free. Hmm, how about this? One of the live-in housekeepers just got married and quit. How about replacing her?”

Housekeeper? Wouldn’t that make me a maid?

“That’s a great idea! As expected from Daddy!”

“H-hey, wait a minute. Can you really decide like that?”

“Don’t worry. Our maid’s uniforms are very pretty.”

No, that’s not what I’m talking about. Or rather, this is the best time to confess that I’m actually a man!

“Oh, Dad. This is completely unrelated, but what would you do if you saw a boy in my room?”

“I’d beat the hell out of him.”

Who the hell is this guy? In an instant, his calm demeanor turns into a monster-like…

“Well, what if the boy was a cross-dresser and was wearing my underwear or something? What would you do?”

“I would hit him and then kick him. In other words, kill him.”

From that point on, it was settled. From today onwards, I’m going to live as a maid.


Being a maid is a hard job.

It forces you to put aside any cute or naughty traits and attitudes you may have for the time being.

Then you are tasked with menial tasks such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, serving tea, and various other duties, and you are expected to perform them in a refined and polite manner.

These so-called women’s jobs are monotonous, but they are not easy.

And they must be done intermittently because they are essential to life.

That is why it occurred to me that women are much more important beings than men.

Although we are the same beings with a mind and a soul, there will always be significant differences between us, such as physical attributes, constitution, skeletal structure, and the like, so it’s only natural that there are differences in the way we tend to grow.

What I mean is that if women were to stop being women in general, most of the men in the world would have no choice but to change roles and adapt, even though it would cause utter confusion at first.

They would have to feminize their manners, their bodies, and their souls. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs as a new “woman”.

And although I am ashamed to say it, I did it well.

That even as a man, I was able to do these monotonous tasks of a woman – tasks that cannot be done with a man’s attitude.

This proves my point above that men and women can switch roles in society, and easily at that.


Time flew fast, and it had been a week since I had lost my memory, since I had started working as a maid in the girl’s mansion.

Having finished breakfast and the laundry, I was resting in one of the maid’s quarters.

I pour hot water into the remaining Earl Grey tea leaves while I read a newspaper to pass the time.

The headlines read in pompous style about the ‘return of the hero’ and the ‘execution date of the priestess confirmed’, but I couldn’t understand half of them.

Well, even though such stories shouldn’t concern me, my consciousness dictated that I should at least know about it, so as not to be left out of the conversation.

“It should be about this time.”

After looking for a while at the litany of words in the newspaper, which looked like ant trails, I got up with my basket.

This is to collect the sheets that have been hung out to dry today.

As I walked out the back door, I felt refreshed by the fluttering of the pure white sheets under the clear blue sky.

However, as I was about to look back, I suddenly felt a kind of inability to turn around.

For if I did, I would see my reflection in the glass door of the mansion.

That reflection was the image of a beautiful maid.

My one-piece maid’s uniform is one of those mini-skirt types that emphasizes cuteness over practicality, with matching garter belts that hooked the stockings, giving a glimpse of my thighs above my knees.

And because I was wearing a petticoat inside, the skirt billowed out, giving the illusion of a feminine waist.

The fluttering little white apron was pretty, and the apricot ribbon on the blouse underneath had a neat design.

There was also a bulge on my chest above the ribbon. This was because I was wearing a padded bra.

The fullness of my ‘breasts’ and the tightness of the bra went well together as if to deny that I was a man altogether.

As for the sleeves of the blouse, they are softly puffed up from the shoulders and cinched over the arms.

For my hair, it was the same natural look, but now with a maid’s headband to give it a different vibe.

From the other person’s point of view, the way I held my basket under my arm, the way I looked, and the gestures I made, all looked like that of a dainty girl, no matter which angle you looked at it from.

But I am a man.

Well, I should be a man.

But to be honest, I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do anymore.

But I had no choice but to do it this way.

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