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Chapter 7 – Seeking an Apology 1


Good Lord. Last night was a hell of an ordeal…

After Iris and Carla left, I took a shower, went straight to bed, and slept like a log.

In the morning, as usual, I went to work at the Adventurers’ Guild and sat down at the reception desk to deal with the adventurers.

I was not physically tired, but mentally I was terribly drained.

This was noticeable to those around me, as female adventurers often approached me today.

“Ryou, you seem depressed today. Has something happened?”

“If you’re having a bad day, would you like to go out for a drink after work? My treat!”

“Ah, that’s cheating! I’ll buy you a few too. What would you like, Ryou?”

“Thanks, but your concern is enough. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

I thank them with a wry smile, knowing their ulterior motives.

However, for some reason, I feel that the women of this world are generally very eager to be ‘men’, even to a man of a parallel world like myself.

Then again, in my original world, the pickup line from a man to a woman was also somewhat like this.

I wonder. When a girl is picked up by a man, does she feel like this?

“You’re too obvious with your ulterior motives.”

“You say that, but you think yours are better? You’re as transparent as a glass bottle!”

It was something like that.


I feel so ashamed!

As I hung my head in shame, the guildmaster and other staff noticed this and were like, “I knew you are feeling sick today!” it was interpreted like that, so I was allowed to leave early.

I was reluctant, but after what happened yesterday, I didn’t feel like working, so I gratefully accepted.

It’s the first time I’ve ever left work so early at lunchtime.

This would never have happened in my old world.

While thinking like this, I grab my shoulder bag and walk out through the staff entrance.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t even had lunch yet. Never mind. I’ll just buy what I see on the way…”

From the guild alley, I walk along the brick road toward the main road.

It was then that a familiar figure approached from the other side of the main road.

Slender build and silvery hair.

The tips of her pointed ears peeking out through her hair.

“Miss Iris?”

“Thank you for yesterday, Mr. Ryou.”

She stepped in front of me and bowed deeply.

This time she used a formal tone with me.

“You finished work early today. Is something the matter?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. They just let me leave early today.”

“Is that so? Then that’s good. If we hadn’t passed each other, I might have missed the chance to meet you.”

Wait. Iris came to see me today?

Well, nine times out of ten, it was probably because of what happened yesterday.

While I was wondering what to do, I suddenly realized that the eyes of the people around us were focused on us.

On closer inspection, passers-by were frowning at Iris and saying things like “Oh no, it’s the elf” and “Maybe that man is being forced to talk to her? “Maybe we should call the Town Watch,” they say.

Not good. We shouldn’t talk like this outside anymore.

“Well, as you can see… let’s get on with it, shall we? By the way, have you had lunch, Miss Iris?”

“N-no, not yet.”

“Then let’s get something to eat.”

I could have bought something and gone home, but as expected, I didn’t have the courage to invite Iris back to my place after yesterday’s incident.

Sigh. As expected, it’s hard to act like a shameless bitch even though I’m already in a parallel world.

The restaurant Iris and I went to was a noodle shop on the corner of the main street.

Iris, being an elf, could probably find something on the menu that she could eat if it was pasta-related.

I asked the waitress to take me to a seat at the back of the restaurant where I could place my order without being seen by many people.

At that moment, the waitress smiled at me and patted me on the back with one hand.

It must be quite an exciting situation to be treated like that by a woman, but it’s a shame because the waitress was a lizard-like beastfolk.

The only thing I can think of when she smiles at me with her teeth bared is that she’s saying, “Here you go. I’m going to dine YOU later.”

“Thanks for yesterday, Mr. Ryou.”

After the lizardwoman waitress left, Iris bent down and bowed to me.

“Yesterday, you deliberately said that to mediate between me and Carla.”

“Ah… so you knew all along?”

“Of course I did.”

As I said this, scratching my head raggedly, Iris smiled giggly.

“Well… how are you and Carla after that?”

“Carla seemed a bit upset at the time, but she cooled down after a while. We made up this morning, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“I see. Then I’m glad.”

I’m relieved at last. I’ve been worried since last night.

“I’m really glad it didn’t get to the point where you two got on the wrong side of each other.”

“It’s all thanks to you… It’s still a bit awkward, but I’m sure she’ll be able to talk to me normally after a while.”

But for someone who says that, Iris’ complexion is not as bright as it was yesterday, and she seems a little more sullen.

So there’s still something wrong?

“Um… maybe Carla is still mad at me?”

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